Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 496 Guilty of being a thief, private interview?

Chapter 496 Guilty of being a thief, private interview?
As for what 'evil' she did, Su Yun was too embarrassed to say.

She was actually very puzzled, how could Xiao Lin's energy be so good, isn't he tired?I have to work and deal with a lot of things during the day, and I have to get up in the middle of the night to change the child's diaper and make milk powder, and before going to bed, I can still... Hmm, I just toss Su Yun repeatedly. Is this the benefit of being a soldier?
Su Yun didn't understand.

There is no need for her to understand, because her man will prove to her personally that his physical strength is as good as ever.

Just like it is now, he just came out of the bathroom and walked to her side, making sure that her hair was completely dry, and then turned off the light.

"Daughter-in-law, it's getting late, let's go to bed early."

There was the sound of undressing in the room with the lights off, and then it was Xiao Lin's favorite part of the day...


When many of them fell into a deep sleep, Liu Meizhu tossed and turned in the staff dormitory of the Yunji Food Factory in Baiwan Village, unable to fall asleep.

Zhao Cheng beside her was already snoring and fell asleep.

Since they worked in the food factory, they have been doing physical work every day. It is not very tiring but it is not easy, and they are worthy of their wages.

Liu Meizhu has been thinking that after the official production of the food factory, she and Zhao Cheng's jobs may change, and the salary can be raised again.Unexpectedly, the food factory was opened and many workers were recruited, but she and Zhao Cheng still did the most basic work.

Not even a group leader.

The salary has also changed from 70 yuan to 45 yuan...

This made Liu Meizhu very unbalanced, secretly cursing Su Yun in her heart for not being able to do things.Of course, this is not the reason why she tossed and turned and couldn't sleep tonight. It was because she hid 200 yuan under the bed.

I thought that when that person found her in the afternoon, he gave her 200 yuan, saying that as long as he worked for him in the future, he would give her 200 yuan every month.

200 yuan, this is 200 yuan.

She and Zhao Cheng both earn less than 200 yuan a month. To them, [-] yuan means that they can earn it for two months without eating or drinking.Of course, Liu Meizhu is also a person with a brain, and she would not believe that such a good thing as a pie in the sky.

She looks at the young man who gave her the money and asks what his purpose is.

Unexpectedly, the other party just smiled, "Sister, don't worry, I won't let you do murder and arson, and I won't do anything that is not good for you. I just happen to have a lot of money, and then I saw my sister's eyes closed, and I want to be with you." Big Sister is just making a deal."

"What deal?"

"I haven't thought of it now, maybe I will think about it in a few months. But sister, don't worry, I will send you money on time every month. You are a smart person, and smart people should not refuse this 200 yuan Yuan money."

The other party smiled and spoke to her.

Liu Meizhu was indeed tempted. Although she didn't show it too much, the best proof was that she didn't return the 200 yuan in her hand to the young man.

The man smiled and made an agreement with Liu Meizhu to give the money next month, then turned around and left.

Liu Meizhu returned to the dormitory with 200 yuan, and hid the money under the bed. There was a huge sum of money hidden under the bed, and she could get so much money every month. How could Liu Meizhu sleep?

She was afraid that if she fell asleep, someone would steal her money, what should she do?
Liu Meizhu has decided not to sleep tonight...

The next day, Liu Meizhu got up late.Zhao Cheng, who had already woken up first, saw Liu Meizhu who was still snoring. He frowned and walked over to push Liu Meizhu, "Get up, you won't have time for breakfast when it's time for work."

"What's for breakfast?"

Liu Meizhu opened her eyes. The scarlet eyes with bloodshot eyes and the black and swollen eyeballs under the eye sockets shocked Zhao Cheng.Although he didn't dislike his daughter-in-law's appearance, it was the first time he saw Liu Meizhu with this appearance.

"Did you go to the village to steal something last night?"

"What? Something was stolen?"

Liu Meizhu couldn't bear to fall asleep until it was almost dawn, so it was as if a ball of paste was stuffed in her head, and she couldn't figure out what happened in reality because of the stickiness.

Zhao Cheng glanced at Liu Meizhu suspiciously, shook his head and left their dormitory first.

Unlike Liu Meizhu, Zhao Cheng has fully adapted to the work intensity of the food factory after working in the food factory for a few months.Although it was indeed difficult at the beginning, after a few months, he has gotten used to it.

Looking at the money sent to him every month, Zhao Cheng felt that all the hard work was worth it.

He went out first to rush to work, Liu Meizhu shook her head, rolled off the bed and crawled under the bed to see if the money she hid yesterday was still there...

Su Yun woke up quite early today, she didn't have breakfast at home, but rushed over to the food factory to have breakfast.Her purpose is to see how the breakfast at the food factory is, whether it is hygienic and whether the portion is sufficient.

It has to be said that Su Yun is a very conscientious boss.Looking around, there are very few bosses who can go to the factory canteen to eat with workers like her.

At this moment, the canteen had just opened, but there was already a long queue, and Su Yun was standing at the back of the queue.

She came here alone today, Xiao Lin Construction Company had a contract to negotiate, so she was sent to the gate of the factory building and left.

As for Gu Jinnian, Su Yun ordered him to take a holiday. During this time, he has been busy and has no time for Zhao Meiyu, who is in confinement.Since Su Yun is free today, let Gu Jinnian rest, and the same goes for her.

As for Xu Wanhao, he hasn't arrived in the factory so soon, so Su Yun can only be there alone.

Many workers were newly recruited. After they entered the factory, they saw more people were Gu Jinnian and Xu Wanhao. They only knew that the two leaders in the factory were very young, but they did not know that the real boss was Su Yun, a lesbian younger than them.

So at this moment, Su Yun is obediently standing at the back of the line, and the workers queuing up for food will only think that this unfamiliar lesbian looks so cute, wondering if it is a new employee from the factory?
Some young gay men who are not married can't help but blush when they see Su Yun's delicate face as white as jade, and they don't know which department this lesbian belongs to?Will it happen to be in the same department as them?
If assigned to a department, how do they greet each other?
As the saying goes, young girls Huaichun, this young unmarried gay man can't help but think wildly when he sees a beautiful lesbian. This is human nature, and it is not too strange.

After all, everyone has a love for beauty.

Su Yun didn't know that the young gay men next to her were wondering if they didn't wear the white shirt they bought last year. The orderly team is very satisfied.

Just when the courageous people wanted to go forward to say hello, a voice rang out first.

"President Su, you are here."

(End of this chapter)

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