Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 498: Turning Faces Faster Than Turning Books

Chapter 498: Turning Faces Faster Than Turning Books

In the white mist after the death of Su Yun in her previous life, she heard a sentence from people in later generations that in the 80s, pigs could fly into the sky.Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is really easy to make money at this time.

It's a pity that she doesn't have enough funds on hand. This is really a very painful problem...

Money, money, she has to go to that place to make money...

Su Yun scratched her hair, feeling so uncomfortable that the fritters in her hand were no longer fragrant.

"Auntie, what are you doing?"

Xu Wanhao was taken aback by Su Yun's actions, "Is the deep-fried dough stick not delicious? Or is the soy milk not sweet?"

Su Yun hummed.

"It shouldn't be. I also ate it in the morning and thought it tasted pretty good. Sure enough, to judge whether a food is delicious, do I need a professional to comment?"

Xu Wanhao said to himself.

Su Yun snapped back to her senses, "Ah Hao, you said that a person who has already owed hundreds of thousands of loans, can he go to the bank for another loan?"

The two were not thinking the same thing at all.Xu Wanhao blinked, Su Yun was already lost in her own thoughts.She thought about what else she could continue to mortgage.

The three babies did have three courtyards donated by their grandfather, but she definitely couldn't take them as mortgages.And she still has some small yellow croakers and a face that the old lady gave to her before, and they are not things that can be exchanged for money.

Although the current price of small yellow croakers is a bit higher than before, Su Yun doesn't want to touch them before the end of the mountain.The things left by the ancestors become more valuable the longer they are kept.

Still have to get money from the current factory.

Also, the pedestrian street on her side is about to attract investment, and it needs a lot of money... Thinking about it this way, if you want to start a side business, forget it first.

temporarily stranded.

"Auntie, why don't we find someone to invest? Everyone, you contribute a little money and I will contribute a little money to set up a shipping company together? When the time comes, we will share the money together?"

Xu Wanhao didn't know that Su Yun had temporarily shelved this plan, and he was still seriously thinking about this possibility.

Su Yun said, "A ship is not cheap, right? And we can't seem to get it now."

Because the industry at this time is not as developed as later generations, such as ships and cars, it is very difficult for ordinary people to get.

"This is not a problem. I know there is a shipyard in Xiangjiang. As long as you pay enough, they will take your order."

"Well, then you can try."

Su Yun let go.

Xu Wanhao immediately made a list, and the people on the list were all the people he thought capable and able to raise money from them.After making the list, he handed it to Su Yun.

"Auntie, what do you think?"

Su Yun nodded, she knew most of the people above, and her character was trustworthy.

"Go ahead and try it. If you can raise enough money, that's okay. If you don't raise enough money, forget it. Let's focus on making our company bigger and stronger. After a year or two, the company's revenue should be enough to make us economically free."

"Okay, I'll try my aunt's advice."

After Xu Wanhao finished speaking, he had been calling others all morning, and the people he contacted were all willing to pay to buy a boat together. When he called the last person on the list, which was their dear Xu Meifen Ma'am, when he told the reason for his visit, Xu Meifen's sneer came from the other end of the phone.

"Is this what you came up with or your aunt? It must be your brat's idea, right? Do you know how much a boat costs and you want to buy a boat?"

"Do you think this cargo is a small fishing boat? It's impossible to take down a boat without hundreds of thousands."

Xu Meifen went to the Xiangjiang River to play, but she had been on the big boat there. If the boat wanted to hold a lot of things, it had to be very big.And the big boats cost a lot of money, and they are just a few small businesses, and there are not enough people to fill their teeth.

"I said, can't you just work with your aunt well? You think about things all day long, and if you want to eat fat in one go, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Su Yun, who listened clearly from the side, said: ...

It feels like my sister is talking about her.

It's because their thinking is too naive, they can't want everything, and they can't become fat in one go.

Xu Wanhao felt that he could accept being scolded, but his aunt was also being scolded. He was a little worried, afraid that his aunt would be embarrassed, so he couldn't think about it.


"It was my suggestion, not Ah Hao's. Sister, you are wrong about Ah Hao." Su Yun spoke out first, bravely admitting her mistake.

Xu Meifen who was on the other end of the phone who was going to give a lecture, when she heard Su Yun's voice, she let out a yell, and her attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and her attitude became so intimate and kind.

"Oh, it turned out that we Xiaoyun thought of it. Your idea is really good. I really like it."

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched vigorously: ...

Xu Wanhao also raised his hands to cover his face, unable to look directly at him.

Ms. Xu Meifen, your attitude was not like this last second. How can you turn your face faster than turning a book in this second?Xu Wanhao just thought that his aunt might be embarrassed, but now he realizes that it is not his aunt who is embarrassed, but him.

His toes were already tapping the ground.

Su Yun burst out laughing, she was already accustomed to Xu Meifen's multifaceted nature.

After talking to Xu Meifen again, and making an appointment to visit her at Qiwu Square tomorrow, she hung up the phone.

After staying here until the afternoon, Su Yun and Xu Wanhao went to the village to see the current breeding situation.Compared with the previous few months, Baiwan Village has changed even more.

Now every household raises about [-] poultry, half of which are chickens and ducks, all of which are big enough to be slaughtered at any time.

When Su Yun arrived at Lao Hongmei's house, she was shoveling chicken excrement into the chicken coop. A group of chickens of about the same size clucked and ran to the corner to make it easier for Lao Hongmei to clean the chicken coop.

She cleaned one place, and the chickens ran to another place, as if they were specially trained.

Su Yun looked a little funny from the sidelines.

"Aunt Hong, have your chickens been specially trained? They are very obedient and cooperative!"

Lao Hongmei was working hard, so she didn't notice Su Yun and the others approaching. When she heard her voice, she raised her head to wipe the sweat off her brow, and smiled at Su Yun, "Xiao Su is here." , come and sit at home."

As Lao Hongmei said, she was about to come out of the chicken coop to greet Su Yun, but Su Yun quickly waved her hand and refused, "Sister Hong, leave me alone, you are busy with your business, I will just walk around and have a look."

Lao Hongmei has known Su Yun for a long time, and she knows that she is not the kind of person who pretends to be polite, so she really didn't come out.

"Then I'll finish what's here first, Xiao Su, wait and I'll come out right away."

"It's okay, don't worry."

 After the update, all you little cuties should support my new article while reading the article. Don’t you like the sweet rough man’s wife article?Come on, go to sugar, go, vote and comment!

(End of this chapter)

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