Chapter 499
Su Yun waited outside for about ten minutes, and Lao Hongmei came out of the chicken coop.She tore off her sleeves, went to a ditch to wash her hands and feet, and came up after cleaning.

"Xiao Su go sit inside."

"I came here to interfere with Aunt Hong's work." Su Yun said with a smile, and followed Lao Hongmei to the side.

Lao Hongmei sighed, "Xiao Su, what are you talking about? You are the real busy person." She smiled and brought Su Yun to the grape arbor in the yard and sat down.

Now the house is very hot, sitting under the grape trellis to enjoy the cool can also take advantage of the opportunity to pick some ripe grapes to quench their thirst.

Bunches of ripe grapes hang among the green leaves, looking very gratifying.Lao Hongmei brought scissors and a basket, took a small stool and put it under her feet, and raised her head to cut a basket of grapes.

"Aunt Hong, you cut too much, you can't finish it."

Su Yun took the basket full of grapes from Lao Hongmei. Lao Hongmei fetched well water, washed the grapes in the water, and took them out. The grapes with water droplets were crystal clear, exuding the fragrance of grapes. The fragrance of the water and the coolness of the well water.

Just looking at it makes my appetite soar!
Lao Hongmei picked out a bunch of the most popular ones and handed them to Su Yun. Su Yun smiled and stretched out her hand to take them, "You can eat too, Aunt Hong."

"Hey, I eat a lot of this stuff. Every household in our village grows grapes."

Grape vines are very good cool fruit trees. They are planted under the wall of the house, and a shelf is built so that the vines can climb up the shelf, so that they can enjoy delicious grapes while shading the sun.

It is really a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

Under the vine, Su Yun ate grapes and chatted with Lao Hongmei, blowing the occasional wind, the small days were very pleasant.

Lao Hongmei put away the grape skins, saying that chickens also like to eat them.

Su Yun smiled and said, "Aunt Hong is now half an expert in breeding!"

"Hey, why are experts not experts? Now that we have this condition, plus the doctor you arranged to come to the village, Xiao Su, he told us a lot of knowledge in this area, and taught us how to start breeding."

Most people in Baiwan Village, including Lao Hongmei, are grateful to Su Yun.It is no exaggeration to say that wherever Su Yun goes, she will be warmly entertained.

Su Yun came over to chat with Lao Hongmei, it's not that she really has nothing to do to pass the time.Her factory is here, and she must come to find out what the local villagers think about their factory.

Also, they are now breeding chickens and ducks. Whether they encounter difficulties in the process, or have any psychological changes, they need to be informed in time.

There is another very important thing, she wants to know about the situation of Zhao Cheng and his wife in the village with Lao Hongmei.

Lao Hongmei is not an idiot, when Su Yun brought the topic to Zhao Cheng and his wife, she knew what Su Yun wanted to ask.She sighed and said, "The couple, that Comrade Zhao is a very refined person, educated, and has a good temper. But his daughter-in-law..."

Lao Hongmei looked at Su Yun, not knowing whether to speak or not.

"Aunt Hong, I came to ask you because I want to hear the truth." Su Yun smiled and expressed herself first. "To be honest, I personally don't trust Liu Meizhu."

"Hey, Xiao Su, if you say that, then I won't be afraid to offend people and tell you my opinion."

Lao Hongmei pulled up the stool and chatted with Su Yun in detail.

For that Liu Meizhu, Lao Hongmei definitely won't have a good impression.But Liu Meizhu had always said that she was from Su Yun's hometown, and that she had watched Su Yun grow up since she was a child, so she gave her a little face.

If Su Yun has nothing to do with her, then Lao Hongmei doesn't have to worry about it.

"That Liu Meizhu, I think she likes to steal and play tricks. If you say Xiao Su, you want to entrust her with important work, I don't think it's very reliable."

"Well, I'm not going to give her any important work."

She mainly wanted to promote Zhao Cheng, and Liu Meizhu was definitely not in her consideration.And after chatting with Lao Hongmei, she temporarily stopped thinking about promoting Zhao Cheng to a more important position.

Forget it, with such a wife in the family, if a man can't stand up, he is destined to be unable to take on important positions.

Su Yun stopped this thought, and got up to leave when she saw that it was getting late.

"Xiao Su, bring some grapes home for the family to eat."

As Lao Hongmei said that, she let Su Yun take away the basket of grapes that they had just eaten, including the basket and grapes.The kindness was hard to come by, Su Yun could only thank her and took the basket back.

"Come back later to return Aunt Hong's basket?"

When Xiao Lin left in the morning, she said that she would come to pick her up. There was a bag for things in the car, so when she met Xiao Lin, she put the grapes in the bag and returned the basket to Lao Hongmei.

"No need, no need, we still have a lot of such baskets." Lao Hongmei took Su Yun's hand and refused with a smile, "Your Uncle Jianshe can weave a few bamboo baskets just by weaving them casually. If they are worthless, you don't need to return them." .”

"Such an exquisite thing must be worth a lot in the city."

"Hey, it's only one or two cents, it's not worth much." There is a large bamboo forest on the other side of their village. Bamboo is cut at random, and there are some who want to weave a few bamboo baskets.

"I still have to thank Aunt Hong."

Ten cents and twenty cents are money, and it takes time to do it.So Su Yun would not say that she felt that the other party offered her, so she would take it for granted.

Thank you or something is still needed.

"You're welcome, you're not an outsider." Lao Hongmei smiled and sent Su Yun to the gate of the courtyard. When Su Yun said goodbye and was about to leave, she suddenly thought of something and stopped Su Yun.

"Hey Xiao Su, speaking of that Liu Meizhu, I suddenly remembered that when I went to work in the field yesterday, I seemed to see a young gay man approaching her from a distance. They talked for a while under the tree. That gay man Handed her something wrapped in a newspaper."

"I don't know what it is, just pay more attention."

Lao Hongmei mentioned it casually, but Su Yun took it to heart.It can be said that Liu Meizhu and the others have no relatives in the capital except for Zhao Meiyu and the others. What young people will come to Liu Meizhu?
Or a young gay man?
Su Yun had a bad premonition in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

"Thank you, Aunt Hong. If you see any strange people coming to our factory in the future, please ask Aunt Hong to tell me."

"Okay, this is a matter of one sentence, no hard work, no hard work."

Su Yun bid farewell to Lao Hongmei, walked through the village path to the entrance of the village, just in time to see Xiao Lin who came to pick her up from the city.

She put the bamboo basket in her hand on the ground, raised one arm, and waved her white wrist, "Brother Lin."

Xiao Lin stopped the car, opened the cab and got out, holding the basket in one hand and holding her hand in the other.

"Have you been waiting long?"

(End of this chapter)

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