Chapter 505
Mr. Chen ignored her.

Chen Shennan and Fang Huiwen also ignored her.

Wang Ling didn't dare to really break ground on Mr. Chen's Tai Sui. Seeing that their family was standing on the same line, she could only help Wan Hengwang to walk home reluctantly.

Wan Hengwang covered his mouth and nose and glared at Chen Jinzhou, "This is not over."

Chen Jinzhou sneered, not afraid of Wan Hengwang's threat at all.

When their mother and son walked into the house, it didn't take long for Wang Ling to cry from the living room of Wan's family as if her parents were dead. Her husband once complained that her father-in-law and mother-in-law looked down on others, and others bullied her to the door, and the two of them went out to speak for them.

Mr. Wan and Mrs. Wan didn't say a word. They glanced at each other and went out hand in hand.

Wang Ling cried even worse. After applying medicine to Wan Hengwang's mouth, she smashed the things in the living room to vent her anger.

Wan Hengwang got tired of listening to the side, endured the pain in his mouth and yelled, "Enough, isn't it embarrassing enough?"

He was beaten until he had no power to fight back, but his mother lost such a big man like a shrew, didn't he want him to hang out in the compound in the future?
To say that Wan Hengwang really belongs to the kind of person who won't surrender. He knows that Chen Jinzhou is not easy to provoke, but he keeps going to his side. Isn't this looking for a fight?
In this regard, I can only say that there are people in this world who are like this. They know that they will be beaten if they go to provoke them, but they still can't help but want to go to them.

I don't know if it's a fluke or I really want to find a fight.

Wan Hengwang made such a big fight against Chen Jinzhou, he will definitely pay back the debt.He stared fiercely at the front and squinted his eyes, thinking about how to get back the scene.

the other side.

Mr. Chen walked out with Chen Jinzhou for a while, he reached out and patted Chen Jinzhou's shoulder and said, "Don't care what others say, you just need to know how your elder brother and your sister-in-law treated you."

"Don't worry, Grandpa, I know."

Chen Jinzhou really doesn't have that kind of heart for Su Yun now.Or there is still, but he has hidden it in the deepest part of his heart.His elder brother is so outstanding, and he has a very good relationship with Su Yun. He knows that no matter who it is, he can't get in between them.

Chen Jinzhou cherishes the brotherhood with his elder brother very much, so he will bury the thrill of falling in love at first sight deeply in his heart, and will not let anyone know.

Knowing that he has a sense of proportion, Mr. Chen is relieved.

"Go on with your elder brother. Although I don't know what business is, your elder brother and your sister-in-law are both visionary and courageous people. You can't go wrong with them."

"Well, grandpa, don't worry."

Chen Jinzhou answered the old man's words very respectfully.He stopped and waited on the side of the road. His father Chen Shennan drove over and stopped. Chen Jinzhou went to open the door for the old man and watched them leave first.

When their car disappeared, he also stepped on his bicycle and headed to the company.

Since Lingyun Construction Company built Qiwu Pedestrian Street, many people who want to build houses have approached their construction company.Chen Jinzhou also succeeded in moving bricks and building walls from the construction site to the second in command of the company.

Xiao Lin seems to be interested in cultivating him, and Chen Jinzhou is involved in decision-making on many important matters of the company.

During this process, Chen Jinzhou found that many of the things he learned in school could not be connected with real work.He could also just sit in the office and just read the report, but he knew it wouldn't work.

If you want to manage the company well, you have to start to understand the raw materials.

Therefore, Chen Jinzhou went to the construction site when he had nothing to do, and he still worked with the workers on the construction site to understand their working process, as well as the construction materials and the conditions of the workers.

This made him very busy, but it was also the life Chen Jinzhou wanted.

The office of Lingyun Construction Company is located in Qiwu Commercial Street.With the idea of ​​having one more businessman settle in a good one, Su Yun suggested that Xiao Lin put the office of the construction company in Qiwu Commercial Street for the time being.

It can not only add popularity to the commercial street, but also facilitate direct visitors to understand their company's finished buildings.

This is said to kill two birds with one stone, of course Xiao Lin agreed.

Today's commercial street has been completely completed, and several merchants have come in one after another. In addition to Xiao Lin's construction company, there are also the management office of Qiwu Commercial Plaza, and Su Yun, Wu Shishi and the others invested in the establishment The folk workshop studio.

When Chen Jinzhou came to the company, he met Lao Hu who arrived earlier than him.

"Brother Hu, why are you here?"

Having been with everyone for a long time, Chen Jinzhou has also become a lot more talkative. He is no longer the high-ranking and noble son who he met for the first time last year. "Isn't sister-in-law still confinement? Why don't you take care of sister-in-law at home?" "

The children of Lao Hu's family and Zhao Meiyu's family were born around the same time, with a difference of only one or two days, so it is still less than forty days old.Unlike Zhao Meiyu, who is taking care of the confinement child, Wang Yufen is completely dependent on Lao Hu to take care of her.

Fortunately, Wang Yufen is not squeamish, she feels sorry for Lao Hu's inconvenient hands, and she does it by herself most of the time.It's still a few days away, Wang Yufen just doesn't need to touch the cold water, and she can do other things by herself.

So it's okay for Lao Hu to stay at home, so I came here to have a look.

I forgot to mention that Xiao Lin has already suggested that Lao Hu should not open a car repair shop, but come here to be a manager of the engineering department who leads the workers to work. He does not need to do heavy work. The main task is to watch others work.

This is Xiao Lin's special care for Lao Hu.

Lao Hu and his wife knew it in their hearts, so they were even more grateful to Xiao Lin and his wife. They ran to the construction site when they had time, even if Xiao Lin said that they didn't need to go, he would go to have a look without worry.

It's all because Xiao Lin has treated them so well, and he must be worthy of Xiao Lin's care for them.

At this moment when Chen Jinzhou asked, Lao Hu smiled shyly, "Your sister-in-law said she can do it by herself, so I'll come over and have a look."

"Sister Wang is still in confinement. Even if she says she can take care of herself, her body is still very weak. Brother Hu, go back quickly!" Su Yun's voice interjected, Hu Wenrong and Chen Jinzhou turned their heads to look together.

Su Yun smiled and walked in side by side with Xiao Lin, handed over the grapes in her hand to Chen Jinzhou, and asked him to get something to put them in. "This is a gift from Aunt Hong in Baiwan Village yesterday. It's very sweet."

"Good sister-in-law."

Chen Jinzhou took it with kindness.

Now he can call Su Yun's sister-in-law very proficiently, and his attitude is so correct that no one will see that he has thought carefully about Su Yun before.

Su Yun smiled, turned her head and continued talking to Lao Hu, asking about Wang Yufen and the child.

On the other side, Wang Yufen, who was at home alone with her child, also welcomed an unexpected guest.

(End of this chapter)

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