Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 506 The scumbag is here again

Chapter 506 The scumbag is here again
Although Wang Yufen is an advanced mother, but because of her relatively good health, after giving birth, she recovered like a normal mother.

In addition, during the confinement period, Lao Hu was so nice to her that he had nothing to say. She ate, drank and slept well when she was in a happy mood. She seemed to be several years younger than before she had a child.

The smile even glowed.

She had just fed the child, and seeing the child fell asleep, she was going to boil some hot water to wash the child's diapers and the clothes she had changed.

Before Lao Hu went out, Qian Dingling Wan asked her to keep things and wait for him to come back, but how could Wang Yufen be willing to let Lao Hu do everything?
She now feels that she is in good spirits and in good health. She boils hot water and rinses cold water to wash her diapers. There is no problem.

Wang Yufen had just gone from her room to the kitchen to burn the briquettes when there was a banging sound from the iron gate of the yard outside.Wang Yufen looked out of the kitchen window with some doubts.

A few months ago, they had posted an announcement outside that this garage is no longer repairing cars.And it also pointed out that people can go one kilometer ahead for car repairs, so people who want to repair cars should not come to the door.

So who will it be?
Wang Yufen looked at it for a while before recognizing the person standing outside the iron gate.

Her face sank after a swipe, what is this person doing now?
Guan Jijie also saw Wang Yufen.

" open the door, you open the door, I have something to tell you."

Wang Yufen ignored him.

Since their family quit the car repair business, Lao Hu has raised the walls around the yard, and welded the original gate, so that people outside can't open it easily after it is locked.

When Lao Hu went out this morning, Wang Yufen asked him to lock the door by the way.

She has a key on her body, and Lao Hu also has a key on her body, and she can open it whenever she wants.

But now Wang Yufen doesn't want to open it at all.

"Yufen, open the door, open the door."

Guan Jijie shook the big iron door, and the lock hanging on the door shook and slapped the door.

He was taken aback, tugged at the lock and found it was locked, and immediately said loudly, "Yufen, did that cripple lock you up, didn't he? How could that cripple treat you like this?"

Wang Yufen originally didn't want to pay attention to Guan Jijie, but when he opened his mouth and shut up, he called Lao Hu disabled, which is unbearable.

She picked up the diaper basin, fetched a basin of water and walked towards the door aggressively, "What did you say? Say it again."

"Yufen, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you, I..."


The water in the basin splashed on Guan Jijie's body without falling a single drop, and the water that smelled like a child's excrement and urine made his heart cool.Guan Jijie spat out the water with a strange taste that flowed into his mouth twice, and wiped his face.

"Yufen, what are you doing? I'm Ji Jie, you brother Jie! It's only been a while, have you forgotten the love we had before?"

"Yufen, why are you so cruel-hearted? I can't forget you all this time. How can you forget me just by saying forget?"

Guan Jijie's mouth is full of nonsense, people who don't know must think that they were really in love with each other.

But Wang Yufen knew that this person was full of lies to disgust her.

"Damn. Who knows you, you crazy? If you want to get crazy, go elsewhere. If you dare to talk nonsense at our door again, I will let my man beat you to death when he comes back."

After Wang Yufen finished speaking, she looked around and saw the broom in the corner. She put down the basin and walked over quickly, picked up the bamboo broom and slapped it on the door.

"Get out, get out, if you dare to come to my house again, I will kill you, get out!"

The bamboo broom slapped on the door, Guan Jijie quickly retracted his hand.The back of his hand was accidentally swept by a bamboo strip, and the burning pain made him grin his teeth.

"Yufen... Don't worry, I know you have misunderstood me now, don't worry, I will definitely save you from this crippled hand, don't worry."


Wang Yufen didn't know what happened to Guan Jijie, she didn't want to see him for a moment now.At the same time, I regretted how blind I was before, that I almost regarded Guan Jijie as a man who could be relied on for life?

"Bah! If you dare to come again, I will kill you!"

Wang Yufen cursed loudly at Guan Jijie's fleeing figure.

Her son's cry came from inside the house, and Wang Yufen threw off the broom and turned back to the house.

Guan Jijie thought that Wang Yufen might reject him. His original idea was that he would slowly approach her so that she could see that her heart was still the same as before.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is much better than that crippled Hu Wenrong.So he felt that it was time for Wang Yufen to accept himself again.

Unexpectedly, not only did he fail to enter the door, he was also beaten by Wang Yufen and splashed with water all over his body.

Guan Jijie looked at his wet and smelly body, and he must be angry with Wang Yufen in his heart.

You have to ask him why he has to force his way when he knows that the other party doesn't like his door-to-door?It's easy to say, it's the daughter-in-law that Guan Jijie's parents married him, that is, his cousin who hasn't given birth to a son and a half for so many years.

In the past, when his mother was still there, due to her pressure, he couldn't divorce and find another woman outside.Now that his mother is gone, he has divorced his cousin in the name of having nothing to do for many years and drove her back to her mother's house.

Now he is alone, and when he is alone, he thinks of Wang Yufen again.

He's been introduced to some by other guys too, but either with kids or old enough to fuck.After thinking about it, he naturally thought of Wang Yufen again.

And years ago, Guan Jijie met Wang Yufen and Lao Hu to buy new year's goods, and she looked younger than before after being nourished by a man.Although in his thirties, he looks like a man in his early twenties.

This is why Guan Jijie once again turned his mind on Wang Yufen.

And I heard that she gave birth to a son, so if she married herself, she would definitely give birth to a son soon...

I have to say that Guan Jijie really thinks a little too much, and he doesn't look for a mirror to look at himself. With his irresponsible appearance, how is he better than Hu Wenrong?

He went back in disgrace, planning to find a way to get closer to Wang Yufen...

If Lao Hu in the company knew that Guan Jijie was still targeting his wife, he would definitely tear this man apart.Not to mention Hu Wenrong, even if Su Yun knew that Guan Jijie was haunting him again, she couldn't help but spit at Guan Jijie.

It's so disgusting.

But they are in the company now and don't know what's going on outside.Su Yun stood at the door talking to Hu Wenrong, waiting for Xiao Lin, who went upstairs to get the materials, to come down and go home.

Out of the corner of her eye, she inadvertently caught sight of a somewhat familiar figure on the street, and Su Yun's expression changed slightly.

"Brother Hu, let me go out for a while."

After saying that, she walked out the door and chased after the somewhat familiar figure.

(End of this chapter)

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