Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 507 Goodbye to the same village acquaintance

Chapter 507 Goodbye to the same village acquaintance
He Dahua's head was wrapped with a thick cloth, which seemed to shield the hot sun, but her hands betrayed her.She's not covering the sun, she's covering her face.

While I don't want people to see the sores on her face, I also don't want people to see her face clearly.

Because in her hands, she was dragging a large iron block stolen from an unattended shop.

At this moment, she was dragging the iron block forward, and she was about to be able to leave the scope of the commercial street.Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and He Dahua quickened his pace and walked forward without saying a word.

"He Dahua!"

Su Yun called out to stop the person in front.

He Dahua didn't recognize Su Yun's voice at first, she thought it was the people who lived with her who saw her.She quickened her pace and ran forward, and Su Yun chased after her in a few steps.

"He Dahua, stop!"

This time He Dahua recognized Su Yun's voice.

She stopped and turned her head to look at Su Yun. She had a face covered with sores, and she was surprised the moment she saw Su Yun.

"You are... Su Yun?"

He Dahua dared not admit that the young lesbian in front of her, who looked like a lady from a rich family in the city, was Su Yun who grew up in the same village as her.

Her temperament is completely different from when she was in the village.

He Dahua looked at Su Yun, and thought about her current situation, she suddenly smiled.

"I didn't expect that we could still meet. You can laugh if you want. I am like this now." After more than two years, He Dahua's temperament has changed a lot from when she was in the village.

When she saw Su Yun again, she no longer wanted to ridicule and attack Su Yun like before. This is an obvious difference.

Maybe it's because I looked away and felt that the little conflicts in the village were just a joke.Or maybe it's because of being a mother, the mentality has naturally changed.

In short, He Dahua didn't delve into why he was able to talk to Su Yun calmly.

Su Yun didn't care about this either.

Of course, she didn't mean to laugh at He Dahua, she just chased after seeing her familiar figure from her back.Seeing He Dahua's attire at this moment, she probably guessed that He Dahua has not had a good life in the past few years.

"You came to the capital after you escaped from the village? Why didn't you surrender yourself?"

Although Su Yun didn't see He Dahua kill the He family couple with her own eyes, the He family couple did die because of He Dahua.Su Yun felt that she should surrender herself.

After all, they were also her parents.

"You can't escape."

Su Yun said softly.

He Dahua sneered twice, "Do you think I want to live?"

What kind of life she has lived in the past two years, only she knows best.

At the beginning, she escaped while pregnant and walked in the mountains for ten days and ten nights. She thought she would die, or the child in her stomach would be gone, but her body was up to the mark, and the child in her stomach was also destined to die.

Their mothers managed to survive by eating wild fruits and drinking dew.

Now that he survived, He Dahua must want to live longer.With her life on her back, she didn't dare to stay in nearby cities, so she could only hide and go to the farthest capital city while working part-time...

At the beginning of last year, she gave birth to her and Zhao Qiming's child, a son.But because they have no money and no job, their mother and son can only live under the bridge hole.

She had to go out to do part-time jobs to earn food, to support her and her son who was waiting to be fed... Needless to say, the sadness involved, and she was too tired to persevere at one point.But every time she returned to their 'home' and saw the sleeping face of the child, she seemed to be injected with endless power...

It has to be said that He Dahua's story is very touching, but this does not negate the fact that she bears two lives.

Su Yun frowned, "Since it is so difficult for you to raise a child, why don't you send him back to Zhao Qiming and the others? Even if you don't let the child be raised by them, Zhao Qiming is the father of the child, and he will always have to pay the corresponding amount." fee."

Su Yun doesn't like He Dahua, and at the same time she doesn't like Zhao Qiming even more.She could see that everyone came from the same village and was a woman, so she was a little more tolerant towards He Dahua.

So I said a few more words.

He Dahua smiled and said, "If I give them the child, can I still take care of the child? And don't you know who your sister is?"

"Su Ying is dead."


He Dahua was taken aback. When she left the village, Su Ying was still alive and well.

"How? How did she die?"

The former He Dahua did regard Su Ying as an enemy, but as I said just now, maybe it was because of time, or maybe it was because she became a mother, so many things were ignored.

People who once thought they would never communicate with each other for a lifetime can now say a few words together.

The so-called hatred towards them naturally disappeared without a trace.So He Dahua was really surprised when he heard the news of Su Ying's death.

Su Yun simply told He Dahua the cause of Su Ying's death.

"What about Zhao Qiming? Who did he marry as his wife?"

He Dahua still couldn't let Zhao Qiming go.

Su Yun looked at her, He Dahua subconsciously put away the iron in her hand, Su Yun sighed, "Put that thing down, let's find a place to talk."

It's not that He Dahua has to steal things, it's just that her child has nothing to eat for a day, and because of more and more sores on her face recently, no one hires her to work.When she was desperate, she thought of stealing.

Su Yun really has no way to stand on the moral high ground and accuse He Dahua of wrong behavior, because she knows that when a mother is cornered, she really can do anything.

He Dahua put down the things.

The two turned around and walked towards the place where the chairs were placed. Xiao Lin just chased after him. Seeing Su Yun was with a person who was wrapped up tightly, he subconsciously protected Su Yun behind him.

"Brother Lin is fine, it's He Dahua from our village."

"He Dahua?" Xiao Lin raised his eyes and glanced at He Dahua at the side, and saw that her face was covered with abscesses, and her appearance was very terrifying, Xiao Lin frowned.

To be honest, he didn't recognize this He Dahua.

Or to put it more aptly, because he left home earlier, and then his family fell into poverty, so he had little contact with the people in the village.

He probably still has some memories of men of the same age, but he doesn't remember any lesbians.

Of course, except for his wife, after all, how could she not remember the girl who has been thinking about her since she was a child?Speaking of which, Su Yun wanted to chat with He Dahua, but Xiao Lin didn't quite agree.

Because He Dahua still carries human life on his back.

"young married woman……"

"It's okay, brother Lin, I'll just talk to her over there."

As she spoke, she glanced at He Dahua, who had immediately hid aside since Xiao Lin came out, and sighed heavily, "Brother Lin, go and get my bag out."

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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