Chapter 509
Of course she said this on purpose, the purpose was to make He Dahua stand up.

It's not like He Dahua's spirit to kneel down at every turn.Besides, Su Yun didn't want her to kneel down when she helped her!Under her babble, He Dahua finally stood up.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that He Dahua would kneel down again, she quickly asked another question, "By the way, what's the matter with your face? You keep covering it in such a hot day, will it get worse?"

He Dahua touched her face and shook her head, "I don't know, and I don't know when it became like this."

She was so busy surviving every day that she really didn't notice what was going on on her face.When she found out, the sores on her face were already full.

Su Yun groaned, "You take the money to buy some food for your child, and then go to the hospital to have a look. When you go back and surrender, if there is no travel expenses, you can come here to find me..."

She said and pointed to the company over there, "Or you can find a person named Chen Jinzhou somewhere. You tell him that you are looking for me, and he will contact me."

Fearing that He Dahua would not know, Su Yun specially took her there again.He Dahua quickly waved his hand, "No need, you have already helped us a lot, this little money is enough, enough."

"Well... then go back quickly, it's not easy to be far away, you can come here to find me anytime you need anything."

"They'll help you even if I'm not around."

"Thank you, thank you Su Yun... I was ignorant before..."

"Don't mention the past, Meiyu and I have bullied you a lot before." Su Yun smiled and patted He Dahua on the shoulder, with the intention of letting go of all grievances with a smile.

He Dahua also showed a smile, those youthful and ignorant past disappeared with this smile of the two of them.

Watching He Dahua leave, Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief.Xiao Lin walked to her side, and said disapprovingly, "Daughter-in-law, don't forget that she still has two lives on her back."

"I asked her to go back and surrender herself!"

Su Yun smiled and held Xiao Lin's arm with a smelly face, and continued to coquettishly say, "Brother Lin, you don't want to just watch our fellow villagers living in poverty in a foreign land, do you?"

And He Dahua really has no big grudge against her.

Su Yun felt that if she got to her current position, if she ignored the little things of quarreling and bickering in the village when she was young, the situation would be a bit too small.

Xiao Lin nodded her nose, "You might be treated like a donkey's liver and lungs if you are kind."

"Maybe it is for others, but not for her." Su Yun still believed in this matter.

Because of mother's love, He Dahua was able to give birth to the child by herself and pull it up until now, because of her love for the child, it is worth Su Yun's help.

Xiao Lin can't say no to Su Yun, and he can't bear to scold, so he can only let her go.

"My daughter-in-law is just too kind."

"Tsk... It seems that Brother Lin is not kind." If Xiao Lin was as cruel as he said, then he would never let Lao Hu find those retired veterans or people with defects. Their company works.

In fact, in the final analysis, the husband and wife are very similar, both are conscientious businessmen.

"How do you say that? If you are poor, you will benefit yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. Although we are not yet able to reach the point of benefiting the world, it is not wrong to help those who happen to be in need!"

She said with a smile while holding his arm.

Xiao Lin pinched Su Yun's face, his daughter-in-law has great love in his heart, what else can he say?

I can only work hard to fulfill my daughter-in-law's wish.

Su Yun returned to Lingyun Construction Company and explained to Chen Jinzhou and Lao Hu that if someone named He Dahua came to her, they should remember to tell her.

After explaining, she went home with Xiao Lin.

On the other side, He Dahua walked back to the bridge hole where she lived with a huge sum of 200 yuan given by Su Yun. In order to protect her own money, she took out two yuan and put it in her pocket, and hid the remaining 200 yuan in a separate place. under the soles.

There are a lot of people living under the bridge hole, all of them are unregistered and unemployed. They can do anything, so He Dahua has to think twice.

She bought a few black-faced steamed buns at the intersection, and then limped back to the bottom of the bridge.


He Xiaogang, who was playing at the old woman's house next door to He Dahua and the others, immediately slipped from the old woman's arms and ran towards He Dahua after seeing He Dahua come back.

He Xiaogang is more than one year old. Although he is very thin and cannot walk very flexibly, he can speak, and he can still say a few simple words.

When He Dahua saw He Xiaogang, he walked a little faster.She was about to hug He Xiaogang when two five or six-year-old children ran over and knocked He Xiaogang to the ground without looking.

"Little Gang..."

He Dahua quickly ran over and hugged He Xiaogang, "Xiao Gang, Xiao Gang, did you fall somewhere? Tell mom, tell mom where it hurts."

"Mom...Xiaogang...hungry..." He Xiaogang paused for a while before opening his mouth in a childish voice.Because of the excessive weight loss, a pair of eyes are extraordinarily large.

When looking at He Dahua helplessly like this, He Dahua's heart hurts.

The two children who bumped into He Xiaogang not only did not apologize, but even when they saw the black-faced steamed bun in He Dahua's hand, they glanced at each other and rushed over to snatch the steamed bun.

"Eat, eat."

"You..." He Dahua was so focused on her children that she managed to make the two children snatch away the food.

After snatching it away, they immediately ran back to the shack where their parents lived, then tore off the oiled paper from the package, and ate provocatively.

And their parents looked at their children with smiles on their faces.

He Dahua was very angry, stood up holding He Xiaogang and shouted to those few people, "Is there anyone who educates children like you? Return my steamed buns."

"Damn, who said it was your steamed bun?" One of the children's mothers spit out thick phlegm, rolled her eyelids and said disdainfully, "That steamed bun has your name He Dahua written on it?"


He Dahua is alone and weak, even if Grandma Sun is on her side, an old woman and a single mother can't act as a deterrent at all.

He Xiaogang's overly thin head rubbed against He Dahua's arms, watching the two bad brothers gnawing on the steamed buns.

He's hungry, he hasn't eaten all day, and he wants to eat too.

He Dahua gritted her teeth and strengthened her belief in leaving here.

Seeing that He Dahua didn't dare to say anything, the woman on the opposite side carried He Xiaogang into their shack. She snorted triumphantly, how dare an ugly beggar fight with her?

Someone walked up to the woman and whispered in her ear, "Then He Dahua is so poor that he doesn't even have a dime. These black-faced steamed buns cost at least [-] cents. Where did she get the money? Could it be?" Go sleep with those wild men?"

"Do you care about her? With her beauty, even sleeping is just a penny. Didn't you see that she was limping when she came back just now? She must have been beaten up by a man."


(End of this chapter)

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