Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 510 The murder case caused by a few black noodles

Chapter 510 The murder case caused by a few black noodles

The distance between the shacks was not far, and there was no sound insulation at all, so the conversation between the two women fell into He Dahua's ears verbatim.The hand hanging by her side was tightly clenched into a fist, and a surge of anger rushed from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head.


Just when He Dahua was about to lose control, He Xiaogang's voice came from his arms again.He Dahua's burning anger was extinguished, she looked down at He Xiaogang in her arms, and reached out to touch his thin face.

"It's my mother's fault. You have lived a hard life with your mother."

As soon as He Dahua's words fell, there was a shocking cry from outside the shack, "Golden egg, golden egg, what's wrong with you, golden egg, golden egg, don't scare your mother, golden egg, golden egg..."

The woman who just spat at He Dahua was screaming heartbreakingly for her child.And the golden egg in her mouth was the one who tripped He Xiaogang and snatched He Dahua's steamed buns just now.

He Dahua walked out of the shack together with Granny Sun from the shack next door. Many people had already surrounded the shack on their side, pointing and not knowing what they were talking about.

Seeing this, Grandma Sun took a few steps forward with her small feet, looked into the crowd, and saw the golden egg covering her throat with her hands and staring at the whitening eyes, her face changed drastically, and she walked quickly to He Dahua's side.

"Dahua, you take Xiaogang away, hurry up."

That golden egg is probably going to die, and now He Dahua needs to let He Xiaogang hold He Xiaogang and leave before the golden egg's mother can react.

He Dahua knew that something was wrong when he heard it. If the child named Jindan died, Mao Lingfeng would definitely not let it go.Even if the golden egg snatched the steamed bun by himself, Mao Lingfeng would never think it was her son's fault.

He Dahua grabbed Grandma Sun's hand.

"Grandma Sun, let's go together."

Grandma Sun shook her head, "Let's go, where can I go when I'm old? You go, I'll help you stop them to delay the time."

"Grandma Sun..."

He Dahua held Grandma Sun's hand tightly and refused to let go.She has known Grandma Sun for almost two years. When she was very weak after giving birth, Grandma Sun begged her for a bowl of brown sugar water for her to drink... In the past two years, when He Dahua went out to work, Grandma Sun Her mother-in-law is helping her take care of He Xiaogang.

Although there is no blood relationship between the two of them, after getting along for the past two years, the relationship between the two of them is no longer that of relatives rather than relatives.

So let He Dahua leave Granny Sun and leave, she can't do such a thing.

And He Xiaogang in her arms was still young, so he couldn't understand what happened.But from the serious expressions of his mother and grandma sun, he could feel the dangerous atmosphere.

He stretched out his small hand and tugged at Grandma Sun.

"Grandma, don't."

Grandma Sun lost her son in old age, and she originally helped He Dahua just to see how pitiful she was all alone, but after getting along for two years, she really regarded this mysterious He Dahua as a relative,

"You go!"

Grandma Sun said with a smile.


"Go, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave until that woman Mao Lingfeng reacts." Grandma Sun pushed He Dahua, and pushed their mother and child into the dark night.

He Dahua raised her foot to get closer, but Grandma Sun said, "Dahua, you don't want Xiaogang to lose his mother at such a young age, do you? You know who Mao Lingfeng is better than me. If her son Jindan dies, she will definitely kill her." .”


He Dahua burst into tears, she knew what it meant for her to leave.

Difficult choice between going and staying.

The golden egg over there had completely died. After Mao Lingfeng cried and howled for a while, she suddenly put down the dead golden egg she was holding in her arms, and stood up from the ground.

"It was He Dahua, it was He Dahua, that bitch who killed my son, it was her. Whoever helps me kill her, I will give him a dollar, a dollar!"

One dollar doesn't seem like much, but for these homeless people living under the bridge hole, it's enough for half a month's worth of steamed buns.So when Mao Lingfeng said this, the idlers who had been sitting around watching the excitement stood up one after another, and walked aggressively towards He Dahua's shack.

After they caught He Dahua, there was only one fate for her.

He Dahua looked at the people hurrying towards her shack under the moonlight, and the disapproving Grandma Sun, finally gritted her teeth and rushed into the darkness with He Xiaogang in her arms.

She can't die, she still has Xiao Gang to take care of, she can't die...

He Dahua hugged He Xiaogang and ran forward desperately, there was a sound of punching and kicking behind him, and Mao Lingfeng's extremely ugly curse... He Dahua's footsteps trembled, and he kept running forward with tears streaming down his face.

In the dark, she fell to the ground and her head was bleeding. She also tightly protected He Xiaogang with both hands, got up and continued to rush forward.


He Xiaogang also seemed to feel He Dahua's sadness, and his thin body nestled in He Dahua's arms, motionless.

He Dahua cried even more fiercely!

The pitch-black night was like a man-eating beast. None of the people in the light saw an elderly man under the bridge hole being beaten to death alive...

Su Yun took a shower and was about to go to bed when the phone rang downstairs. After Lin Chunhua answered the phone and said a few words, she knocked on the door of their bedroom.

"Xiao Su, the Chengnan Police Station called and asked if you knew a man named He Dahua?"

"He Dahua?"

Su Yun pushed away the man who had already lifted up half of her clothes, pulled her messy hair, pulled her crumpled clothes, glanced at Xiao Lin, walked to the door and opened it a crack.

Lin Chunhua stood aside.

She knew that it was bedtime, and the husband and wife were in the room, so she shouldn't look into the room.

Su Yun followed the trend and closed the door, "Did it call from the Chengnan Police Station? What happened to He Dahua?"

"No, just to ask if you know a man named He Dahua." Lin Chunhua confessed honestly.

Su Yun nodded, "Okay, I'll ask."

She went downstairs and called back the call just now, and the other end of the phone answered quickly.A very majestic and upright voice came from inside, "Hello comrade, this is Chengnan Police Station."

"Uh, hello, my name is Su Yun, I want to ask what happened to He Dahua?"

"Nothing happened to her." The comrade handling the case at the police station looked at the heavy fall, but He Dahua, who seemed to be unaware of her situation, continued to say to Su Yun, "She doesn't have an ID card but wants to report the case." Someone killed someone, we need to confirm her identity..."

In other words, if you want the public security comrades to believe what He Dahua said without an ID, you need someone with an ID to guarantee it.

The desperate He Dahua had no choice but to turn to Su Yun.

In fact, she really didn't want to bother Su Yun, but this was related to Grandma Sun's life, if she didn't look for Su Yun, no one else would.

After Comrade Gong An said this, He Dahua stood up from the stool and rushed over, snatched the phone from Comrade Gong An's hand and said in a choked voice, "Su Yun, Su Yun, please help me save Grandma Sun, please help me."

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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