Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 511 Su Yun is willing to help

Chapter 511 Su Yun is willing to help
"Su Yun, please help me, only you can help me, only you..." He Dahua broke down in tears after speaking.Both the case handling police in the office and Su Yun on the other end of the phone were startled by the mournful cry.

"Don't worry, I'll be right over."

Su Yun hung up the phone and turned around, only to see the man who was pushed away by her just standing at the stairs looking at her with a gloomy face.Her coat was still draped over his arm.

Su Yun knew that the man was having a good time just now, but being interrupted by the phone call and being pushed away by her, it was inevitable that he would be in a bad mood.

She smiled and walked forward, "I want to go out for a while, or I will go on a bicycle?"

After the words fell, Xiao Lin's complexion became even worse.He glanced at her indifferently, lifted his foot and missed her and walked into the yard.Su Yun glanced at Lin Chunhua with some guilt, and chased after her.

"Brother wait for me."

Half an hour later, Xiao Lin's car stopped at the Chengnan Police Station. Su Yun jumped out of the co-pilot and walked into the reception room where the lights were still on. She saw that her face was covered with blood and her eyes were swollen until there was only a gap left. He Dahua, she almost thought she had misunderstood the person.

"He Dahua? What happened to you?"

She walked over and saw the small, malnourished child in her arms. She frowned, "What's wrong?"

"Su Yun..."

He Dahua came back from the trance, heard Su Yun's voice and didn't care how dirty her hands were, and grabbed Su Yun's hand, "Please, save Grandma Sun, save Grandma Sun. "

"What's the matter, speak slowly."

"She was about to be beaten to death by Mao Lingfeng in order to save us... Su Yun..."

"Where is it?" Xiao Lin, who was not in a good mood along the way, asked coldly while standing aside.He Dahua was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, "You believe what I say, do you believe that I am not lying?"

Because she didn't have an identity certificate, she came to report to the police and the police here didn't believe her. They didn't believe her, and they didn't believe that Grandma Sun was going to be beaten to death...

Xiao Lin frowned, and her displeasure grew stronger.

Su Yun clapped He Dahua's hand instead, handed over her ID card to the police, and then reported the case in her own name, asking the police comrades to go to the police to deal with it.

In fact, Comrade Gong An didn't believe He Dahua's words, after all, she was already in such a mess.It's because of their procedure that they have to register the informant's information.

He Dahua didn't even have an identity card, so they couldn't bear the responsibility if something happened to the police like this.

Now that Su Yun handed over the identity certificate, there is no problem.After verifying that the identity certificate was indeed Su Yun herself, they were right, and they sent five police officers to follow He Dahua to the place she said.

Su Yun and Xiao Lin naturally went.

Seeing He Dahua limping but still hugging He Xiaogang tightly, Su Yun sighed and reached out to take He Xiaogang over, "Give me a hug."

Xiao Lin on the side glanced at Su Yun.

Su Yun didn't pay much attention to the emotions of the man beside her. She took He Xiaogang over. A one and a half year old child was not as overwhelming as her little treasure. This made Su Yun, who is also a mother, a little sad and distressed.

He Xiaogang in his arms groaned from his stomach.

Su Yun lowered her eyes, and He Xiaogang shrank shyly into her arms immediately.

You are not very old, but you know how to be shy?Su Yun was amused by this action, she turned her head and asked Xiao Lin if there was any food in the car.

"Do you still have the biscuits you bought earlier?"

Xiao Lin took out an unopened biscuit from the front compartment of the car and handed it to Su Yun. Su Yun tore open the opening to reveal the biscuit and handed it to He Xiaogang.

"Eat, I'll take you to eat delicious food when I'm done."

He Xiaogang looked at the biscuit he had never seen before, and swallowed his saliva, but he still looked for He Dahua first.

He Xiaogang, who has been robbed by other children for a long time, has developed the habit of depending on He Dahua's intentions for everything he imports.

He Dahua, who was sitting in the back row, did not expect that Su Yun would hand over biscuits to her son so gently. With tears in her eyes, she nodded, "Thank you, Aunt Su."


The child's words were not clear enough, thank you became Xie Xie, Su Yun rubbed his head with a smile.Fearing that he would be nervous, she raised her head and looked at the road ahead, without looking at He Xiaogang again.

During this period, she also learned about Grandma Sun through the conversation with He Dahua.

Knowing that the cause of this incident was actually a few black-faced steamed buns, Su Yun didn't know what to say for a while.Is this her fault?If she didn't spend money on He Da, wouldn't such a thing happen?
This idea only popped up for a moment, but was dismissed by Su Yun.

No, it wasn't her fault.

In the final analysis, this matter is still the fault of that person named Mao Lingfeng.If she usually manages the child well and prevents the child from developing the habit of snatching other people's things and eating slowly, then the chance of this happening today is very small.

But it is a pity that the adults did not fulfill their duty of guiding and educating, and the children were finally ruined by the connivance of the parents...

Two cars came under the bridge in the suburbs. There were probably dozens of homeless people living nearby, some with families and others alone.

The headlights of the small car illuminated the dark under the bridge like daytime, waking up the sleeping people from their dreams.The comrades in charge of leading the team, led by the limping He Dahua, came to their original shack.

Before he got close, he saw an unknown person lying outside the shack, that was Grandma Sun.With sore eyes, He Dahua stepped forward and knelt down, testing Grandma Sun's breath with trembling hands.

It was the coldness that He Dahua had never encountered in her life.

She retracted her hand like an electric shock, and she shrank back in disbelief.

"Grandmother...Grandma Sun..." He Dahua murmured, and suddenly rushed over to hold the dead body of Grandma Sun, who was already so cold, and began to cry with great sorrow.

"'s all my fault, it's all my fault for harming you, it's all my fault..."

He Dahua threw herself on Grandma Sun's body and cried loudly, hugging the body with both hands and pressing it in her arms. The crying sound resounded under the bridge, and the sad ones were so sad that those who heard it wept.

Su Yun hugged He Xiaogang and turned to one side, not letting him see Granny Sun's death.

Those people under the bridge who were listening to the commotion outside in the shack, after hearing He Dahua's voice, thought of the dollar that Mao Lingfeng had promised them, and they rushed out of the shack, yawning.

Some were shirtless, and some had disheveled clothes and disheveled hair. They looked a bit like those blood-sucking ghosts in Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio.

A lot of people came out at once, both men and women. They first looked at He Dahua, and then their eyes fell on Su Yun who was not far from Xiao Lin.

Whether it is for humans or animals, when they realize that their situation may be dangerous, they will subconsciously focus on whichever one is the weakest.

Try to find a breakthrough from here.

Right now, these homeless people under the bridge, just like meeting dangerous animals, think that Su Yun is the weakest among the crowd, and it is also their breakthrough point.

Xiao Lin took two steps back, raised his hand to hold Su Yun's hand, and stood in front of her as a protector, and glanced around blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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