Chapter 512 Brave little girl
His meaning is very clear.

Those who want to make their minds on his daughter-in-law, just come and try.

Xiao Lin had been a soldier, and had seen blood kill people. When he was angry, his body was full of evil spirits. Let alone these homeless people who had never seen anything in the world, even people who really licked blood with the tip of their knives, when they saw When Xiao Lin was like this, his heart also felt a bit thumped.

The eyes of the wanderers who aimed their ideas at Su Yun dimmed.

On the other side, Mao Lingfeng heard He Dahua's voice outside, and she aggressively opened the shack where they lived and walked out.

"Well, you murderer He Dahua, you still dare to come back, don't you? I want you to pay for my life with the golden egg today." Mao Lingfeng pulled up her sleeve and pointed at He Dahua, and she was about to hit someone when she walked over a few steps.

He Dahua raised his head, his eyes were also full of anger, and his heart was full of murderous intent.

That powerful anger actually made Mao Lingfeng tremble all over, and she stopped her steps, but she didn't want to show her timidity like this.Deliberately raised his face and said loudly, "He Dahua, you bastard, you killed my golden egg and you still have the face to come back?"

"Why are you dealing with Grandma Sun?"

He Dahua did not answer Mao Lingfeng's words, but stood up and asked in a cold tone.

"What do you mean why should I deal with Grandma Sun? Is it related to me that your eye saw the death of Mrs. Sun? I also said that you not only killed my golden egg, but also Mrs. Sun."

"Mao Lingfeng."

He Dahua had killed people before, and when she was in a desperate situation, the killing intent in her heart began to surge wildly again.

It seemed that a voice told her in her head that killing one person was killing, killing two people was also killing, Mao Lingfeng was too deceitful, why couldn't she kill her?
He Dahua walked towards Mao Lingfeng step by step.

Su Yun, who had been standing aside, sensed that something was wrong, and quickly asked He Xiaogang, who was in her arms, to call He Dahua.


The milky voice sounded, waking up He Dahua, who was about to lose his mind. He Dahua turned her head to look, and Mao Lingfeng seized this opportunity, and stretched out her hand to grab He Dahua's hair.

"You bitch, give back my golden egg's life!"

"Mao Lingfeng!"

The two quickly wrestled together, and the police at the side couldn't intervene even if they saw this, and could only watch helplessly as the two women pulled hair, clothes, and slapped each other in the crowd.

Su Yun protected He Xiaogang's face, looked up at Xiao Lin, "Brother Lin..."

It is not an option to keep fighting like this.

Xiao Lin hummed, some things are difficult for the police to deal with, but he doesn't care.He is an ordinary person, and it is reasonable to go forward to help the bullied people in the same village.

He walked over, raised his foot and kicked Mao Lingfeng's knee, kicking Mao Lingfeng impartially until he knelt on the ground.

He Dahua took the opportunity to jump up and pressed the man to the ground and beat him up wildly.

When it was almost done, Su Yun called the police to stop He Dahua, and helped Mao Lingfeng who had been beaten beyond recognition.

"What's your name? Now He Dahua is suing you for murdering her. Please come with us." The policeman showed his ID, and Mao Lingfeng seemed to realize that the person standing next to him silently was the policeman.

All her attention was on He Dahua just now, and she didn't notice that there were even police officers around.

But no, why did He Dahua let He Dahua beat her with the police around?Mao Lingfeng thought of this and shouted loudly, "Comrade Public Security, it was her. She killed my son Jindan, and then she killed Grandma Sun. It was her. She did everything."

"This He Dahua used to be a murderer, she was the one who killed her."

Regarding the fact that He Dahua was a murderer before, it was Mao Lingfeng's nonsense.But I didn't expect her to be able to talk nonsense.

He Dahua's face changed slightly, but the police officers on one side thought it was Mao Lingfeng messing around. received the message.)
"Don't mess around and come with us. As for whether you killed the person, we will investigate it ourselves."

Two police officers arrested Mao Lingfeng, and took her to the car regardless of her struggle.The remaining few are asking the nearby homeless people what the truth of the matter is.

I asked several times in a row and no one answered.

When the police were puzzled, they finally questioned a timid young girl. She honestly told the police that it was Mao Lingfeng's son who robbed He Dahua of steamed buns. Choked to death.

Mao Lingfeng couldn't accept this fact, so she blamed He Dahua for the crime, and wanted to kill He Dahua's mother and son.Mao Lingfeng gave one dollar, saying that whoever killed He Dahua would get that one dollar...

This matter is exactly the same as what He Dahua said at the Public Security Bureau, which also indirectly proves that He Dahua did not lie, and what she said was the truth.What shocked the police even more was that for one dollar, these people beat a living person to death for one dollar.

How vicious are their hearts?
The comrades of the police did not dare to think too much.

At the same time, they are also thinking, is it because too many homeless people have contempt for the law and human life?If they don't care about it, if things go on like this, will people be beaten to death every day by people who ignore the law?

Thinking of this, the police were frightened for a while.

It seems that we need to go back and hold a meeting immediately to study how to deal with these homeless people.

Comrade Public Security thanked the little girl who was willing to stand up and testify bravely, and Su Yun came over at this time.She looked at the brave and outspoken girl, and He Xiaogang in her arms said before she could speak, "Ya... Ya... Sister..."

This girl, who is about fifteen or sixteen years old, is called Yaya. Since her grandmother passed away in the first half of this year, she has been bullied a lot here.It was Granny Sun and He Dahua's occasional help that managed to save her life.

When Grandma Sun was beaten tonight, she was so scared that she shrank in a corner and dared not make a sound.At the same time, she was very contradictory, and wanted to rush out to stop those beating people, but they were all people who bullied her. She was so afraid that her feet went limp.

In the end, Yaya failed to stop these people from attacking Grandma Sun.

She could only helplessly hide in the darkness and cry.

When the police were questioning her, she was actually the same scared.But in the end, her bravery overcame her fear, and she bravely stood up and testified against Mao Lingfeng and others to the police...

After she finished speaking, she started to be afraid again. She will definitely be beaten to death after the police leave...

Yaya lowered her head, weeping silently.

At this time, Su Yun came to her with He Xiaogang in her arms, and He Xiaogang called out to her.

Yaya raised her face.

"Little Gang..."

"Is your name Yaya? You are very brave." Su Yun gave Yaya an encouraging smile.Yaya has never seen such a good-looking person as Su Yun, and she was a little stunned for a moment.

"Yaya..." He Dahua dragged her limping leg over, "Yaya, are you willing to leave with us and take care of Xiaogang for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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