Chapter 513 Surrender
Su Yun looked at He Dahua in surprise.

According to what she meant, this child named Yaya is so brave, if she has no other relatives to rely on, she doesn't mind taking her away.

Let Yaya go to her food factory, or to work in their new handicraft workshop.

Not only Su Yun was surprised, but even Yaya looked at He Dahua in amazement.

He Dahua showed a relieved smile on the face that he could no longer look directly at, "I may have to leave for a long time, I would like to ask Yaya to take care of Xiaogang for me, can you?"

"You? Decided?"

Su Yun made a sound first.

He Dahua nodded.

Needless to say, they all knew what He Dahua's decision was.

Su Yun thought for a while and nodded, "I support your decision."

Yaya didn't understand why He Dahua said she would leave for a long time, but He Dahua and Grandma Sun were the ones who never bullied her and gave her a bite to eat.

She is willing to go with He Dahua.

Yaya settled down, He Dahua smiled, turned around and went to the police to borrow a shovel, dug a hole in their shack, and buried Grandma Sun in it...

When I came back in the evening, I was still a big living person, but now it has only been a few hours, and it has become such a small dirt bag.This inevitably makes people feel sad.

He Dahua pulled Yaya and He Xiaogang over, solemnly bowed three times and kowtowed nine times in front of Grandma Sun, and after she finished all the work, he handed He Xiaogang to Yaya, and walked up to Comrade Public Security and stretched out her hands.

"Comrade Public Security, my name is He Dahua. Two and a half years ago, in Zhaojia Village under Nancheng, I accidentally pushed my biological mother, killed my biological father and fled. I plead guilty and you arrest me!"

Except for Su Yun and Xiao Lin who knew the inside story, all the people present were stunned by He Dahua's words.They never expected that the seemingly honest young lesbians in front of them actually carried two lives on their backs.

This is amazing.

"Comrade He Dahua, is everything you said true? Are you willing to pay legal responsibility for what you said."

"I am willing."

"Everything I said is true. If Comrade Public Security doesn't believe it, you can ask my fellow villagers, Comrades Su Yun and Xiao Lin, and they can all testify."

He Dahua's resolute tone was telling the police with her attitude that she had really pleaded guilty.

The police nodded, and it was hard to make a judgment for a while, so they could only take He Dahua back to the Public Security Bureau first.

As for what to do with Yaya and He Xiaogang, the police were a little embarrassed.

He Dahua took out the money Su Yun gave her that he had hidden and handed it to Yaya, then raised his head to look at Su Yun, "Su Yun, I will trouble you again."

She can't come out after pleading guilty, and she doesn't know what is waiting for her in the future. As for how to arrange Yaya and He Xiaogang, she can only trouble Su Yun.

Thinking about it carefully, Su Yun doesn't seem to have a good relationship with her, but when she was in her infancy, she was repeatedly implicated by herself.

He Dahua smiled and said, "Su Yun, Xiao Lin, there is no way to repay your great kindness in this life. In the next life, I will definitely repay your great kindness like a cow or a horse."

"Just go with peace of mind. Cooperate with the police investigation and strive for leniency." Su Yun stepped forward to comfort He Dahua, "As for your son and Yaya, you can leave it to me with confidence."

"Thank you, Su Yun."

A word of thanks can no longer express He Dahua's gratitude.If she still has life to live in this life, then her life can be donated to Su Yun for free at any time.

Su Yun didn't know that the momentary compassion she showed today would really be rewarded in the future.She nodded with a smile, and asked the police comrades to handle the case at their discretion.

Although it is said that the He family and his wife died in the end, but the reason for this is also hoped that the police will investigate clearly before sentencing He Dahua.

The police nodded, "Don't worry, Comrade Su Yun."

Their sub-bureau was able to make the suspect who had escaped for two years surrender himself, which was a great achievement.So they are also willing to spend more time to figure out what happened to the suspect in the first place.

He Dahua hugged He Xiaogang again, whispered something in his ear, then handed the person to Yaya reluctantly, and explained a few words to Yaya.

The police took He Dahua away. Before getting into the car, she turned her head to look at her son, and her eyes finally fell on Su Yun.

Su Yun nodded.

He Dahua got into the car.


On the way back to the city, Yaya sat in the back seat holding He Xiaogang.After all, He Xiaogang is still a child over one year old, and he has long been sleepy after tossing and tossing for so long.

He tried hard to open his eyes to resist the drowsiness, but finally fell asleep under Yaya's soft coaxing voice.

Through the mirror in the middle, Su Yun saw Yaya sitting in the back restrainedly, she said softly, "Don't be nervous, you go back to our house with us first, and I will arrange you to go to work in a few days."

"By the way, do you want to work or go to school? How old are you this year?"

She suddenly remembered that if Yaya was still very young, she would not be allowed to work for now.Although recruiting child labor is not illegal now, she cannot do such a thing.

Yaya replied timidly, "I'm ready to be seventeen."


Su Yun's voice became louder for no reason, she turned her head to look at the little girl sitting there, she was only fourteen or fifteen years old, why is she seventeen?

Yaya thought she had done something wrong, immediately hugged He Xiaogang tightly and apologized repeatedly, "Yaya eats very little, Yaya can do everything..."

"Don't be afraid, I just don't think you look like a 17-year-old."

Su Yun didn't expect that Yaya had misunderstood, so she hurriedly comforted her.

She knows that people who have been bullied for a long time will feel very insecure, and a little carelessness will cause the other party to panic.

So in the following chats, her tone was very gentle, and she skillfully made Yaya let go of her heavy guard slowly, and slowly believed in herself...

It was almost twelve o'clock when they got home. Mama Zhang just got up to make milk powder for the three babies. Somewhat surprised, "Xiao Su is this?"

It happened that Mrs. Xiao and Lin Chunhua also woke up, and they also saw Yaya and He Xiaogang who was too thin.

The old lady's gaze stayed on He Xiaogang's face for a moment, then she turned her head and asked Lin Chunhua to order some noodles for them.

Yaya had never seen such a beautiful and bright house, she stood at the door and dared not go in.Su Yun turned around and smiled and pulled her in, telling her to sit down without restraint.

Yaya didn't dare, she didn't even dare to walk.

The old lady Xiao said, "Yaya, right? You put your brother on the bed first?"

Because they had no room at home, they could only let Yaya sleep with Lin Chunhua temporarily.

Lin Chunhua didn't mind either, and said with a smile, "Okay, I happen to have a companion."

Encouraged by the smiles of the crowd, Yaya looked at Su Yun, and then boldly carried He Xiaogang into the bedroom.Seeing the clean, tidy and bright room, she dared not go any further.

"Don't be afraid." Su Yun walked over and took her to put He Xiaogang on the bed. "These are for use, not something too advanced to be touched, so don't be afraid."

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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