Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 515 Do you want to send the child to Zhang Village?

Chapter 515 Do you want to send the child back to the village?
She already wanted to bury her face in the bowl, but Xiao Lin was the exact opposite of her, he even raised his chin slightly on purpose, so that people could see the thin teeth marks on his Adam's apple.

Seeing this scene, the old lady Xiao couldn't stop the smile on her face, and the chopsticks kept picking up vegetables in Su Yun's bowl.

"Xiaoyun has worked so hard, eat more, and eat more to make up for it!"

Su Yun: ...

What is grandma imagining?Where does she need tonic?
Wanting to cry without tears, she really wanted to bump her head to death on the tofu in the bowl.

They had just had breakfast when Wan Zhaodi, who was on the opposite side, came rushing through the door.She couldn't help sighing when she saw the overly thin but well-behaved He Xiaogang next to Yaya.

"Father and mother committed crimes, leaving such a small child behind, what will we do in the future?"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Su Yun and their husband and wife, and continued to ask, "Is this going to send him back to the village to Zhao Qiming and the others? Zhao Qiming is said to be inhumane, and the stillborn baby Liu Meimei gave birth to is not his seed." , so their Zhao family is rootless now..." Before she finished speaking, she swallowed back the word rootless when she saw He Xiaogang sitting obediently on one side.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah..."

Wan Zhaodi spit out a few mouthfuls quickly, spitting out her gaffe.

Although she didn't like Wang Yuhua and Zhao Weimin's couple very much, and she didn't like Zhao Qiming's junior, but the child was innocent. As an elder, she was not so vicious that she would curse the innocent junior.

After squatting several times, Wan Zhaodi felt that she had wiped out all the bad luck, so Wan Zhaodi continued to ask Su Yun if she wanted to send the child to the village.

If the couple Wang Yuhua and Zhao Weimin knew that they had an elder grandson, they would definitely be spoiled like eyeballs.After all, it seems that their family really can't have other offspring now...

Wan Zhaodi really thought it would be a good idea to send it back.

Su Yun shook her head and said, "I won't send them back. These are He Dahua's children. I promise her to take good care of them."

"Ah...then his mother is in jail, and if he is not allowed to go back to his father, how will he live in the future?" Wan Zhaodi's idea is that no matter how hypocritical and selfish the Zhao family is, it will have nothing to say to their own family.

He Xiaogang may have endless blessings when he goes back.

It is not wrong for Wan Zhaodi to have such an idea. After all, most people should have the same idea as her. The child's parents are all there, so there is no reason not to let them go back.

Su Yun still shook her head, "No, He Dahua didn't say that she would send the child back, and I can't make decisions for her without authorization."

"That's right, she is the child's real mother." Wan Zhaodi nodded. She was just making a suggestion. Now that Su Yun has made a decision, she won't dwell on this topic anymore.

Instead, he turned his attention to Yaya.

Knowing that Yaya was brought back by Su Yun from the homeless people under the bridge hole, Wan Zhaodi wiped away tears, "Poor child, you will be homeless at this age."

They used to have a hard life in the village, but compared with these people who don't even have a home, they still have something to eat and a place to sleep in the village, and they won't be bullied every now and then...

In this way, Yaya and He Xiaogang lived in Su Yun's house completely.

Su Yun found a few sets of her old clothes, and asked the old lady to bring Lin Chunhua to help change them to a suitable size for her to change into.Because He Xiaogang didn't have any suitable clothes, Su Yun went to the tailor shop to buy three or four sets of clothes for He Xiaogang.

After both of them put on clean clothes, although they were still very thin, their spirits improved a lot.

Looking at the two people who can be said to have a completely new look, Su Yun felt a sense of accomplishment.

A few days later, the Public Security Bureau called, and it was He Dahua who said on the phone that she wanted to see Su Yun.
Su Yun knew that there should be a verdict on He Dahua's surrender, so she nodded and took He Xiaogang and Yaya to the Public Security Bureau.

The wounds on He Dahua's face and body have been treated simply. Wearing old and whitish loose clothes, her already emaciated figure looks even more like thin paper.

It seemed as if the wind could blow it away.

Su Yun, who was waiting in the room, saw He Dahua like this, pursed her lips and said nothing.On the contrary, He Xiaogang slid down from Yaya's arms the moment he saw He Dahua and stretched out his hands towards He Dahua.


In the past few days at Su Yun's house, although Su Yun and the others have been deliberately trying to guide He Xiaogang to speak, he has been in a low mood and said very little.

He Xiaogang would still be in a daze alone when no one was around, and Su Yun knew that he missed He Dahua so much.

She felt distressed, but there was nothing she could do.

Seeing He Dahua at this moment, He Xiaogang regained his vivacity, and hugged He Dahua tightly with open arms, as if afraid that his mother would disappear again if he let go.

This is the case for babbling children. No matter how many wrong things their parents do, they will never fail to love their parents.

Then it was time for the mother and son to reunite, and Su Yun, an outsider, did not bother them inside.

She went to the door and gently closed the door. She took a breath and walked to the consultation window on the side.

"Hello Comrade Public Security, I would like to ask if there is any result in the case of He Dahua's surrender?"

The Comrade Public Security who was questioned by her was one of the people who went to the suburban bridge with Su Yun to handle the case a few nights ago. He had an impression of Su Yun as a lesbian.

It happened that what Su Yun asked was not a confidential question, so he told the truth.

"The confession provided by He Dahua is that she has been abused by her father for a long time. When the murder happened, her father beat her to death, and she accidentally pushed her mother down..."

The police told what He Dahua had explained, and after he finished speaking, he paused and asked Su Yun, "You are from the same village. Is she really beaten by her father for a long time as she said?"

If this is the case, then He Dahua's future sentence may be appropriately commuted.

The victim himself is the perpetrator, and the victim was still violent on the day of the victim, and the victim killed him. In this case, the sentence can be appropriately mitigated.

"She's right. Her parents are very patriarchal. She also has an older brother. Since she was a child, she has been treated like a horse by her brother." Su Yun recalled that when they went to school together, He Dahua's older brother He is extremely fat, but he doesn't even carry his schoolbag, and his schoolbag is always on He Dahua's body.

After school, He Dahua had to go to the field to hunt pigweed, while her brother was playing around with cats and dogs in the village, which was extremely disgusting.

Su Yun still has a deep impression on her, because He Dahua at that time had a worse life than her.

She is still protected by her grandfather, but He Dahua really doesn't have anyone to help...

 August is relatively busy, so this book will temporarily update [-] words a day.The little cuties who follow the text can rest assured that they will not stop updating, and keep [-] words every day.When I save some manuscripts, I will come back to update the [-]-word update in September!

  I wish you all a happy reading, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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