Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 516 Willing to settle in the village

Chapter 516 Willing to settle in the village

Now that I think about it carefully, what happened to her and He Dahua is quite similar.But her life is better than He Dahua's. She came to her senses after she died in her previous life. He Dahua didn't have such an opportunity like her, she didn't have this opportunity.

Su Yun's truthful confession is crucial to He Dahua's later punishment. Of course, the police will not listen to Su Yun's one-sided words, and they will think that He Dahua is innocent and justifiable.

It can only be said that they will properly refer to Su Yun's words, and let the local comrades go to the village to investigate the inside story when handling this case.

After all, He Dahua doesn't look like a villain with all kinds of evil. If there is a reason for the incident, they can also help to apply for a commutation of sentence.

Su Yun nodded, seeing that the time was almost up, she turned and went back to the inquiry room where He Dahua and the others were.

Pushing open the door, there was a low cry from inside, which was from Yaya.

He Dahua's eyes were also red, and He Xiaogang even had tears in his eyes, holding He Dahua reluctantly, unwilling to be separated from her.

He Dahua and Yaya were a little embarrassed when they saw Su Yun, Su Yun raised her finger and pointed outside, "How about I go out for a while?"

"No... no, no, no!"

He Dahua quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and asked Yaya to carry He Xiaogang out, wanting to talk to Su Yun alone.

Su Yun stopped her movement, "Let them listen together."

Nothing needs to be deliberately hidden from them.

Although He Xiaogang is still young, Yaya is already almost 17 years old. She has the right to listen to what she will do and what she will do in the future.

He Dahua nodded, and held He Xiaogang in his arms before saying, "I just asked Yaya, and she said that she is staying at your house these few days."

Su Yun hummed.

"Both she and Xiaogang have no household registration. Su Yun, can you find a way to help them settle?" Without household registration and no identity certificate, they are homeless. Even if they stay at Su Yun's house all the time, that won't work.

The street will check.

But now it is very difficult to settle down and apply for an account.

Both Su Yun and Xiao Lin's household registrations are still in Nancheng, so there is no way to move here.To let them settle in the city for Yaya and He Xiaogang, to be honest, Su Yun can't do it.

She doesn't have that ability.

He Dahua didn't want Su Yun to help them get a household registration in the city, she was thinking of the countryside.On the contrary, after living in the city for more than two years, He Dahua felt that the countryside was more suitable for them.


Su Yun glanced at He Dahua.

He Dahua nodded.

Su Yun turned to Yaya again and asked, "Yaya, are you willing to live in the village?"

Ya Ya nodded.

She also developed a sense of fear of this big city with many people.

Since they all have this idea, then Su Yun has a solution.

"How about this? The village near my factory is called Baiwan Village. The folk customs in that place are pretty good. If Yaya is willing to go there, I'll ask the village chief over there."

"I have a good relationship with the village chief. If Yaya and the others really settle there, I can rest assured that I won't be bullied."

"Okay, thank you Su Yun."

Knowing that Yaya and the others can return to the village, and that it is still a very simple village, He Dahua's last worry dissipated.

In this way, even if she is sentenced to death, she can rest assured...

He Dahua didn't know that her sentence might be commuted yet, and Su Yun wasn't sure, so she didn't tell her.When the meeting time came, the police came to take He Dahua away, and He Xiaogang reluctantly returned from He Dahua's arms to Yaya's arms.

"Su Yun...they will trouble you."

Su Yun nodded.

After returning from the Public Security Bureau, following Yaya's advice, Su Yun took them to Baiwan Village the next day.

As soon as she entered the village, she saw Luo Jianshe bending over to work in the fields beside the road.After a while, the rice in the field will be able to be harvested. At this time, the rice ear has already bent down the body of the rice heavily. It stands to reason that there is no need to go to the field now, just wait for the rice to mature with peace of mind.

But Luo Jianshe and the others are diligent. Even in relatively easy days now, they will put on their straw hats and go to the fields early in the morning, carefully pulling out the weeds on the ridges of the fields.

By the way, pick some wild vegetables that chickens and ducks like to eat and feed them home.

Xiao Lin parked the car on the side of the road, rolled down the window and greeted Luo Jianshe.

Luo Jianshe raised the brim of his straw hat, "So it's Comrade Xiao, come to work in the factory?" Luo Jianshe didn't know Xiao Lin as well as Su Yun, so when he saw Xiao Lin, he still called him Comrade Xiao.

Xiao Lin nodded slightly, and Su Yun poked her head over and called Uncle Jianshe.

A smile appeared on Luo Jianshe's face instantly, "Xiao Su is here too?"

"Well, Uncle Jianshe, when are you free? I think I need to find you when you are free."

"Ah, if I'm free, I'll be free soon." Luo Jianshe agreed, and threw the bundled wild vegetables on the road, then pulled up the bottom of his trousers and walked to the ditch used to irrigate the rice fields I washed my hands and feet.

He came up from the field after washing off the dirt on his hands and feet.

Su Yun also got out of the car, took Yaya and He Xiaogang out of the car.When Luo Jianshe approached, she went up to meet her and explained her purpose.

"If Uncle Jianshe can apply for household registration for the two children, I will bear all the expenses involved." Su Yun knew that her request might be a bit difficult.

But other than here, she really didn't know where else to find a village to hang on to Yaya's account.

If they are locals, then Yaya and the others can be registered on her household registration. Su Yun thinks it's fine.But they are not, their household registration is still in Nancheng.

To let Yaya and the others rely on their own household registration, they have to go back to Nancheng.

It took too much time to go back and forth. If it wasn't for the situation that there was no other way, Su Yun would not consider it.

Luo Jianshe thought for a while, raised his eyes and hugged He Xiaogang, a shy, silent, skinny girl.He nodded and said, "It's no problem for them to have their registered permanent residence in our village, but if they directly move in as outsiders, they have to show their certificates of origin."

Neither Yaya nor He Xiaogang can meet this requirement.Yaya's household registration has been lost in the ups and downs, and He Xiaogang has been a black householder since birth.

He has not yet registered for a household registration, let alone such a thing as having a household registration.

"This..." Su Yun frowned, her expression a bit serious, and Xiao Lin beside her couldn't bear her worry, so she asked Luo Jianshe for her, "Is there any other way for the village chief?"

"If there is one, I don't know if the two children are willing."

Luo Jianshe must have thought of other ways, otherwise he would not have proposed it like this.

"Uncle Jianshe, what other options do you have?"

"That's right... There is an old lady in our village named Granny Luo. Her children disappeared a few years ago, and she is the only one left at home." The mother-in-law's house, let the two of them take care of Luo's mother-in-law.

His request might be a little too much, so he didn't have the nerve to say it right away.

Now when he said it, he was still a little worried that Yaya and the others would not accept it.

But as soon as his words fell, Yaya agreed, "I am willing."

(End of this chapter)

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