Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 517 The simple and kind villagers

Chapter 517 The simple and kind villagers


Su Yun looked at Yaya in surprise.Yaya lowered her eyes shyly, "Xiaogang is still young, and if I go to work, no one will take care of Xiaogang..." So if you can live with Granny Luo as Luo Jianshe mentioned, then She can go to work to earn money and support Granny Luo and Xiao Gang.

Although her ability is limited now, she can guarantee that if she has a bite to eat, they will never be hungry.

Su Yun brought Yaya here mainly to ask for her opinion, and now that she herself is willing to have her household registration in the home of Granny Luo that Luo Jianshe mentioned, Su Yun definitely has no objections.

Luo Jianshe nodded, with approval in his eyes.

"The little girl is not bad."

Su Yun smiled, and they followed Luo Jianshe across the village road.

When the villagers saw Luo Jianshe greeting each other and seeing Su Yun behind him, they became even more enthusiastic.

"Xiao Su is here too? Have you had breakfast? It happens to be ready at home, do you want to have some together?"

"Hey Xiao Su, the salted duck eggs we made before are ready, when are you going to take some back?"

The villagers are very enthusiastic and treat Su Yun like their own relatives.

Su Yun smiled and declined their kindness one by one.

The villagers of Baiwan Village are so enthusiastic. Every time Su Yun comes over, as long as they come to the village, the villagers will take away some of their own things for her.

Every time I bring back to the city in big and small bags, it feels like a daughter returning to her mother's house.

Su Yun felt embarrassed.

"Oh, Xiao Su, don't be polite, it's not a rare thing."

"That's right. I'll pick a bundle of greens for you later and take them back. You'll have to buy everything you eat in the city. In our village, we've grown enough vegetables to eat. It doesn't matter if you bring some back."

"Yes, yes, Xiao Su, don't be polite to us. Fortunately, our life is getting better and better with you."

These villagers are very simple, and they are grateful to those who can make them live a better life without moving, whether it is Su Yun or the village chief.

Since the hospitality was hard to turn down, Su Yun could only nod her head in agreement.

And she secretly recorded the enthusiasm of the villagers in her heart, and she will repay the villagers well when she has the opportunity.

Seeing that Su Yun let go, the villagers also laughed.That's what distracts you from caring about other people.

"Xiao Su, is this your relative? Take her to play in the village?"

An enthusiastic aunt asked.

Su Yun smiled at the aunt and nodded.

"Yes, auntie."

Before the situation on Granny Luo's side is confirmed, Su Yun must not be able to tell the truth.

That aunt is also a person with sharp eyesight. After Su Yun agreed, she didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she told Su Yun to put the salted duck eggs next to Su Yun's car, and asked her to remember to put them in the car when she went back. .

Now every household raises chickens and ducks, and there are too many eggs and ducks to eat.When Su Yun came here before, she inadvertently mentioned that they could try to make salted duck eggs or preserved eggs and sell them outside for money.

In this way, the eggs and duck eggs at home will not be broken, and some money can be exchanged to supplement the family. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

When the villagers heard that they could make money, they enthusiastically asked Su Yun how to make salted duck eggs. Su Yun took some time to explain the precautions for making salted duck eggs to those aunties who wanted to learn.

He also demonstrated it live for them to see.

The aunts went home happily and started working.No, it's the first time it's done, of course I have to give it to Su Yun, the 'master', to try.

It can be said that as long as you are a hardworking person, every household has salted duck eggs and eggs, so it is not rare for others.Putting it on the side of the road may really be picked up by no one.

"Thank you, auntie, I'll remember later."

"Hey, thank you!" The aunt waved her hand, without delaying Su Yun and the others, she turned around and went to work first.

Luo Jianshe led Su Yun and the others towards his house. Su Yun was a little puzzled as to why she didn't go directly to Granny Luo's house.Luo Jianshe smiled and replied, "Auntie's house is next door to mine, with a wall in between."

Granny Luo is the elder of Luo Jianshe's room next door, and Luo Jianshe calls her aunt.

In her early years, she sent her two sons and daughters to the battlefield, but the sons and daughters died heroically, and she was left alone in her family.

Over the years, the neighbors around have been helping to take care of Granny Luo, but she is a very principled little old lady, and she never bothers the neighbors next door for things she thinks she can do.

"Although the house of my aunt's house is not big, it is very strong. It was built with the help of the village cadres, the villagers, and the young people who used to jump in the queue here."

Luo Jianshe said that he had already walked to Granny Luo's house. He saw that the courtyard door was ajar, so he pushed the door in. "Auntie is old, and her ears may not be very good. She said that if the door of the house is ajar It means that she is at home and we can directly open the door and come in."

He explained to Su Yun that people also entered the courtyard of Granny Luo's house.

Granny Luo's house is a simple three-room tile-roofed house with a kitchen and utility room.The three tile-roofed houses are the main house facing the door, and the kitchen and utility room are on the left hand side of the door. They are not brick-and-tile houses, but mud walls and thatched roofs.

However, the thatch on the roof is very new, and it can be seen that it has just been replaced.

Of course Granny Luo couldn't replace the roof, it must have been done by Luo Jianshe and the others.

Su Yun nodded silently, keeping these things in her heart.

Looking at the corner of the yard, a simple hut was built, and there were two wooden cages inside, and there were a few fluffy chickens in the cages.

He Xiaogang, who had been lying on Yaya's shoulder all this time, finally had a fluctuating expression on his face when he saw the little chicken. His eyes showed eager curiosity, and he kept staring at the little chicken in the cage.

Su Yun bent her lips, "Yaya, take Xiaogang over to watch the chicken play."

Yaya nodded, she was actually a little shy.But under the encouragement of Su Yun with a smile on her face, she was able to bravely take steps forward.

The two children went to play with them, and Luo Jianshe took Su Yun and the others to the backyard from the road next to the utility room.

"Third Aunt..."

As soon as he turned the corner of the house, he saw a green vegetable field in the backyard. An old man with gray hair was bending his back, holding a water ladle to slowly water the green vegetables.

The backyard is not too big, about thirty square meters.Vegetables are grown in all places except the fenced well.The vegetable field is divided into neat grids, cabbage, beans, cucumbers... All kinds of vegetables are divided into different squares, which are neat and very cute.

Su Yun only took one look and knew that this old lady was a person who loved life.

Luo Jianshe had already stepped forward, took the ladle from the old lady's hand, and whispered in the old lady's ear that someone was coming to visit her.

The old lady thought it was the leaders of the commune who said they would come to help her, so she stood up, waved her hands and said with a smile, "I've said it many times, I'm doing fine, I don't need help."

"Let them help those in need!"

(End of this chapter)

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