Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 521 Do you want the factory to close down?

Chapter 521 Do you want the factory to close down?

Settling accounts must be settled. Su Yun is in business, not charity. It is impossible for someone to make her lose money and she can not even find someone to settle the account.

But when it comes to settling accounts, one has to pay attention to the grievances and debtors. She won't scold the various departments all at once just because the company has lost a sum of money, and let them share the company's losses.

That's not what she founded the company for.

Hearing that Su Yun said that the main purpose of this meeting was not to investigate, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

It was saved, and their wages were saved.

Because of Su Yun's guarantee, Qiu Fangjun was not so nervous when he reported again.He calmly recalled the situation of this batch of shipments, and confirmed and affirmed that there were no omissions in their work.

"I can guarantee that there are a total of 860 two-packs and two-packs of beef jerky. The comrades in the quality inspection department have confirmed that each package is correct before sealing it and packing it into boxes."

So the problem is not in the production link?
Su Yun looked at Qiu Fangjun and nodded.

With Qiu Fangjun at the rear as a guarantee, He Qiang from the production department also heaved a sigh of relief.He stood up and reported, "Mr. Su, the comrades in our production workshop strictly follow the company's requirements. When entering the production workshop, they wear company-specific clothes outside. During this period, they cannot take off their clothes except for going to the toilet after get off work. .”

And their work clothes have no pockets, so there is no possibility that employees will pack cigarettes in the work clothes and take them to the workshop to smoke.

Su Yun nodded.

He raised his head and looked to the other side, "Where is the security department? Has the company found any abnormalities in the past few days?"

The director of the security department stood up and replied, "Back to Mr. Su, we didn't find anything here."

Su Yun nodded again, and asked the department managers one by one.After asking around and no one said they found anything unusual, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of Su Yun's lips.

She slammed the notebook in her hand on the table and made a loud noise.

"Nothing unusual? So what do you guys mean is that the customer didn't want to do business this time, and deliberately framed our company?"

Although she had a faint smile on her face, there was a majesty in that smile that did not belong to her age.

The managers in the circle below are all much older than Su Yun, but at this moment they are all shocked by Su Yun's chilling smile.

"Mr. Su..."

Just when everyone was thinking about what to do, Gu Jinnian finally opened the door of the conference room and came in.He glanced at the people present, walked to Su Yun's side in a few steps, bent down and whispered, "I found it."


Gu Jinnian handed a piece of paper in his hand to Su Yun, and Su Yun opened it to browse, and there was a list of several people recorded on it.Su Yun looked at Gu Jinnian and asked what was going on with the list.

"Two days before and after the shipment, there were people with abnormal reactions in the entire factory."

Gu Jinnian didn't come just now, but went to check the work records of various departments.He felt that if a person wanted to work on their products, he must come to their factory.

And there are security personnel in their factory, it is absolutely impossible for strangers to come in.At the beginning, Gu Jinnian identified the perpetrators as employees in the factory, but after looking around, he found that among the production employees who were most likely to come into contact with the products, no one smoked.

Because of this, the suspicion on the production employees is less.Gu Jinnian set his sights on the people outside.

As I said before, because of the presence of the security department, outsiders can't easily get in, unless there is only one thing, that is, there are their internal agents in the factory.

The inside and the outside cooperated to do this, without anyone noticing...

Gu Jinnian's brain is so good, after identifying this direction, he quickly checked the employees who had abnormalities before and after the first batch of products were shipped, and he really found them.

No, I'll come over to report to Su Yun immediately.

Su Yun held the paper in her hand and smiled.

"Ahao, tell all the staff to gather."


Xu Wanhao walked out and broadcasted in the radio room next door that all the staff temporarily stopped their work and assembled at the loading yard.

The loading dock is a place about the size of a basketball court, covered with a canopy to protect it from the sun and rain.

Although it is afternoon now, in July and August, the sun can burn people to death.As long as you don't want to make all the employees faint in the sun, you won't arrange them to stand in the sun to gather.

Besides, Xu Wanhao didn't dare to let his aunt bask in the sun!If his mother, Ms. Xu Meifen, finds out about this, the consequences... Xu Wanhao clicked his tongue, not daring to think about it.

As long as you don't want to die, don't mess with Ms. Xu Meifen!
The employees working in the workshop didn't quite understand why Haoduanduan suddenly wanted to gather, but this was an order from above. They looked at each other and looked at you. Although they were puzzled, they still stopped the work at hand.

"Why are you going to gather all of a sudden? Did something happen?"

In the first workshop, a middle-aged woman who worked with Liu Meizhu turned around and asked Liu Meizhu, "Meizhu, you know the boss well. Do you know what happened?"

Liu Meizhu opened her mouth and shut her mouth in the workshop because she and Su Yun are relatives, not to mention this kind of rhetoric is really believed.No, the woman who asked Liu Meizhu now is one of them.

Liu Meizhu's vanity was greatly satisfied by being valued by others, and she sighed and said, "I can't say that, listen, Xiaoyun doesn't like talkative relatives, so I can't say anything to you .”

The pretentious tone of speech made it seem like she knew exactly what was going on.

But this can only deceive the ignorant woman, and other people will not believe her.

The workers in the workshop came out one after another and gathered in the open space of the loading yard.

Su Yun and the company's management personnel also came to the open space.Seeing about a hundred people standing below, she walked to the steps in front of the crowd with a gloomy expression.

The people below all fell silent.

Su Yun looked around and asked first, "Comrades come to work in our factory, the factory treats you well, does it not treat you badly?"

The people below of course answered that the factory was very kind to them.

They are all farmers in the neighborhood. When Su Yun recruited workers, she didn't dislike them as farmers. As long as they met her recruitment conditions, she hired them and let them work in clean factories, and they could get a lot of money every month. .

This is a great thing for them.

Therefore, when Su Yun asked this question, almost no one answered with hesitation, which is very good.

"Then I believe that everyone is unwilling to see our factory close down immediately, right?"

The people below haven't figured out how to say this.

Su Yun changed the subject, her eyes darkened, and her tone became very severe, "The first batch of products just produced by our factory was complained by customers that there were cigarette butts and hair... cigarette butts... hair... huh... this going to shut down our factory?"

(End of this chapter)

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