Chapter 522 She really cheated

Su Yun is good-looking, with an oval face and willow-leaf eyebrows, bright eyes, bright teeth, and vermilion lips.When you are not angry, you always give people a very friendly feeling.

But when she really lowered her face, that aura was also very frightening.

For example, at this moment, her complexion is slightly gloomy, with slight anger between her brows and eyes, standing on the stage about one meter above the ground, looking down at the people below, she gives people a sense of sacred coldness and seriousness that cannot be offended .

The people below were stunned for a moment, and then exploded in an instant.

"What? There are cigarette butts and hair in the things we make? How is that possible?"

"Yeah, we all checked well, why are there cigarette butts? This can't be a mistake, right?"

People in the quality inspection department and the production department reacted the most when they heard that there was a problem with the product.After all, it was something that came out of their hands. If something went wrong, they would definitely be the first to be held accountable.

So it's understandable that they would have such a violent reaction.

Su Yun could see the reaction of the workers below.

She continued to say, "Now I will give you a chance to find out who threw the cigarette butts in the food packaging bag, and how it was delivered without the knowledge of the quality inspection department. Now I stand up and admit it, and I will spare him once. This Don't pursue it once."

As soon as this remark came out, the people below talked even more fiercely.

"Is it really a problem with our production?"

"Who threw cigarette butts and hair in the food?"

"Why are you so heartless?"

Everyone said what they said, but no one stood up and admitted that this matter was related to them.

Su Yun glanced at the people below, and saw that although they were discussing lively, no one came forward to admit it.Su Yun paid special attention to the positions of the people on the list, and found that they were just like the others, whispering to each other.

There is nothing special about it.

Su Yun smiled coldly, Huang He would not admit it unless she presented the evidence before her eyes.

Su Yun snorted from the bottom of her heart, her eyes beckoned for Gu Jinnian to bring the list over.Since they were unwilling to cherish the opportunity and refused to take the initiative to admit it, then don't blame her for not saving face for them.

"Mao Dazhuang, Zhao Dazhu, Hu Aiguo, and Song Daniu, stay here while the others go back to work."

Although she didn't say the reason for her special roll call, it was enough to make other people daydream.Those employees still want to take a closer look, but the managers of various departments in charge of them have come to take them back to work.

Among the crowd, Liu Meizhu still wanted to stay and watch the fun, but Zhao Cheng, who walked past her, grabbed his arm.

"What are you still doing here? Go back to work."

Liu Meizhu was very unhappy when she was caught, "Let me see again, I don't have much work over there."


Zhao Cheng dragged her away involuntarily.Today's event is very big, and it's not something ordinary employees like them can look up to.Liu Meizhu doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, but he still remembers that they can't get involved.

Liu Meizhu really didn't want to leave, she really wanted to know how Su Yun would deal with the person who did such a thing.

If it's just a simple expulsion, then she will...

Liu Meizhu fell into her own fantasy, but reluctantly she was dragged away by Zhao Cheng.

Looking at this man who doesn't care about her, Liu Meizhu began to fall into deep thought, is it really right for her to marry Zhao Cheng?
He used to be a teacher in the commune, so it was fine if his salary was a little higher than his what?He has no money, and she only earns more than a few months of dead wages. Is it necessary for her to be with Zhao Cheng like this?

Liu Meizhu looked at Zhao Cheng's back and fell into deep thought.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng never dreamed that his wife had already developed other thoughts about him.

And this strange thought also became a sparking point for Liu Meizhu's subsequent actions.

At this moment, the screen returns to the front.

Su Yun specially named the few people who stayed behind, two of them were from the security department, and the other two were employees of production and quality inspection respectively.

The four of them stood in front of Su Yun, looking at Su Yun suspiciously.

" left us...yes...yes...what's the matter?"

Mao Dazhuang was the one who asked the question first. He had an honest and honest face with a simple and simple expression on his dark face. When he spoke, he showed eight teeth. Just based on his appearance, he would never be suspected.

He is from the security department.

But I'm sorry, Su Yun has already passed the age of judging people by their appearance!

She looked at Mao Dazhuang with a sneer, "Comrade Mao Dazhuang, did the factory treat you badly?"

Mao Dazhuang was stunned for a moment, intimidated by Su Yun's cold expression.

It took him a while to recover and react.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? You still refuse to admit it until now, are you a few of you, together with outsiders, mixed products with hidden cigarette butts with products that have been tested and sent them out?"

"Do you want me to send you to the Public Security Bureau before you will admit it?"

Su Yun looked at Mao Dazhuang and the others with a gloomy face, with a cold smile on her lips.

"I would like to advise you on the last sentence. I already have the evidence. If you confess now, I will give you another chance! If you refuse to confess, then don't blame me for being unkind."

What Su Yun said was to deceive them.

But the serious expression on her face was really scary.Among these few people, there were already guilty consciences, but after being frightened by Su Yun, their faces really showed their feet.

The one named Song Daniu, under the watchful eyes of Su Yun's motionless forest, his feet went limp and fell to the ground with a puff.

"Boss...boss...I said...I said..."

Song Daniu's utterance shattered the faces of the other three who were about to bite the bullet and persevere.They turned their heads in unison to look at Song Daniu who had fallen and knelt on the ground, and they panicked.

It's over, it's over, this damn Song Daniu...

The other three really wanted to hate Song Daniu to death. If they had known earlier, they shouldn't have recruited him into the gang. Now it's over...

With Song Daniu's acknowledgment, things will be much easier.This cigarette butt and hair incident was indeed done by a few of them.Su Yun asked why they did this, Mao Dazhuang and the others gritted their teeth, saying that the factory treated them unfairly, so they thought of giving the factory some color.

Su Yun laughed happily when she heard this remark.

"With your elm head, you can think of such insidious tricks and unite so many accomplices? Do you think I'm a fool?" Su Yun was unequivocal when she spoke harsh words.

She stared directly at Song Daniu coldly. Among these few people, his psychological defense was the weakest. It was better to ask him than these three people.

"Tell me, what's going on here?"

(End of this chapter)

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