Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 523 The reason why the factory was framed

Chapter 523 The reason why the factory was framed

Song Daniu didn't dare to look at Su Yun, but under Su Yun's absolute pressure, he trembled his lips and said what he knew.

"It was Mao Dazhuang, who gave me 50 yuan and asked me to cooperate in stealing two packages from the production workshop..."

"Song Daniu!"

Mao Dazhuang was so angry that his face almost turned green.If he knew that Song Daniu was so unreliable, even if he threw his 50 yuan to a beggar, he would not give it to Song Daniu, a treacherous bastard!
Song Daniu was also very wronged, he didn't know that the matter was so serious.

If he knew what was going on like this, he wouldn't do it no matter how much Mao Dazhuang paid him!

"Boss...Boss...I really don't know...I really don't know that they are going to murder the factory like this!" Song Daniu burst into tears, regretting so much that his intestines were green.

With his testimony, it's useless for Mao Dazhuang and the others to be stubborn.

They finally admitted that it was because Mao Dazhuang wanted to avenge his two nephews.

"Two nephews?"

After Su Yun knew the result, she went back to the office.As for why those four people framed Yun Ji like this, Xu Wanhao was responsible for asking.

So at this moment Xu Wanhao came to report to Su Yun, saying that from Mao Dazhuang's mouth, it was because of his two nephews that he attacked Yunji, bribed the production and quality inspection staff, and asked them to secretly steal the beef jerky and put it inside Added cigarette butts, hair, which must not appear in food.

The purpose is to take revenge on Su Yun for humiliating his two nephews.

After listening to Xu Wanhao's words, Su Yun thought it was funny, and it happened that Gu Jinnian was also in the office, Su Yun leaned back, dropped the pen in his hand on the table and asked Gu Jinnian with a smile, "What do you think about this?"

Gu Jinnian frowned and thought for a while, "I don't think he can do such a thing for his two nephews."

"Can you just call Mao Wanwan and ask?"

Su Yun asked Xu Wanhao to call Mao Wanwan.

Soon, Mao Wanwan came to Su Yun's office.After more than a year of training, his legs have become like normal people.He has been working in the factory since his leg recovered.

Currently working as a team leader in the security department.

Mao Wanwan is able to have today, that is very grateful to Su Yun!If it wasn't for Su Yun, he even felt that he might not be in this world now.

So when Su Yun asked him to come over, he came without saying a word.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Gu, you are looking for me."

Su Yun nodded and signaled Mao Wanwan to sit down and talk.

Mao Wanwan rubbed his hands, with a shy face on his face, he sat down on the stool opposite Su Yun with some restraint, "President Su, what do you want from me?"

"Well, there's something wrong."

Su Yun was not ambiguous, and asked about the relationship between Mao Dazhuang, Mao Wangang, and Mao Wanfang brothers.

"This Mao Dazhuang is also your uncle, right? He usually treats you very well?"

Mao Wanwan shook his head, "The third uncle is not very good to me, but he likes the elder brother and the second brother." When Mao Wanwan was young, he still thought why everyone was a child of the Mao family, but the third uncle liked the elder brother and the second brother especially because of him. Dislike?

Mao Wan was also depressed because of this.

But as he got older, especially after experiencing the broken leg before, Mao Wan didn't care about it anymore.

In other words, he has already seen that their true colors are not the same as his own, so he gave up his desire to get close.

Now he goes to and from get off work alone, goes home to take care of his grandma, and works in the fields when he is free. Mao Wanwan thinks this kind of life is pretty good.After he saves money for another year, he will send people to kiss the girl he likes...

Mao Wanwan fell into his own beautiful imagination, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

But fortunately, he quickly came back to his senses, knowing that he was still in the boss's office, and he didn't dare to lose his mind for too long.

"Boss Su, did they do something?"

He was there at the staff meeting before, and he naturally knew that Mao Dazhuang was named to stay.

Su Yun also didn't mean to hide it from Mao Wanwan.

"Yes, there are cigarette butts and hair in the goods that leave the factory this time. It was found out that Mao Dazhuang was the chief envoy and several other people co-operated. He said that he wanted to avenge Mao Wanfang and Mao Wangang."

"Do you think this is possible?"

Su Yun raised her head and glanced over Mao Wanwan's face.

Mao Wanwan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "Revenge, what kind of revenge? Big brother and second brother are fine, what kind of revenge does he want to take for them?" Although Mao Wangang is not in contact with Mao Wangang or Mao Wanfang now, their relationship He is very clear about the movement. He sleeps at home every day after eating, and his life is much more comfortable than that of ordinary working people.

So you still need revenge?
Revenge for what?

Mao Wanwan couldn't figure it out.

Su Yun didn't need to think about it.Then I asked Mao Dazhuang and Mao Wanfang about the degree of "deep" relationship between them in detail, and confirmed that they had a good relationship, but they hadn't reached the point of venting their anger for each other before they left their jobs, Su Yun knew it well.

"Okay, I see, you go to work."

Su Yun waved Mao Wanwan to leave.

After he left, she raised her head and asked Gu Jinnian and Xu Wanhao who had been silent, "What do you think? Tell me your opinion."

"There is another person behind the scenes!"

"There is another person behind the scenes!"

Gu Jinnian and Xu Wanhao answered her in unison.

The ideas of the three coincided with each other.

Su Yun nodded to express her understanding.

"Okay, Jinnian, go and announce the punishment of these four people! As for the people behind it... Ah Hao... just ask, what is the Wang family doing recently?"

It's no wonder that Su Yun was suspicious of the Wang family. In fact, the Wang family had a precedent against them before, so if something happened, Su Yun must think of this old enemy.

After receiving Su Yun's order, the two turned around and left, each going to attend to their own affairs.

At this time, the office was completely quiet, and Su Yun took her breath away, and raised her hand to pinch the center of her brow.

Unlike later generations, there is no 360-degree monitoring without dead ends, so if there are employees with ulterior motives, or employees who are bought by outsiders, and then learn to frame their factory like Mao Dazhuang, they can close their doors within a few times.

This problem must be solved!
But how to solve it?

Su Yun stretched out her hand to pinch her brow again, a little troublesome.

"young married woman?"

There was a knock on the office door, and Xiao Lin's voice sounded at the same time.Su Yun looked up and saw him showing a faint smile, "Brother Lin, you are here."

Xiao Lin nodded, walked in and closed the office door.

He came to Su Yun's side, stretched out his big hands and gently squeezed her temples on both sides.

Su Yun was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and looked at Xiao Lin in surprise.

Xiao Lin said softly, "Daughter-in-law, don't worry too much, just explain this matter clearly to the customer." When he just came in, he found that the atmosphere in the factory was not right, and he was puzzled.

Coming to the office here, I happened to run into Gu Jinnian and Xu Wanhao who were out on errands, and they told him what happened in a few words.

No one knows more than Xiao Lin how much effort Su Yun has put into this food factory. Now she will definitely feel uncomfortable seeing the food factory being messed up as soon as the first batch of goods is shipped.

Xiao Lin came to the office without delay, seeing Su Yun tired but still forced to smile at him, his desire to kill the person behind the scenes became stronger and stronger.

Of course, when dealing with Su Yun, he did not reveal his emotions, and was as gentle as ever.

(End of this chapter)

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