Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 524 Improve the closeness between employees and the factory

Chapter 524 Improve the closeness between employees and the factory

Su Yun leaned back and leaned on the person behind her.His calm and gentle massage makes it easy to drowsy while also giving a sense of peace of mind.

Su Yun, who was originally a mess in her head, gradually became clear.

Since she decided to open a factory and start a business, all kinds of challenges and blows must be inevitable.From another perspective, today's incident can also be regarded as lucky.

Fortunately, the quality problem of the product was discovered by customers, and they have not been sold yet.

In this way, you only need to explain clearly and then bear the compensation.Their Yunji's reputation has not yet collapsed...

When Su Yun thought of this, she suddenly became enlightened!

She opened her eyes, and the broadcast of Gu Jinnian's factory announcement came from the speakers in the corridor outside. It was the result of the treatment of those four people!
Gu Jinnian didn't save face for them, and broadcast what those people did to the whole factory!After the broadcast, by the way, the leadership's treatment of these four people will be broadcast.

"Because this incident seriously damaged the interests and reputation of the factory, in addition to sending them to the police, the factory decided that they should bear all the losses caused by their actions!"

When Gu Jinnian said this, those who were listening to the broadcast were all stunned.

How many of them should bear all the losses?Then they still pay for their lives?While those people were taken aback by this punishment, they couldn't help cursing twice that they deserved it.

The factory treats them so well, and they don't know how to cherish the work they give them. They even want to destroy the factory, and they deserve to be treated like this.

Gu Jinnian's voice continued.

"Everyone, the quality of the factory is closely related to you. The incident this time is small because they can't stand the temptation of profit, but if it is big, they want to destroy your jobs."

"Most of our comrades are from a few nearby villages, right? Ask yourself, if you don't have a job in a factory, can you earn more than 50 yuan a month working in the field alone? No way?"

"The people headed by Mao Dazhuang want to smash the jobs of dozens or hundreds of comrades out of greed. How sinister and vicious are their intentions?"

On the radio, Gu Jinnian's young voice was full of anger, and it was very contagious.

Most of the people who work in the factory have come from hard times.After hearing Gu Jinnian's words, they were easily drawn in.Recalling the hard times in the past, and comparing it with the happy life now, it is easy to ignite their anger towards Mao Dazhuang and the others.

Of course, Gu Jinnian didn't just say these words to ignite the anger of the employees. His purpose was to let these employees know that the honor and disgrace of this factory are closely related to their survival.

As long as everyone in the factory regards the factory as their home, as an existence that shares weal and woe, then if someone wants to destroy the factory in the future, they will definitely find out in time.

And this time, the severe punishment of Mao Dazhuang and the others was also a wake-up call for the rest of the factory employees.If they want to covet the money given by others, and cannot bear the temptation to harm the factory, then they must also think about whether they can bear the punishment after the incident is revealed?

Most of the employees are honest farmers all their lives, and very few people are as greedy as Mao Dazhuang and the others.

After Gu Jinnian's series of announcements, they could not wait to catch Mao Dazhuang and the others on the spot and beat them up, spitting on them continuously.

Who are they?

How can they even hurt such a good factory for a little money?People who don't know how to be grateful like this can't be called human beings.

These workers had this idea in their hearts, one or two wanted to tear the heads of Mao Dazhuang and his group, and wanted to see clearly what was inside their heads.

How can you do such an inhuman thing?

After Gu Jinnian finished speaking, he also said that the factory would give rewards to employees who performed well, to motivate them to work hard, and then completely shut down the large halls in the factory. broadcast.

After Su Yun heard Gu Jinnian's words, the corners of Su Yun's lips curved even deeper.

She has a husband who can be relied on at any time, a very good partner, and a family who cares about her... She has a better life than many people, and she really shouldn't be defeated by a little setback like this .

Having figured it out, Su Yun felt full of strength again.

When Gu Jinnian returned to her office, she could clearly feel that Su Yun's energy was different from before he left.He thought it was Xiao Lin's credit, but he never thought that it also had the credit for his "generous statement" on the radio just now.

"President Su, should we call the police now?"

Gu Jinnian asked.

Su Yun raised her wrist and glanced at the watch on her wrist. It was more than an hour before she got off work.It may be too early for the police to come from the town.

"Wait another half an hour."

She pinpointed the timing to ensure that other employees could witness Mao Dazhuang and the others being taken away by the police.The purpose, of course, is to deter those who think they are smart and want to play tricks to take advantage of the factory.


Gu Jinnian didn't ask Su Yun why he had to wait, in fact, he didn't need Su Yun to tell him why he had to wait.So he didn't say anything, and after waiting for half an hour, Gu Jinnian personally called the police station in the town where Baiwan Village belongs.

After waiting for another half an hour, five or six police officers in uniform came to the factory.

Su Yun and Gu Jinnian received them personally.

Explain what happened in the factory to the police comrades, and they were also pissed off by the actions of Mao Dazhuang and his gang.Su Yun and the others set up a factory here. Although it is said to be in the suburbs of Beijing, their town is the first to benefit!
How many villagers in the town have benefited from this factory and Xiao Lin's next door?Did Mao Dazhuang and the others make a mistake in order to attack this factory?
"Comrade Su, Comrade Gu, please rest assured that we will handle this matter strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations. We will thoroughly investigate the fact that they framed the factory and caused huge losses to the factory, and give the two comrades a reasonable explanation as soon as possible. .”

Even Comrade Gongan didn't believe that this was Mao Dazhuang's whim, and he wanted to avenge his two nephews who were not up to date.

But thinking about it, Su Yun and Mao Dazhuang's two nephews, brothers Mao Wanfang and Mao Wangang, wouldn't have any feud.If you really want to say hatred, maybe they want to encourage the villagers to move, but Su Yun persuades them to stay?

Isn't it worth Mao Dazhuang's death?
Su Yun understood the meaning of Comrade Gong An's words, and knew that they wanted to track down the mastermind behind the scenes. She nodded and thanked her before continuing.

"If comrades can find out who the mastermind behind it is, but it's inconvenient, you can tell me the list."

(End of this chapter)

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