Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 525 It is useless to regret that the intestines are blue

Chapter 525 It is useless to regret that the intestines are blue
She said this because she was afraid that the mastermind behind it might be a person of high authority, not someone that ordinary police comrades could afford to offend.

Comrade Public Security was startled for a moment, but he figured it out in a blink of an eye.

People who can open a factory here, and also open such a large factory, must be more powerful than small characters like them, so it is not surprising to say this.

"Okay, no matter who the other party is at that time, as long as we have the evidence and found it, then we must tell Comrade Su as soon as possible."

"Thank you Comrade Public Security."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Gu Jinnian and asked Gu Jinnian to take the police to find Mao Dazhuang and the others.

Mao Dazhuang and the four of them were locked together. The people who were sitting in the room eating melon seeds and chatting in the morning were already locked in the small room in a very embarrassing situation.

And the person guarding them turned out to be the person who ate melon seeds and chatted with them in the morning.

But in just one afternoon, there seemed to be a natural barrier between the identities of the two parties. Mao Dazhuang and the others would never be able to sit outside eating melon seeds and chatting like the few comrades in front of them.

Do you want to ask them to regret it?That must be regrettable!
Especially Song Daniu, who has been regretting it ever since he was locked up. He is sitting on the ground and crying, his crying is both miserable and regretful!
But what is the use of this?
Who let him be blindfolded by greed?

When Gu Jinnian brought the police over, the security outside the house immediately stood up, Gu Jinnian nodded and told them to open the door.

"Open the door!"

As soon as the door of the room was opened, Mao Dazhuang and the others stooped and rushed out.While rushing, he shouted, "Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu, we knew we were wrong, we knew we were wrong, just give us one more chance, give us one more chance!"

With tears streaming down his face, Mao Dazhuang rushed to the leg of the person standing in front, holding his leg with his hands and crying loudly.

Comrade Public Security who had his leg hugged:? ? ? ?
He turned his head to look at Gu Jinnian who was on the side.

Gu Jinnian spread his hands, with an apologetic smile on his face, "He recognized the wrong person."

Of course, Comrade Public Security knew that Mao Dazhuang had admitted the wrong person. What he wondered was why a big man could paste his snot and tears on his legs together?Do you dare to do it or not?
The fact is really the case, dare to do it or not.

The sticky leg was very uncomfortable, the corners of Comrade Gong An's mouth were tugged again and again, he forcibly controlled his urge to kick Mao Dazhuang out, and opened his mouth patiently.

"Comrade, you made a mistake. I'm not your boss Gu, I'm the policeman of Dahua Town."

Mao Dazhuang raised his head...

Seeing the police uniform and the shiny handcuffs in his hands, Mao Dazhuang was so frightened that he immediately let go of his hands and took a few steps back, and fell to the ground.

"Public Security...Public Security...Comrade..."

I was so nervous that I couldn't speak.

The three people behind Mao Dazhuang looked at Comrade Public Security with more fear than the other.They kept patting their thighs, and their regretful legs were about to break.

"Comrade Public Security, I was bought by Mao Dazhuang with money. He said he would give me 50 yuan to help him with work." Song Daniu surrendered first, and told the police again what he had said to Su Yun before.

Immediately afterwards, the other two also kept nodding in agreement with Song Daniu's words.

"Yes, yes, yes, we were all bought by Mao Dazhuang. He said he would give us 50 yuan each, and let us do some small things for him..."

"That's right, Comrade Public Security, we really didn't know he was so evil and wanted to harm the factory!"

These few people cried so loudly that they were innocent inside and outside the words, so the police only wanted to settle accounts with Mao Dazhuang.

The police couldn't help but hehe.

Mao Dazhuang is heinous, but people like them who dare to break the law for 50 yuan are still good people?Comrade Public Security stopped talking nonsense with them, went forward and handcuffed them one by one, and took them away.

It's time for employees to get off work.

A policeman was in charge of escorting a person to go out, and the employees of the factory automatically watched from the sidewalk.I don't know who started to spit at Mao Dazhuang first, and then, things kept flying towards Mao Dazhuang and the others.

Spit, shoes, lunch box in hand, water bottle...

As long as it can be thrown out of the hand, there is nothing they don't throw away.Among them, the shoes with the smell of making feet smell the most.

The blocking by several police officers was ineffective, and of course they didn't intend to block it.

So after the first shoe came out, they deliberately stopped it, then avoided it, and let the stinky shoes fly on Mao Dazhuang and the others for a while.

Su Yun stood in the corridor on the second floor and watched the scene not far away, her eyes were filled with a cold light, without the slightest emotion or emotion.

Even though Mao Dazhuang and the others were beaten to the ground, her face was still as calm as water.

Hearing Xiao Lin's footsteps behind her, the indifference and coolness on her face dissipated.Turning his head to look at Xiao Lin with the corners of his lips curled up.

Xiao Lin stood beside her.

"I just contacted my former comrade-in-arms, and he said that he would like to come here to work as a security guard, my wife..."

"Is there only one?" Su Yun interrupted Xiao Lin's embarrassing words with a smile.

Xiao Lin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "There are several." The words that were difficult to say just now, after seeing Su Yun's sweet smile, he can easily say them.

"They suffered some injuries on the battlefield before..."

This is where he is in trouble.

The comrades-in-arms he said were more or less physically injured, and he was worried that it would affect Su Yun's factory.

It was his business to help his comrades, and he didn't want to kidnap Su Yun and force her to do these things with him.But now it seems that his daughter-in-law doesn't think this is a trouble at all.

Su Yun has always respected soldiers.

For her, it is an honor for her small factory to recruit those heroes.So there is absolutely no intention of her giving to others' work.

"Brother Rin, why bother? You let them come over, and the company will reimburse you for the travel expenses."

"I asked Jinnian to prepare the dormitory for them in advance!"

Su Yun added another sentence.

"Thank you, daughter-in-law." Xiao Lin held her hand and looked down at her, there was light flowing in the dark and deep eyes.This flowing light can be interpreted as a kind of love, a kind of love that is not mixed with any dirty thoughts and completely blends with the soul.

Su Yun was a little embarrassed by him.She chuckled, stretched out her hand and scratched his palm, "Okay, brother Rin, have you forgotten that we are husband and wife? What you want to do is also what I want to do!"

Su Yun has always been obliged to help those in need.

This is also the original intention of her founding Yunji.

It is when you want to live a good life for yourself, and at the same time have the ability to help other people.

The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled, without any words at the moment, they both understood each other's mind.

Mao Dazhuang and the others at the bottom were also beaten up enough, and the Comrade Public Security who walked away saw that it was almost done, and then stood up and cleared his throat to stop this 'farce'.

"Okay, everyone, stop beating. For criminals who violate the law and commit crimes, there are naturally laws to punish them severely. You just need to remember to be a down-to-earth person and don't fantasize about getting rich."

(End of this chapter)

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