Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 526 Don't be rude when it's time to be ruthless

Chapter 526 Don't be rude when it's time to be ruthless

These few words were of course for Su Yun and the others to the employees.

It is not necessary or obligatory for Comrades Public Security to say these things, but they still said it, proving that they saw through Su Yun's intentions, and wanted to help Su Yun and the others frighten these employees.

Su Yun was a little amused seeing this scene.

"These police comrades are pretty good."

Xiao Lin nodded first, and then realized that something was wrong, his wife looked at other gay men too softly.

"Daughter-in-law, I can do better than them." So I could only look at him tenderly.

An appetizing voice rang out above her head, Su Yun glanced at Xiao Lin who looked aggrieved in surprise, and couldn't help chuckling, "Brother Lin has been carrying a lemon with him every day recently? Just take a slice if you don't pay attention. lemon?"

"You're so sour, aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"

"Well, don't be afraid."

Xiao Lin was really upright.

The corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched, pinched his aggrieved face, and opened his mouth to reveal a smile, "Men who smile like this are good-looking, Sister Yun likes men to smile...

Before he finished speaking, Xu Wanhao's voice interjected, "Ah little aunt, little uncle, I shouldn't be here, I'm leaving right away."

Su Yun, Xiao Lin: ...

Is this Xu Wanhao acting as much as his mother?

Su Yun let go of the hand pinching Xiao Lin's cheek, turned around and walked in front of Xu Wanhao, "How is it? What did you find out?"

She still had a smile on her face, and she didn't feel at all that she should be embarrassed when she was seen flirting with her man.

But think about it, Xu Wanhao is not an outsider, he is his 'pro' nephew, does he dare to have any objections to his aunt?Are you not afraid of his mother cutting him?

Xu Wanhao really didn't dare to have an opinion.

For this reason, he could only pretend not to see that his aunt and the others were flirting. He had to report to work, and it was important to do business.

"It's such a aunt. I just asked around, and they said they didn't notice any changes in the Wang family."

"Huh? Are you sure?"

Su Yun asked.

Xu Wanhao nodded.He asked several well-informed people, and they all said that Wang Dazhi had already ordered the members of the Wang family, especially his second brother Wang Dadong, not to do anything to Su Yun and his wife in the business field...

Although Xu Wanhao didn't quite understand why, the person who gave him the news was extremely sure that the words really came from Wang Dazhi.

After Su Yun listened, she already had an idea in her mind.

"Okay, it's okay, let's get off work, we are going home for dinner."

Xu Wanhao, who originally wanted to wait for the next step:? ? ?

"Why did you just go home for dinner? Have you found out who is behind the scenes?" According to Xu Wanhao's thinking, they should be trying to find out the real culprits behind the scenes now. How could someone as smart as his aunt have to return Have dinner at home?
This made Xu Wanhao puzzled.

Su Yun smiled, reached out and patted Xu Wanhao's shoulder, "Take your time."

Just now, she thought of a good idea, and she will discuss it with Gu Jinnian later, if possible, there may be unexpected gains.Of course, before this thing happens, fewer people know about the appointment.

So Su Yun had no plan to tell Xu Wanhao.

The main reason is that she thinks that Xu Wanhao is not very good at acting, and his acting skills are a bit exaggerated. Maybe after letting him know about his plan, his exaggerated acting skills will arouse others' suspicion.

So it's better not to tell him about it.

Xu Wanhao questioned to no avail, and when Xiao Lin also told him to go home for dinner after get off work, he could only leave work sullenly.

But instead of going home, he drove to find Chen Jinzhou.He didn't believe it anymore, with the influence of him and Ah Zhou in the capital circle, they wouldn't even be able to find a mouse hiding in the gutter.

"Wait, you stinky mouse who can only play tricks behind your back, wait for me to catch you out and beat you to death!"

After Xu Wanhao finished speaking angrily, he stepped on the gas pedal, left the village and returned to the city.

Su Yun and the others waited for Gu Jinnian to come back, and they left the factory together after get off work.In the car, she told Gu Jinnian what she thought.

"Jinnian, do you still remember what I told you about Meiyu's sister-in-law?"

Gu Jinnian was sitting in the back row looking at some documents. When he heard Su Yun's question, he raised his head and looked at Su Yun who was sitting in the co-pilot, "What does President Su mean by that?"

"Uh, it doesn't mean anything else, but I suspect that there is a slight possibility that Liu Meizhu is with the people behind Mao Dazhuang?"

This idea really just came up on a whim, so she described it with a little bit of uncertainty.

Gu Jinnian put down the documents in his hands.

His face became serious.

Even Xiao Lin, who was serious about driving, became more focused.

"Boss Su, what you just said means that Liu Meizhu may also be a nail they planted?"

"Otherwise? How do you explain the purpose of her going to the production workshop?" Su Yun glanced lazily at Gu Jinnian, and that look made Gu Jinnian inexplicably feel as if he was rejected by his elders.

Su Yun in front of him was clearly a year younger than him, but how could he feel the pressure from the elders?

Gu Jinnian shook his head to get rid of the untimely thoughts in his head.

"I haven't had time to report this to you, President Su."

He went to the personnel department to check the records of how Liu Meizhu was able to enter the production workshop from the outside to work. He wanted to report to Su Yun immediately, but unexpectedly there was a customer complaint and a cigarette butt was found in the product.

Gu Jinnian was busy handling this matter, so he naturally forgot about Liu Meizhu, a small person.

Now that Su Yun mentioned it, he suddenly remembered it.

"The rhetoric of the personnel department is the same as that of He Qiang. They all say that Liu Meizhu told them that she is our relative and my sister-in-law..." Gu Jinnian was a little ashamed to mention this, after all, Liu Meizhu was really real There is such a layer of relatives with him. ,

"So, because of Liu Meizhu's unilateral rhetoric, our company's personnel department allowed her to enter the production workshop?"

There was a cold smile on the corner of Su Yun's mouth, that smile seemed to be brewing something.

Gu Jinnian agreed with a yes.

Su Yun scoffed.

"Brother Lin, are there any talents in this field among your comrades in arms? Recommend me some."

Xiao Lin glanced at her sideways, and then smiled, "My wife wants to change the company's personnel?"

"Don't you keep it for the New Year?" Su Yun blinked in confusion and asked, "They can take Liu Meizhu to the production workshop based on what she said today. If someone pretends to be my mother tomorrow, they will Are you going to hand over the company right away?"

"Is there anyone who is so careless?"

This is no joke.

Su Yun really felt that the personnel department was too loose!
Taking advantage of the fact that the company's scale is not too large, it is absolutely necessary to change the company.

 Hey, try to continue writing three to six thousand words every day!Goodnight everybody!

(End of this chapter)

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