Chapter 527

For him, the words of his wife are imperial edicts, so how could he go against his wife's wishes?Since the daughter-in-law said so, he must have followed suit.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on it, and I'll call them over if there's a suitable one."

He agreed immediately.

Su Yun was very happy.

If it wasn't for Gu Jinnian in the car, she really wanted to hug the man beside her and kiss him hard.

He is too nice.

Because of this decision, Su Yun has been paying attention to talents in this area.

While waiting for Xiao Lin's comrade-in-arms, he looked for the right person by himself.

While she was looking out for other suitable personnel, Xu Wanhao found Chen Jinzhou.

Seeing Chen Jinzhou packing up his things and preparing to go home, Xu Wanhao immediately went up to stop him.Chen Jinzhou looked up at Xu Wanhao, and said lazily, "What? Is there anything for you to do in your company?"

The two of them have the same major and the same class, but now they work in different industries.Although it was difficult at the beginning, but fortunately, they have good learning ability and quickly integrated into the working environment.

There is still one year for the two of them to graduate from university, and then they can devote more energy to their current work.

Xu Wanhao chuckled, "I said Azhou, even if the company has something to ask me to do, it's time to get off work, so my aunt won't be so cruel that I'll have to work overtime day and night!"

"My brother won't either."

Chen Jinzhou retorted.

The reason why he is still with the company is that he is checking a customer's information, and after confirming it, he will place an order tomorrow for Lao Hu to bring people over for construction!This is because he took the initiative to stay and work overtime, and it has nothing to do with Xiao Lin.

Xu Wanhao clicked his tongue twice, and looked at Chen Jinzhou in disbelief, "I never expected that you can protect my little uncle like this now, and I thought the two of us were about to break up our relationship!"

As for why the relationship was broken, Xu Wanhao didn't say.

Chen Jinzhou knew it well.

He turned his head away and said nothing.

If Xiao Lin wasn't his own brother, if their husband and wife relationship wasn't that good, then he...

"Cough, cough, cough..." Chen Jinzhou realized that he was thinking a little too far, and quickly regained his composure and coughed to cover up his gaffe.Looking at Xu Wanhao's mocking gaze, he said with a straight face, "What are you doing here when you have nothing to do?"

As a good brother, Xu Wanhao must know what Chen Jinzhou is thinking.

However, he didn't mention any more about the fact that this must become a secret.

"It's like this. A batch of goods that came out of our factory a few days ago was raped by people. Some beasts added cigarette butts and hair to them and sent them to customers. The customers reported back..."

"What? How did such a thing happen?" Chen Jinzhou paused slightly in the hand that was putting away things, and looked at Xu Wanhao in great surprise, "Have you caught someone?"

"I caught it, but the person behind it wasn't caught." Xu Wanhao grabbed his short hair, and said with some distress, "My aunt doesn't know what's going on, she didn't catch the person behind her, but she Let me go home and rest."


Knowing that someone has been caught, Chen Jinzhou is not so worried. "Sister-in-law naturally has her plans."

"Hey, it's not Azhou. I'm sure my aunt has her own plans, but can you let this matter go like this? I don't think so."

This is also the reason why Xu Wanhao rushed to find Chen Jinzhou in such a hurry.

Chen Jinzhou glanced at Xu Wanhao faintly, "Tell me what you want to do?"

"Those people are now locked up at the police station in Dahua Town..." Xu Wanhao didn't finish his sentence, but was replaced by a burst of laughter that both brothers knew well.

Chen Jinzhou glanced at the watch on his wrist.

"Have a meal before going over?"


The 'conspiracy' of the two brothers is unknown to Su Yun who has returned home.Before entering the house, she temporarily put all the troubles and bad things out of the sky, not taking them home to affect the mood of her family.

With a sweet smile on her face at the moment, she sat cross-legged on the mat and played with the three babies.Not seeing each other for a day, not only Su Yun misses them very much, but the three babies also miss her very much.

Babies who are more than six months old can't speak yet, but they already want to talk.They opened their mouths and babbled, but no one could understand what they were saying.

Su Yun was amused by their babbling, and seeing the three children looking at her with sparkling eyes, her heart almost melted.

Zhang Ma smiled and said: "These brothers and sisters are having fun together. I heard that it is not allowed to have more children now, and I don't know if it is true. If it is true, what will happen to those families with only one child?" Do it?"

Zhang Ma still thinks of the older generation, and the traditional concept still thinks that having more children means more blessings.

So she was very worried and couldn't understand what was said to the outside world.

Su Yun originally had a smile on her face, but she was stunned for a moment when she heard Zhang Ma's words, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was indeed the case.

What she saw in the white mist in the previous life, the policy for a long time has indeed begun to be implemented at this time.

This policy has no effect on her, after all, she has three children now, and she doesn't plan to have another child.

No, even if she wanted to give birth, she couldn't give birth. She almost forgot that her brother Lin had been sterilized...

The promulgation of this decision may affect those who have just given birth and want to continue to have children.

No, just after dinner, Zhao Meiyu came across the door.

She has just turned forty days today, and there are no taboos after her confinement, so Wan Zhaodi let her out without restraint.

She had wanted to come here a long time ago, and waited patiently until Su Yun and the others had finished eating, because she was afraid that if she came too soon, they would meet them for dinner, and she would not be able to resist eating along with them.

Zhao Meiyu now feels that she is too fat. In order to make her body less fat, she has to strictly control her diet.As for the food of Su Yun's family that might make her fat, she simply couldn't choose.

Out of sight is pure!

Su Yun didn't know what Zhao Meiyu was thinking. When she saw her coming, she naturally asked her if she had eaten.If you haven't eaten, would you like some here?

"No, no, I have to control my diet now, otherwise my name will have to be changed if this continues."

"What to change?" Su Yun asked Zhao Meiyu with a smile.

Zhao Meiyu groaned: "It's just changed to Fat Meiyu, Xiaoyun, you can't even think of this?"

Could this be the power of being pregnant for three years?
Fat Meiyu?
" want to laugh me to death?" Su Yun was amused by Zhao Meiyu's description, and automatically ignored the fact that she might have been pregnant for three years.

Zhao Meiyu yelled twice, raised her hand and pinched her waist, which had gained weight twice, and then looked enviously at Su Yun's almost unchanged figure, "Look at you, then at me, alas, the difference Can it be less obvious?"

She is really distressed!

Before they were pregnant, the two of them were about the same size. After pregnancy, Su Yun's belly was twice as big as hers. Zhao Meiyu thought at the time that Su Yun would be fatter than her after giving birth...

The result only proved that she was thinking too much.

Su Yun gave birth to three children in one breath, and her figure quickly recovered after giving birth. It was almost the same before she was pregnant...

"How do you keep in shape? Come on, what's the secret?"

(End of this chapter)

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