Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 528 Working together with partners, getting twice the result with half the effort

Chapter 528

What secret does Su Yun have?

She wanted to say that there is no secret, but obviously if she said that, then Zhao Meiyu would definitely not 'let it go'.

Su Yun thought about it seriously, "Maybe my family has three children drinking milk at the same time, while your family only has one?"

"Could it be the reason?"

Zhao Meiyu looked at Su Yun suspiciously, as if she didn't believe it, but she couldn't find a suitable rebuttal for a while.

Su Yun took this opportunity to skip the topic, "What do you want me to do here?"

"Can't I come to see you if it's okay?"

Zhao Meiyu snorted and continued, "I heard from my mother that you met that murderer He Dahua?"

"Well, she surrendered herself."

"That child really belongs to her and Zhao Qiming?" Zhao Meiyu said while looking around the room, and asked her in a low voice: "You help them, isn't Brother Lin angry?"

Now it was Su Yun's turn to be surprised.

She turned her head to look at Zhao Meiyu, her eyes had already betrayed the thoughts in her heart.

'How do you know Brother Rin is angry? '

This is what Su Yun is thinking now.

Zhao Meiyu snorted triumphantly: "The man is very stingy, I guess Brother Rin will be angry because that child is related to Zhao Qiming.

And Zhao Qiming almost became husband and wife with Xiaoyun before!

So Zhao Meiyu felt that even if she thought with her toes, she could still think that Xiao Lin was angry.

After listening to Zhao Meiyu's explanation, Su Yun couldn't help giving a thumbs up!Who said Meiyu was stupid?How strong is her ability to figure out people's hearts?So the symptom of being stupid for three years after being pregnant only appeared on her body, and she perfectly avoided Zhao Meiyu?

Before this thought settled in her mind, Zhao Meiyu broke her cognition.

"Thinking about it, you were almost married to that Zhao Qiming before, and I would be angry if it were me." Zhao Meiyu paused, and then continued, "But Xiaoyun, you said that if you really married Will Zhao Qiming have a good life too?"

"I feel that Zhao Qiming also likes you."

Su Yun: ...

It's a lot worse, okay?Where is it just almost?

Also, does Zhao Qiming like her?Zhao Qiming likes himself, his face, okay?She praised Zhao Meiyu for being smart just now, but she threw her IQ back to Zhaojia Village in an instant?

"He doesn't like me at all, does he?"

Su Yun expressed that she was very puzzled. She didn't know why in the eyes of others, she could see that scumbag Zhao Qiming liked her?She lived two lifetimes, and Zhao Qiming was an extremely selfish person, and the only thing he liked was himself.

But Su Yun didn't intend to waste any more time on this topic with Zhao Meiyu, because it wasn't worth discussing at all.

"I only offered a small favor because He Dahua was in the same village. It was also for the sake of the baby and the others. There was no other reason in it."

"Okay, I know!"

Zhao Meiyu must also believe in Su Yun.

The two sisters chatted about other topics, and it was almost nine o'clock when Gu Jinnian came to pick him up, and Zhao Meiyu reluctantly went home.

Su Yun shook her head with a smile, and went upstairs to her room to sleep.

While they were resting, outside the police station in Dahua Town, not too far from the city, an off-road vehicle stopped at the gate of the police station.This is Xu Wanhao's car. After dinner, they went straight to the police station.

The two went to Dahua Town to ask casually, and found the location of the police station.

At this time, most of the police comrades in the police station had already left work, and there were still two police officers on duty.Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao went forward to show their identity certificates.

"Comrade Public Security, we have something we want to consult with Mao Dazhuang and the others, can you make it easier?"

Hearing this, the policeman raised his head from the document to look at Xu Wanhao, and then at Chen Jinzhou.

"Who are you two?"

"Mr. Su from Yunji Food Factory is my aunt, she is his sister-in-law." Xu Wanhao, a young social expert, took over the 'heavy task' of the introduction, and introduced "What happened today is really affecting us badly. We are a little bit unhappy. Don’t worry, I want to ask Mao Dazhuang again.”

"Huh? Comrade Su, you know when you come here?"

The police are still very vigilant, and they will not let random people come in to meet Mao Dazhuang and the others.After all, there are serious suspicions about those people. Even if Xu Wanhao told Chen Jinzhou that they were relatives with Su Yun, the police couldn't easily let them in.

Who knows if this is committed by an acquaintance?
I have to say that Comrade Public Security's concerns are indeed justified!

The police didn't believe the two of them. Xu Wanhao and Chen Jinzhou came here secretly, so it's not easy to call Su Yun and ask Su Yun to explain to Comrade Public Security.But the two of them didn't want to make the trip in vain, so they could only make a phone call to the director of the District Public Security Bureau above Dahua Town.

The phone was connected, and a majestic voice rang through the phone. Chen Jinzhou said with some embarrassment, "Uncle Xu, it's me, Chen Jinzhou."

Director Xu on the other end of the phone was a soldier that Mr. Chen had led before. He had a good relationship with Chen Shennan, and the two of them still had a friendship as classmates.So Director Xu naturally knew Chen Jinzhou.

Director Xu was still a little confused when he suddenly received a call from Chen Jinzhou in the middle of the night.

"Jinzhou? What happened to you?"

"No, Uncle Xu, I want to see someone, but Comrade Public Security and the others don't trust me..." Chen Jinzhou was a little embarrassed, feeling that it was wrong to bother the elders with such a trivial matter and disturb their rest.

Director Xu didn't take this matter to heart.

After listening to Chen Jinzhou's introduction of the ins and outs of the matter, he nodded, "Give the phone to the comrade on duty."


Chen Jinzhou handed the phone to the comrades of the police, who took it over. Hearing the director's voice, after confirming that Chen Jinzhou and the others could not be the suspect's accomplices, he let them in.

Before hanging up the phone, Director Xu smiled and told Chen Jinzhou to take it easy and not to be too harsh.

Chen Jinzhou was even more embarrassed, "Don't worry, Uncle Xu, I won't beat anyone."

Xu Wanhao kept nodding at the side, yes, he can just deal with beating people.The reason why Azhou was called to come together was to have a personal advantage when he was intimidating.

He threatened, and Chen Jinzhou lured him!
If the two work together as a partner, it must be more effective.

Chen Jinzhou glanced at the excited Xu Wanhao, but said nothing.The two declined Comrade Public Security's lead, and after finding out which room Mao Dazhuang and the others were locked in, they walked over.

At this moment, in the small room with the lights turned off, Mao Dazhuang and the others just fell asleep.

The past few days have been on tenterhooks, and they never know when the matter will be revealed. They can't eat or sleep.Today the matter was brought to light. Although they were arrested, they felt inexplicably more at ease in their hearts.

So at the moment he is falling asleep.

Xu Wanhao and Chen Jinzhou took the key and opened the door of the hut. Looking at the several people lying on the wooden boards, Xu Wanhao glanced at Chen Jinzhou.


Chen Jinzhou spoke with his lips.

Xu Wanhao nodded, walked to Mao Dazhuang's side, and dragged him out.

(End of this chapter)

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