Chapter 529
In his sleep, Mao Dazhuang felt that he was being dragged forward. He struggled to open his eyes from sleepiness, and found that he had been taken outside from the small room.

"Who is it... What do you want..." Before he finished speaking, Mao Dazhuang raised his head and saw Xu Wanhao's face clearly. After recognizing that this was the secretary of the boss in their factory, Mao Dazhuang's heart sank a lot. .

"Secretary Xu, what do you want to do? We have already been caught by the police, does Mr. Su still want to abuse lynching? Secretary Xu..."

"To shut up!"

Chen Jinzhou, who was walking beside Xu Wanhao, raised his foot and kicked Mao Dazhuang's knee, telling Mao Dazhuang to shut up in a cold tone.

Mao Dazhuang was taken aback by Chen Jinzhou's aura, he quickly reacted, and continued to shout and struggle to escape.

"Let me go, let me go!"

"be honest!"

Not surprisingly, Mao Dazhuang was kicked again.

The big man strikes, the strength of which can be imagined.Mao Dazhuang was kicked twice in succession, and the pain was excruciating.If Xu Wanhao hadn't dragged him, Mao Dazhuang would have fallen to the ground!

His face changed in pain.

Grinning his teeth, he said, "You guys are abusing lynching, I want to report you, I want to report you!"

This Mao Dazhuang went to junior high school before, so he knows what abuse of lynching is!

"Report? Who do you want to report?"

Before Xu Wanhao and Chen Jinzhou could speak, a colder voice came from the side.

Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao turned their heads together, looking at the tall figure coming out of the shadows, they both showed surprise expressions!
"elder brother……"

"Little uncle..."

Neither Chen Jinzhou nor Xu Wanhao expected to see Xiao Lin here, which surprised them too.

At the same time, it was an unexpected surprise, because the three of them all thought of the same point, which is what others say about heroes who see the same thing!
Xiao Lin heard from Comrade Public Security that there were two people in front of him looking for Mao Dazhuang when he was outside. After thinking about it for a while, he figured out that it might be Chen Jinzhou and the others.

Now that it was confirmed to be the two of them, he wasn't too surprised!

Nodding to the two of them, his eyes shifted to Mao Dazhuang in the middle.

"What? The money given to you by your behind-the-scenes instructor is enough to buy your life? You put your life in it, so who will spend so much money?"

Xiao Lin's words are quite murderous!

As soon as he opened his mouth, he hit Mao Dazhuang's weakness. He was afraid of death and greedy for money!

So Xiao Lin's words really hit all of Mao Dazhuang's weaknesses very well!
When he raised his head to look at Xiao Lin, suspicion flashed in his eyes!
Xiao Lin hooked the corners of his lips, "It's too late to say it now, I don't want to hear it later, then it's too late for you to say it again." Compared with Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao, people who have really seen blood are more likely to speak harsh words At that time, the aura was extraordinarily frightening.

Although Xiao Lin did not open his eyes wide with anger, there was no trace of anger on his face.But that indifferent expression is more likely to make people feel oppressed than angry.

"You... what do you mean by that?"

Mao Dazhuang spoke.

Xiao Lin raised his eyebrows and glanced at Mao Dazhuang: "What do you think?"

Mao Dazhuang didn't know, but he had a faint feeling that the secret he wanted to keep could not be kept...



Su Yun only heard the sound of the door opening when she woke up in the middle of the night. She opened her eyes and sat up. Xiao Lin who came in from the door closed the door and walked gently to the bedside to hug her.

"Woke up by me?"

"No..." Su Yun was still a little sleepy, she had no strength in her limbs when she just woke up.With Xiao Lin's support, she naturally didn't need to exert her own strength, and she leaned lazily in his arms.

"Thinking about when you will come back, I haven't slept too well." She yawned and explained.

She knew when Xiao Lin went out, she didn't ask what he was doing, but she could probably guess it.

"It's my fault, I kept my wife waiting for a long time." Xiao Lin gently pressed a kiss on her hair, and then whispered what he had gained from this trip.

They successfully 'questioned' from Mao Dazhuang's mouth the person who instructed him behind the scenes. Xiao Lin and Chen Jinzhou took advantage of the night to find that person, only to find that the other person was also the owner of a food factory.

Their food factory also makes jerky, but the jerky he makes is far inferior to Su Yun’s Yunji. Seeing that the people around him are all mentioning Yunji, the boss is not convinced. I want to give Yunji a little color.

"So he found Mao Dazhuang and tried to use such indecent means to close down my factory?"

How can there be such a person who can't see the good of others?

Xiao Lin nodded, and continued with what he just said: "He explained very clearly, including how he found Mao Dazhuang, how much money he gave Mao Dazhuang, and how he gave it. He explained everything clearly."

So after they determined that he was the instigator behind it, they asked the police to take him away directly.

If Su Yun wants to see him, she can go to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow.

"Okay, since I caught it, it's fine."

There is no need for her to waste time on meeting people.Su Yun really has no interest in this kind of person whose mind is as dirty as a mouse in the gutter.

Instead of wasting time on that, make more money.

When she has absolute strength, those who want to trouble her and fight against her will have to weigh it carefully!
The husband and wife said a few more words, and at the same time there was the sound of the baby, which meant that they were going to drink milk in the middle of the night.

Su Yun wanted to make milk powder, but Xiao Lin held her hand and told her to lie down under the blanket.

"Daughter-in-law rest, I'll just go soak."


Su Yun really obediently lay back down, but before she lay down, she turned on the dim night light on the bedside which was as yellow as a candle.This is specially prepared for getting up in the middle of the night, so the lighting is very soft.

Guaranteed not to sting the eyes, and not to see anything in the dark.

Xiao Lin's tall figure hurried away.

First wash the baby bottle with boiling water, then put it in warm water, and pour the milk powder into it.

Prepared milk powder for all three children, just after handing over the milk powder, although the three little guys still had their eyes closed, they were able to accurately take the milk bottle and put it to their mouths.

Baji Baji began to drink.

Su Yun turned sideways, just in time to see the three children holding the bottle and drinking milk.Su Yun didn't know what the cutest thing in the world was, but she felt that her three babies were definitely the cutest people in the world in her eyes.

When they were drinking milk, they made baji baji sounds, so cute that her heart would melt.

The corners of Su Yun's lips could not stop rising.After taking a shower, Xiao Lin also went to bed, put his arms around her waist, rested his chin on her shoulder, and followed her to look at the three cubs.

Su Yun thought of what Zhang Ma had said to her in the evening.

She tilted her head and asked Xiao Lin if it was true.

"Is it really forbidden to have more than one child now?"

Xiao Lin nodded, with a warm and soft jade in his arms, his mind was a little wandering.

"We have one child and three children, it doesn't matter."

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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