Chapter 530 The New Neighbor

That dishonest hand made Su Yun tremble, she turned to look at the man behind her, "Aren't you tired at this late hour?"

"Well, you can be a little more tired."

A deep and mellow male voice whispered in her ears, and her warm breath sprayed onto Su Yun's earlobes, making her feel like she was going to burn.


She really wanted to say how his energy was so good.

But the man has proved to her with practical actions that he is not only good in energy, but also in good physical strength.

Although they already have three children, every time she faces Xiao Lin, she still feels like she is about to die...

Is this probably what they call sweet troubles?

Su Yun didn't understand.

There was no time left for her to think, so she could only rely on her instinct to cling to him.

In a daze, she thumped his shoulder: "Enough, you have to go to work tomorrow."

"Well, my daughter-in-law will rest at home tomorrow."

The hoarse voice fell, and a warm kiss blocked her lips...

The next day Su Yun got up a little late, rubbed her sore waist and went upstairs and downstairs.Grandma and Zhang Ma went out for a walk with their three children, Xiao Lin also went to the company, and she was the only one left at home.

Su Yun had eaten the breakfast left on the table, she didn't plan to go to the factory today, so Xiao Lin didn't wait for her and left early in the morning.

The business of their trading company has expanded several times, and Xiao Lin is about to win most of the supply in the entire capital.His next step is to occupy most of the northern supply market...

As the company's business expands, manpower naturally needs to increase.The business in the southern city can already be handed over to Yu Hu. Li Wei will come to the capital after a while to expand the northern market with Xiao Lin...

Song Yinyin has been in the capital for several months, and it is said that she does not plan to return to the south city, so it is understandable that Li Wei will focus on the north city.

Su Yun couldn't help thinking that two years ago, probably no one would have thought that a group of them would have achieved what they have achieved today, would they?

She shook her head amusedly, and Zhao Meiyu's voice talking to someone could be heard outside the door: "Xiaoyun must have gone to bed late last night and hasn't woken up yet. I just asked my grandma and she said that Xiaoyun is still sleeping, so I don't know Not up now."

Her voice fell, and another voice rang out, "Then let's not bother her for the time being, and come over after putting away the things."

This voice happened to be the voice of Song Yinyin that Su Yun had just thought of. Is she here for something?Su Yun pulled back the stool, stood up, walked to the door and opened it.

Zhao Meiyu and Song Yinyin were standing at the gate of her courtyard talking.

When they saw Su Yun, meaningful smiles appeared on their faces at the same time.

"Xiaoyun is up?"

"You're a bit late, it's already 08:30."

It was a normal speech, but when the two of them spoke, they kept winking.No matter how normal words are said by them, it seems a little abnormal.

Everyone is married and mother, so who doesn't know what they are trying to convey?
Su Yun directly ignored the words, and her eyes fell on Song Yinyin who was fully armed: "Yinyin is this?"

Song Yinyin smiled and opened her hands: "Surprise, I'm going to be your neighbor soon, isn't it a big surprise?"


Su Yun is very busy these days, and she hasn't seen Song Yinyin for more than a month, so she really doesn't know what she's doing recently.Hearing that she was going to become her neighbor, Su Yun subconsciously looked towards the garden house on the left.

Some people moved things into the garden house one after another.

"This is... you bought the next door?"

Doesn't Song Yinyin have a courtyard house in the capital?Why can't we live in a good courtyard house?

Doubt flashed in Su Yun's heart, but she thought it through in an instant.Although the location of the courtyard house over there is good and the environment is very quiet, but according to Song Yinyin's personality that likes to be lively, she must not be able to stay.

She wants to live nearby with acquaintances.

This acquaintance is naturally Su Yun and the others.

Having figured it out, Su Yun didn't bother with this problem anymore, she turned to ask Song Yinyin if she needed help.

"It just so happens that I'm off today, so please let me know if you need help."

"There is nothing to help." Song Yinyin said that there was nothing to help, but her expression was not like this.Su Yun was a little amused, "When did our Doctor Song become hesitant?"

"Speaking straight is Dr. Song, right?"

Su Yun made a funny joke.

"Aren't I...afraid of being scolded by your elder brother Lin?" Song Yinyin was a little aggrieved, she felt that Xiao Lin was being aggressive, which directly caused her to dare not let Su Yun do things for her.

Afraid of being scolded by Xiao Lin.

Su Yun didn't expect Song Yinyin to have someone to be afraid of, and it was her brother Rin.She smiled to reassure Song Yinyin, this was her initiative, Brother Rin won't be angry.


Song Yinyin's eyes were full of excitement.

Su Yun hummed and nodded, "Tell me, what do you want to eat?"

In fact, Song Yinyin's request is not difficult to guess. Su Yun knew that Song Yinyin was thinking about her cooking and food after thinking about it for a while.

Sure enough, when she asked Song Yinyin, she immediately raised her head in surprise: "Xiaoyun, did you guess it? You're so smart!"

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, it's easy to guess, okay?
"I want to eat a little too much, can you tell me all of them?"

"Yes, to celebrate your moving into a new house and becoming our new neighbor, and to celebrate Meiyu's full moon, you can mention whatever you want. I will try my best to satisfy you."

"Xiaoyun, you are so kind."

"I have a share, too?" Zhao Meiyu looked at Su Yun in surprise, "I want to eat..." She opened her mouth and was about to talk about braised pork and Dongpo pork, but her eyes fell on her waist that had gained weight twice. give up.

"Forget it, I'll just eat some vegetables."

Zhao Meiyu's originally happy face was full of disappointment, which made Su Yun look a little uncomfortable.

She seems to care too much about her figure.

"Meiyu, you are just out of confinement, you will become thinner after a while, don't worry about it so much." Su Yun comforted Zhao Meiyu with a smile, "Besides, you are not fat now, maybe Jinnian likes you like this figure."

Song Yinyin also echoed, saying that men like fatter and fleshier ones, and only Xiao Lin would like someone as thin as Su Yun.

Su Yun: ...

Well, Dr. Song's way of comforting people is indeed very unique.

Zhao Meiyu didn't seem to believe it yet: "Really?" She looked at them, as if hoping to get an accurate answer.

Su Yun and Zhao Meiyu grew up together. Although Zhao Meiyu didn't say anything at the moment, she could see something wrong from Zhao Meiyu's expression.

When Song Yinyin entered the room to arrange how the workers should arrange the furniture, Su Yun held Zhao Meiyu back.

She turned her head and told Song Yinyin that they had gone to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and then walked out side by side with Zhao Meiyu.

"You have been a little bit wrong these days, has something happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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