Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 534 There is an illusion of becoming a sweet pastry

Chapter 534 There is an illusion of becoming a sweet pastry
Holding a glass of wine, Song Qingyuan walked up to Xiao Lin and asked.

Xiao Lin stood up, thought seriously before shaking his head, "I don't seem to have heard that anyone has a house for sale."

The expected answer is still hard to accept.Song Qingyuan was a little disappointed, but then he thought about his daughter living here, and it was the same for him to live here.

"Forget it if you don't have it, forget it if you don't have one."

Song Qingyuan figured it out, and a deep smile appeared on his face, "It doesn't matter if I don't have a house, it's the same when I live in my daughter's house."

"Uncle, don't you have a house? Why do you want to live at my sister's house?" Wu Shishi who came to talk to Su Yun happened to hear Song Qingyuan's words, so she asked curiously.

Song Qingyuan chuckled, and answered without paying attention, "Isn't this the food cooked by Xiaosu? It's so delicious? I think I can go to their house for dinner if I live closer."

Xiao Lin: ...

Originally, he wanted to regard Song Qingyuan as a serious elder, but who knew that he actually had such an idea, wanting to come over to enjoy the meal cooked by his wife?
Song Yinyin's voice from the other side came in: "Now you know the benefits of living next door to Xiaoyun's house? But you have no chance now, I bought this house."

Song Qingyuan nodded: "Well, I will come here often."

Other people around: ...

By the way, can the father and daughter restrain themselves a little?

Speaking their minds in front of so many people, it makes it difficult for other people who want to move in to be Su Yun's neighbors to speak again!Mr. Wu put down the chopsticks in his hand, nodded and looked at Xiao Lin slowly, "Who bought No. 89?"

No. 89, that is the next door to where Su Yun and the others live now.

The house was also bought by Xiao Lin, but there are no people living in it now, it is a temporary office rebuilt by Xiao Lin.

Could it be that Mr. Wu is planning to call number 89?

Before this thought came to an end, Mr. Wu said directly, "Didn't we just not give Shishi girl a dowry? Let's buy a small courtyard on Wutong Street as a dowry for her!"

It is best to buy it next door to Su Yun.

Mr. Wu seemed serious, and what he was talking about was his granddaughter's dowry.But everyone present knew that the old man was drunk and didn't want to drink!
Xiao Lin and Su Yun haven't answered yet, but Wu Shishi has already said, "Okay, Grandpa." After she finished speaking, she turned to Su Yun and asked, "Sister Yun, can you sell me No. 89? Let me be yours too." neighbor."

Su Yun: ...

If she hadn't been able to feel that she was a human being, she would have mistakenly thought that she was a sweet potato.

Why does everyone want to be her neighbor?Is it too exaggerated?

Su Yun and the others will definitely not sell their house, and of course Mr. Wu and the others will not force her to sell it, but the original intention of the old man to buy a house on this street has not changed.

Of course, it must be a joke to want to go to Su Yun's house every day for dinner. They decided to let their juniors live near Su Yun's house. More importantly, they valued that Su Yun and his wife are very motivated young people.

Young people, they must live with peers who can have a good influence on themselves.

Su Yun didn't know that the couple unconsciously had such a big image in the hearts of the elders.If you know that Su Yun can't help being funny, she and Xiao Lin are really not worthy of admiration.

They are just ordinary people.

After having dinner at Song Yinyin's house and helping to pack things up, they each went home.

The next morning Su Yun went to work normally, and when she got off work in the evening, Xiao Lin told her that his comrades had arrived.

"Huh? Are you here? Where do they live? Shall we treat them to dinner?" Su Yun sat in the co-pilot and asked several questions in succession.

Xiao Lin glanced at Su Yun, with a deep smile in his eyes: "They are staying at the hostel at the corner of Wutong Street. I originally wanted to go back and take them to cook two dishes."

"Why do you want to be casual? Don't want to take me there? Are there lesbians?"

Su Yun asked three more times.

"No, how can there be a lesbian?" Xiao Lin couldn't laugh or cry, "It's because those comrades said that they weren't mentally prepared to see you."

"Huh? Why?"

Xiao Lin didn't answer Su Yun's doubt directly, but after an hour, Su Yun verified it with her own eyes.

She followed Xiao Lin to a restaurant near the hotel where Fan Wei and the others lived. Before entering, Su Yun's sight was attracted by the tall figures sitting by the window.

Judging from their sitting postures, Su Yun roughly guessed their identities.

It must be a person who has retired from the army to have such a temperament.

Sure enough, as soon as the thoughts in her mind settled down, Xiao Lin's voice sounded beside her, "They are over there."


With a slight smile on Su Yun's face, she walked towards their table with Xiao Lin. Fan Wei, who was sitting opposite the door, raised his head and saw Xiao Lin and the others walking in. He stood up quickly.

"battalion commander……"

Following Fan Wei's opening, the other four people sitting around the table also turned their eyes to the door. Almost the moment they saw Xiao Lin, they stood up naturally.

"battalion commander……"

They all turned their faces away, only then did Su Yun realize that they were more or less flawed.

For example, Fan Wei, who discovered them first, had half of his ear missing, and there was a very scary scar down from the half missing ear.

That scar was the one where half of his ear was cut off, half of the ear was cut off above the scar, and the bottom of the scar almost reached the collarbone... The whole scar was like a bent centipede clinging to his neck.


Su Yun took a deep breath, and the hand hanging by her side was gently clenched.

She looked up.

Xiao Lin whispered: "Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid."

Su Yun shook her head, she wasn't afraid, she just felt that Fan Wei's injury was too serious.If it were someone else with such an injury, I'm afraid his life would have been gone long ago.

She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "Did you get injured on the battlefield?"

"I was plotted against when I caught the bandits."

Xiao Lin explained to her softly that the people sitting here were all injured while catching bandits.

"Didn't they retire from injury and change jobs?"

Although Su Yun didn't understand the organizational system of the army very well, it was clear that if she was injured in the army, she could retire and change jobs.According to Xiao Lin's words, these people in front of them have been soldiers for a long time, why didn't they change jobs?
"The ones who have changed jobs are just because their external conditions have moved to the place, which has attracted a lot of people's strange eyes..."

They are all honest and honest people. Thinking that they have brought such a 'bad' influence on the villagers, they chose to resign and go home...


Su Yun was taken aback again, she didn't expect that there would be people who would despise the hero, this is too chilling.

"Does my daughter-in-law want to go? If not, I'll tell them it's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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