Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 535 Not an ordinary person

Chapter 535 Not an Ordinary Person
Because many people, especially lesbians, find it difficult to accept Fan Wei's current situation, so if Su Yun can't accept it, Xiao Lin also thinks it is understandable.

Correspondingly, his comrades are also understandable.

"What nonsense is Brother Lin talking about?" Su Yun turned her head to look at Xiao Lin, with a bit of reproach in her eyes, "Who do you think I am?"

Don't say that they just have a little injury on their body, a little flaw.Even if they were beyond recognition, Su Yun would not feel afraid.What's more, the wounds on their bodies are still marks of glory.

She had no reason to be afraid.

Su Yun walked over with Xiao Lin with a slight smile on his face. Fan Wei and the others were very happy when they saw Xiao Lin, but when they saw Su Yun, they couldn't help but want to avoid subconsciously.

Fearing that Su Yun would see their situation clearly, it would cast a shadow on Su Yun's heart.

Su Yun felt that she could show her sincerity first.

She greeted them with a smile: "Hello comrades, the journey has been hard, please sit down first!"

Her eyebrows were curved, and her eyes were clear and clean, without a trace of disgust.

Her affinity is very strong, especially after she took the initiative to show her kindness, it was even more trustworthy.

Fan Wei blinked, and looked at Xiao Lin beside him in disbelief.

There are really lesbians in this world, wouldn't they be afraid of the scar on his face?

Xiao Lin was actually rather shocked in his heart, his daughter-in-law's reaction was really surprising.

He was very proud and proud in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

He held Su Yun's hand and sat down beside him, before he said, "Have you ordered? Your sister-in-law is treating you today, and you all open your mouth to eat."

There is no need to explain some words, everyone can see it from the other party's reaction.Like now Xiao Lin did not specifically respond to the concerns of his old comrades, but his behavior has already explained everything.

Su Yun can accept them!
This knowledge made several people overjoyed. They didn't know what to do for a while, they didn't know how to let go of their hands and feet, and they seemed very restrained.

It can be seen that they are very simple people.

Su Yun showed a smile to alleviate their discomfort: "You are welcome, brother Rin is right, eat with an open stomach, the place where the work is more remote, there may be less opportunities to go out."

"It's all right, sister-in-law gave us a job and we are very grateful. People with disabilities like us, if it weren't for sister-in-law and the battalion commander, we might have been farming in the village for the rest of our lives."

Among the five people in front of them, apart from Fan Wei who had his face hurt, another pair of brothers named Zhang Long and Zhang Hu had scars on their faces. One was missing three fingers on his left hand, and the other was missing his left arm. The entire palm of his hand was cut off in half.

There were two other people, one surnamed Wang and the other surnamed Zhang. They had no obvious injuries on their faces, and their limbs were sound.

But Xiao Lin said that they hurt their waists and couldn't do heavy work.

They were all soldiers that Xiao Lin had led before, and they didn't live very well after being discharged one after another.Su Yun asked Xiao Lin to help find someone, and he thought of them.

Su Yun kept it in mind.

Their injuries are actually military medals. Su Yun didn't feel scared. On the contrary, she thought that when she got rich in the future, she must set up an organization to help veterans like them.

At present, her ability is not enough, and she has no way to help so many people. She can only take care of her own work first, and then think about other things.

Because they felt Su Yun's kindness, Fan Wei and the others really let go of the discomfort that might be disgusted by others, and gradually blended into the meal.

They were happy talking about the past, and Su Yun thoughtfully asked the store to send them two bottles of wine.

Xiao Lin looked at Su Yun in surprise.

You must know that he has quit drinking for a long time, and his wife doesn't like the smell of alcohol and smoke, so he rarely touches these things.

Of course, a grown-up man would definitely smoke and drink, especially rough old men like Xiao Lin and the others who came out of the army, they smoked and drank so badly.

Su Yun bent her lips and smiled: "It's okay for old comrades to have a drink at a party, just drink less."

She never asked Xiao Lin to quit drinking, but Xiao Lin took the initiative to quit, and she certainly wouldn't say she didn't like it.On this special occasion, she still allowed Xiao Lin to drink some wine.

At the same time, he also believes that Xiao Lin is a sensible person, and he will have to drive home later, so he should not get too drunk.

Well, there is no drunk driving yet, so you can still drive after drinking.

While several of their old comrades were drinking and chatting, Su Yun, who was full, stood up and was about to go to the bathroom, Xiao Lin asked in a low voice if he wanted to go together.

"Okay, I'm not a child. As for going to the toilet, do I need someone to accompany me? You should have a good chat with them!"

Su Yun could clearly sense that Xiao Lin talked too much when chatting with his old comrades about the interesting things about the army.She also didn't want to spoil Xiao Lin's interest, let them have a good time, and she could solve it by herself when she went to the toilet.

"I'll do it myself, don't worry."

"Then call me."

Xiao Lin really treats her like a child, even going to the bathroom alone is afraid that something will happen to her.What else can she do in the future?Su Yun felt that Xiao Lin was exaggerating, but she also knew that he was worried about her.

Care is chaos!
"I know brother, if you do this again, your comrade-in-arms will laugh at you." Su Yun lowered her voice and whispered in Xiao Lin's ear.

In fact, there is no need to guess, the hearts of Xiao Lin's comrades were really shocked. They never dreamed that the iron-blooded battalion commander who was unsmiling in the army before would have such a gentle side after marriage.

But after thinking about it, the battalion commander took great care of their brothers who were in trouble.It can be seen that the battalion commander is a very gentle person in his heart, and such a person will naturally treat his wife well.

Su Yun didn't know what the other people present were thinking, she got up and left the table, and under the guidance of the restaurant staff, Su Yun walked towards the toilet.

A person who had been watching them not far away looked at the people who were still chatting, and followed Su Yun!
Su Yun came out of the toilet and washed her hands by the sink outside.

A lesbian wearing a Lenin suit with short hair around her ears stopped in front of a faucet beside her.

Su Yun didn't pay much attention to it at first, she thought it was other customers who were eating in this restaurant, and they also came to use the toilet.

But the people around her didn't turn on the faucet to wash their hands, which made Su Yun understand that the people around her didn't come to eat, she came to find her!
She was not too anxious, but slowly washed her hands clean, and then raised her head to look at the lesbian who had been standing by her side without moving or speaking.

"What's wrong with this comrade?"

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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