Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 536 Brother Lin's Secret Lover Is Here

Chapter 536 Brother Lin's Secret Lover Is Here
The moment Shu Yongfang saw Su Yun's face clearly, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, as well as a trace of jealousy.

Unexpectedly, the wife he married in the countryside turned out to be so iconic...

Shu Yongfang bit her lip, and looked at Su Yun hesitantly.

Su Yun:? ? ? ?

"Are you in trouble?"

After she asked this sentence, Shu Yongfang remained silent.Su Yun frowned, what's wrong with this person?Not intending to waste any more time with her, she nodded to Shu Yongfang and walked towards the hall.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Shu Yongfang stopped Su Yun.

Su Yun stopped, turned her head to look at Shu Yongfang, and asked if she was okay?

Shu Yongfang thought for a while, then walked up, "Can I chat with you?"

"What are you talking about?"

Su Yun didn't quite understand what a stranger she didn't know wanted to talk to her about.After much deliberation, she thought of a point.

That is Xiao Lin.

The lesbian in front of me looks very upright, so it is likely to be Xiao Lin's old acquaintance or comrade-in-arms or something?

If this is the case, then she probably knows what Shu Yongfang wants to talk to her about.

Thinking of feeling with Zhao Meiyu yesterday, there are some unmarried girls who know that the other party is already married, but they still come together and don't know what they are thinking.

Unexpectedly, today I met a person who came up to look for Xiao Lin.

But having said that, Su Yun felt that she and Shu Yongfang should not be like Zhao Meiyu and Chen Ya.

It's not that she is too confident in herself and looks down on Shu Yongfang, but that Shu Yongfang looks different from Chen Ya.

Thinking of this, she bent her lips and smiled, "Okay, what does this comrade want to talk about?"

Shu Yongfang looked around, it was obviously not a place to talk, she opened her mouth and said nothing.Su Yun understood what she meant, and she took the initiative to mention it.

"Change place."

"it is good."

Because of Su Yun's initiative, Shu Yongfang, who was originally jealous of Su Yun, became less jealous, and her vigilance was obviously not so heavy.

The two walked through the corridor together and came to the open space in the atrium.This restaurant was converted from a courtyard house in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the courtyard, there are artificial pools and rockery.

There are still a few goldfish swimming happily in the pool.

Su Yun stopped first, and Shu Yongfang also stopped not far behind her.The two leaned on the railing and looked at the flowing water under the rockery in the atrium, and for a while, no one spoke first.

The strange silence brought embarrassment, which directly caused Shu Yongfang, who just wanted to question whether Su Yun was worthy of Xiao Lin, to be speechless for a while.

Su Yun didn't care too much.

She looked at the little fish swimming happily in the pond for a while, but didn't hear Shu Yongfang speak for a while, so she couldn't help but turned to look at her.

"This comrade? What do you want to say to me?"

If not, she's leaving.

Shu Yongfang took a deep breath, and then said, "Have you known him for a long time?"

Su Yun let out a hiccup, and didn't pretend to be stupid. She replied with a smile, "Brother Rin, you mean? I'm from the same village as him."

"Childhood sweetheart?" Shu Yongfang looked at Su Yun with a little disbelief in his eyes, "Your age should be very different from that of Battalion Commander Xiao, so you can't be considered a childhood sweetheart."

"Well, wouldn't it be better to be a little different in age? Isn't the relationship between the brother next door and the sister next door more enviable to her?" Su Yun had a smile on her lips, and it was hard to tell whether the words were true or not .

Shu Yongfang was dazzled by Su Yun's smiling face, she turned her head away with a gloomy expression, and said with a deep sense of disappointment in her tone: "It turns out that he likes a sweet and well-behaved little girl like you, no wonder..."

No wonder so many girls in the army showed affection to him, but he pretended that he didn't see them.

In the past, Shu Yongfang thought that Xiao Lin had ambitions for the future, so she didn't have the heart to talk about relationships, but after seeing Su Yun, she realized that why doesn't she care about the relationship between men and women?It's just the person who showed his favor to him, and it didn't hit his favorite point.

Hearing other people praise her man, Su Yun must be happy and proud.But seeing Shu Yongfang's loss, Su Yun wasn't overly happy.

If other people didn't provoke her, and let her poke a needle in someone else's heart, she wouldn't be able to do it.

"You look good too, comrade."

"Hehe, you don't need to comfort me anymore, I know what I am like." Long-term exposure to wind and sun made her darker and rougher than ordinary girls.

In addition, I am not young anymore, how good-looking can an old girl who is not outstanding in appearance be?

Shu Yongfang felt that Su Yun was comforting her, and she didn't take Su Yun's words seriously.

Standing by the railing and chatting with Su Yun for a while, Shu Yongfang was completely convinced.In the past, she didn't know what kind of lesbians a person like Xiao Lin needed to be worthy of him.

She also fantasized that that person might be herself.

Therefore, when she learned from Fan Wei and the others that Xiao Rin invited them to eat here, she followed them by a ghost.

Originally, I thought that if Xiao Lin's partner was a bumpkin from the village who didn't understand anything and would bring down Xiao Lin's image, then she would definitely persuade her to give up and leave Xiao Lin.

But the result was completely inconsistent with what she saw.

Judging from Su Yun's clothes and conversation, although Su Yun claims to be from the village, her temperament and knowledge are not inferior to the girls who are pampered in the city.

The longer Shu Yongfang chatted with Su Yun, the more she realized that only such a girl could be worthy of Xiao Lin.

Even if she is very reluctant to admit it, they are a match made in heaven...

Shu Yongfang, who didn't give up when she came here, completely gave up now.

Su Yun was also keenly aware of the change in Shu Yongfang's attitude. Just as she was about to say something, an anxious voice interjected, "Daughter-in-law...Xiaoyun..."

Xiao Lin, who was drinking with his comrades, had been keeping an eye on Su Yun. After waiting for a while, he found that Su Yun hadn't returned, so he immediately got up and went to the bathroom to look for it.

He searched around but couldn't find anyone, and he was very anxious. When he was about to come over to ask for help, he saw a figure very similar to his wife in the courtyard from a distance.

He came over immediately.

Regardless of whether anyone was present, or in other words, he didn't see other people at all.After finding Su Yun, he walked a few steps to her side and put his arms around her, holding her tightly in his arms, and the beating heart stopped a little bit.

" did you come here?"

The sense of steadfastness made him slowly regain his sanity. He thought that there were other people present outside, so he let go of Su Yun a little bit, and asked softly with downcast eyes.

Su Yun hummed, raised her hand and pinched Xiao Lin's waist.

"Your comrades are here."

"What comrade?" Xiao Lin looked suspiciously in the direction Su Yun's eyes indicated, only to realize that he had completely ignored Shu Yongfang.

"you are?"

Xiao Lin didn't quite remember the other party's name, "Comrade Shu?"

He vaguely remembered Shu Yongfang's last name, but he really forgot the name.

Or rather, didn't care about it at all.

Shu Yongfang felt a little uncomfortable.

She looked at Xiao Lin who was very nervous about Su Yun, bit her lip and said a few words, "Captain Xiao is really a noble man who forgets things, how long did he forget even me?"

"Don't you remember the one hundred and eight love letters I wrote to you before?"

(End of this chapter)

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