Chapter 538

"young married woman……"

Xiao Lin softly coaxed the people around her, for fear that she would be really angry.He was very close, and the faint smell of alcohol on his body was not intoxicating.

Su Yun snorted, "That roommate of yours is really not a good person to deceive Comrade Shu like this. No matter what the reason is, you can't deceive other lesbians like this and delay other people's youth."

Su Yun thinks that she is quite accurate in judging people, like Shu Yongfang's age, she thinks it may be around 23.At this time, the girl of this age was still unmarried, so she was considered very old.

Of course, Xiao Lin's aunt does not count, that is destined to be an old girl for a lifetime, so there is no comparison between the two.

Xiao Lin's former roommate deliberately delayed Shu Yongfang's youth, and he didn't know what bad idea it was.The more Su Yun thought about it, the more she felt that the other party was hateful, and even looking at Xiao Lin felt a little displeased.

Xiao Lin: ...

I really wanted to run to my former roommate right away, pry open his head with a hammer to see if the thing in his head was poop?Otherwise, how could you do such an annoying thing?
He has already thought of a thousand ways to deal with the other party, but right now he is far away from that person and does not know where he is, so he can only let go of his heart to deal with the other party.

The most urgent task right now is to coax his wife well.

"Daughter-in-law... listen to me..."


Su Yun raised her chin arrogantly, and walked forward with her head held high.Xiao Lin quickly chased after her, coaxing the girl tenderly, without any airs.

The two immediately walked back to the eating place, and Su Yun put away her arrogant expression.

In front of outsiders, Su Yun still gave Xiao Lin a lot of face.

The two of them left for a little while, and Fan Wei and the others were not drunk.When Xiao Lin left, they still had half a glass of wine in their glasses, and when Xiao Lin came back, they still had that half glass of wine in their glasses.

Five people ate and chatted together, and no one drank desperately.

Seeing Xiao Lin and Su Yun come back together, Fan Wei smiled and said, "Battle Commander, sister-in-law."

After drinking some wine, Fan Wei became less restrained, and the smile on his face was extraordinarily simple when he spoke.Xiao Lin nodded, and carefully opened the stool for Su Yun, letting her sit next to him before he did.

When they came back, the atmosphere at the table became lively again.After drinking the wine that Su Yun asked the boss to bring up, these people were also three points drunk.

Xiao Lin took the initiative to say no to drinking, "It's getting late, we have to go home and take care of the children."

Everyone here also knows that their battalion commander is married and has children.They are also envious when they are happy for the battalion commander.Fan Wei burped and said, "Back then, none of us except the battalion commander got married."

"Huh?" Xiao Lin looked up at Fan Wei, "Fang Ziyan hasn't married yet?"

The Fang Ziyan he was talking about was the roommate who had lived in the same dormitory with him for two years, the one who sent the 'love letter' for Shu Yongfang.

He is one year older than Xiao Lin, he used to be Xiao Lin's deputy, and after Xiao Lin chose to retire, he took Xiao Lin's position...

Now counting it should be 27-[-]. Haven't started a family yet at this age?

Speaking of Fang Ziyan, Fan Wei had something to say.

"Who knows him? I don't know what he is waiting for. I ran into him by accident last year and heard that he is still alone now."


Xiao Lin was silent.

A thought flashed in his mind, and he turned to look at Su Yun beside him.

Su Yun curled her lips, even if that Fang Ziyan was really like what Xiao Lin thought, she shouldn't treat Shu Yongfang in that way.Even if his starting point has his own reasons, it is still a deception after all.

Anyway, she couldn't accept such deception.

Xiao Rin touched the tip of his nose, and thoughtfully said nothing.

After drinking and eating, everyone dispersed.

The guest house where they live is nearby, just a few steps away.So Xiao Lin didn't propose to send them off, but drove Su Yun home in a car.

When they returned home, Shu Yongfang who had left early was still walking aimlessly on the street.

The direction she was walking was exactly the direction Su Yun and the others were heading home.

It was very dark now.

Two social youths passing by saw Shu Yongfang walking on the street alone, without any companions around him, and they had dirty thoughts.They glanced at each other, then lifted their heels up.

"Hey, sister, where are you going alone?"

One of the youths from the society opened his mouth, and before his raised hand was on Shu Yongfang's shoulder, he was grabbed by an arm that suddenly appeared and pushed back. There was only a click sound, and the hand that wanted to rest on Shu Yongfang's shoulder The upper hand was broken.

" hand!"

The young man let out a scream like killing a pig, and with his scream, he was kicked hard on the knee again, and he knelt down with a puff.


There were screams one after another.

Shu Yongfang finally turned her head and saw that the young man kneeling on the ground behind her was still confused, but when her eyes fell on the man with a cold face, she gritted her teeth.

"Fang Ziyan!!"

The sound of gnashing of teeth was not loud, but it sounded inexplicably frightened.

That's right, the man who appeared suddenly was Fang Ziyan. He was the one who lied to Shu Yongfang for five years, making Shu Yongfang mistakenly think that Xiao Lin understood her intentions...

"What am I sorry for you? Are you going to hurt me like this?"

Without saying a word, Shu Yongfang raised his hand to scratch Fang Ziyan.

Even if he is a head taller than her, Shu Yongfang is not afraid.

The youth from another society, who was startled by Fang Ziyan's sudden appearance, was shocked when he watched the lesbian they wanted to strike up a conversation stand on their side and kept attacking the black-faced man who suddenly appeared.

The screams of his companion beside him brought him back from the shock, and he quickly stretched out his hand to help his companion up.

I am a little eager to join the 'battle' and deal with this man who suddenly appeared with Shu Yongfang.It's just that he hasn't moved yet, the black-faced man turned his head and squinted his eyes and glanced at him.

"Don't get out yet?"

The young people in the society were so frightened by the man who suddenly changed his face that they almost flew out of their wits, so they dragged their companions and fled aside without saying a word.

Turning his head while running, seeing Fang Ziyan standing and letting Shu Yongfang beat him up, the young man in society understood with a cry.

" turns out it's a couple who are having conflicts, bad luck!"

Look at Fang Ziyan's appearance of not fighting back after being beaten until the corner of his mouth bleeds, isn't it a couple?The social youth gave a few bah bahs, and fled the scene with his companion dragging him because he thought he was unlucky.

He didn't look at the road and ran into the middle of the road.

Almost collided with an oncoming jeep head-on, the social youth screamed and dragged his companions to run faster.

The car stopped.

Su Yun's forehead almost hit the front windshield!

"Daughter-in-law..." Xiao Lin said nervously, but in the next second, the expression on his face suddenly turned cold.

Su Yun clutched her forehead with lingering fear, raised her head and glanced ahead.

Good guy, isn't that Comrade Shu Yongfang who caught a man on the road and beat him to death not long ago?
"Brother Lin..."

 The update is complete, good night
(End of this chapter)

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