Chapter 539

Su Yun grabbed Xiao Lin's arm.

Xiao Lin didn't speak, but he nodded.This was a silent confirmation that the person who was dragged and beaten by Shu Yongfang was Xiao Lin's former comrade in arms.

This is really a narrow road for enemies!

Su Yun didn't care about the headache at the moment, she unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car, and walked towards Shu Yongfang and the others aggressively.

"Daughter-in-law, calm down!"

Xiao Lin quickly opened the car door and followed.

He knew Fang Ziyan well, and he wouldn't do anything to Shu Yongfang, but he couldn't guarantee whether he would do anything to his wife.If Fang Ziyan dares to attack Xiaoyun...

Xiao Lin wasn't sure if he would beat Fang Ziyan to death.

Su Yun was about to rush to Shu Yongfang and the others, a strong arm grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Daughter-in-law, calm down."

Su Yun is actually very calm now!real.

She just wanted to beat up the man who damaged her man's reputation.

Fortunately, he is still a soldier, how could he do such a lowly thing?The more Su Yun thought about it, the more angry she became, even Xiao Lin who was holding her back was glared at by Su Yun.

Xiao Lin touched the tip of his nose.

"Daughter-in-law, listen to me. Your man is here. If you want to beat or scold, you have the final say. Your man is in charge of moving your hands or talking! I will do this kind of hard work."

He persuaded him nicely, and Shu Yongfang on the side also stopped the unilateral beating!She raised her head and stared at Fang Ziyan with reddened eyes, "Battlefield Commander Fang, what can I do to hurt you so much that you hurt me like this? It happens that Commander Xiao is here too, so explain what happened before!"

Fang Ziyan was beaten by Shu Yongfang. Although Shu Yongfang didn't beat him to death, he was beaten with anger after all, so that Fang Ziyan was still a little embarrassed.

There were some scratches on his face, and blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth.There is also a long scratch under the corner of the eye, which looks a little scary.

He raised his head, glanced at Shu Yongfang, and then landed on Xiao Lin.

"Captain Xiao."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Fang Ziyan's tone was indifferent, as if he had too many mood swings.

Xiao Lin also nodded indifferently, without any fluctuation in expression.He glanced at Fang Ziyan and Shu Yongfang with red eyes, and said without a trace of emotion, "Is it fun for you to use my name to play with your little thoughts?"

Fang Ziyan pursed his lips, neither acknowledging nor denying Xiao Lin's words.

Su Yun listened a little confused, her eyes were on Xiao Lin's body, Fang Ziyan's, and Shu Yongfang's body back and forth, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in her mind, and at this moment, she seemed to have an epiphany.

Is it difficult?
Her eyes turned back and forth between Fang Ziyan and Shu Yongfang!Finally confirmed my guess!
Su Yun immediately despised Fang Ziyan a little bit.

No, it should be said, I despise it even more!
If this person likes Shu Yongfang, he should bravely admit that this is what a man should do.

But Fang Ziyan not only refused to admit it, but also used Xiao Lin's name to deceive Shu Yongfang. This kind of behavior is really shameless!
Originally, Su Yun wanted to scold Fang Ziyan for being worthless, but after figuring out the reason, Su Yun didn't even have the energy to say a word to Fang Ziyan.

"Brother Lin, let's go home."

Xiao Lin hummed.

"it is good."

Su Yun nodded, and before leaving, she took a look at Shu Yongfang, saw that she was alone, and asked her if she wanted to give her a ride.It doesn't matter whether Su Yun is doing it on purpose or she is doing it on purpose, she just wants to keep Fang Ziyan from doing what she wants.

Shu Yongfang shook her head, "No, I've disturbed you a lot today, I'll just walk back by myself."

"In the middle of the night, there may be no cars. It's not safe for you to be a lesbian. I'll give you a ride with brother Lin!" Su Yun's kindness is hard to get over, and Shu Yongfang does not have a car.

Just walking back like this, I don't know when I will go.

Su Yun's proposal actually solved Shu Yongfang's urgent need.

Of course, she can also choose to go back in a car with Fang Ziyan, but when she sees Fang Ziyan now, she thinks that she has been teased by him for five years. She is so angry that she doesn't know how to release it, and she is very afraid of herself I can no longer control myself and kill him.

"Then please trouble sister-in-law and Battalion Commander Xiao."

"It doesn't matter, it's easy."

Su Yun smiled, took the initiative to walk to Shu Yongfang's side, and invited her to walk towards the car.

Xiao Lin took a step behind.

When the two walked some distance away, he looked sideways at the old comrade who was standing there with a blank face and didn't know what he was thinking, and he said, "You will never chase anyone like this in your life."

Fang Ziyan's face was a little dry.

Xiao Lin continued, "Emotions are not wars, and sincerity is the only key to victory." After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment, and then added lightly, "If you put away your little thoughts, you might have already captured the target. "

Fang Ziyan's face was getting dry.Obviously, he was hit by Xiao Lin's pain point.

Xiao Lin snorted, ignored the old comrade-in-arms and roommate who had worked together for several years, and walked towards the car.

Fang Ziyan, who hadn't opened his mouth all this time, saw Xiao Lin walking farther and farther away, but finally couldn't hold back his mouth and called out to stop Xiao Lin.

"battalion commander……"

Xiao Lin's footsteps stopped.

"Battalion Commander!" Fang Ziyan called Xiao Lin as he did when he was in the army. At that time, he was Xiao Lin's deputy, and he called Xiao Lin like this every time.

Xiao Lin looked back at Fang Ziyan.

Fang Ziyan's lips moved, and finally squeezed out three words, "I'm sorry."

As for what he was sorry for, he didn't say.

Xiao Lin would not ask either.

After listening to Fang Ziyan's words, he turned and left without saying anything.

Fang Ziyan stood in place and watched their vehicles go away, the tall figure looked extraordinarily lonely in the night.Su Yun felt that he deserved it. As for what Shu Yongfang thought, Su Yun didn't ask.

This is their business, and she can't even ask a stranger.

After sending Shu Yongfang to where she was going, Su Yun and his wife turned around and went home.

In the car, Su Yun asked Xiao Lin to confirm whether Fang Ziyan liked Shu Yongfang himself, but he didn't dare to say, so he used Xiao Lin's name to accept Shu Yongfang's love letter?

Xiao Lin nodded.


"Tsk...that roommate of yours really doesn't look like a man, very mean."

Su Yun clicked her tongue in disdain, leaned back lazily, and pushed the episode out of her mind.Looking at the empty street in front of her, not even a car, she suddenly tilted her head and looked at Xiao Lin with a smile.

"Brother Lin, didn't you say you want to teach me how to drive? Why don't you let me try now?"

Su Yun felt that there were no cars or pedestrians on the road at this time, and it was simply a tailor-made opportunity for her to practice driving.

"Now? Is it a little late?"

Xiao Lin was not willing to teach, but felt that it was night and it was not so convenient to see the road conditions.Such an environment is not very friendly to novices.

But Su Yun was very interested, she wanted to learn now.

People who didn't know thought she was the one who drank, not Xiao Lin, because her mood was obviously much more excited than Xiao Lin's.

"Daughter-in-law..." Xiao Lin's tone was a little helpless, but it was more of a compromise of pampering, "I'll pull over in front of you, and you can come over and try?"

(End of this chapter)

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