Chapter 540 Exceptional Students

Su Yun must agree!

Ever since, the husband and wife learned to drive on the deserted road in the middle of the night.

At this time, the car only has manual transmission, and the main attention is to shift gears and master the use of the clutch.Xiao Lin is a qualified teacher, and Su Yun is a talented and courageous student.

She listened attentively to Xiao Lin's explanation, and after he taught her how to drive, she mastered the driving skills.

"Watch my performance next, bro!"

Su Yun curled her lips and revealed a sweet smile.According to the steps Xiao Lin said, start the car with the key, release the handbrake, step on the clutch to put in gear, release the clutch and step on the accelerator...

Sit down with a whole set of movements, it highlights a methodical!
Xiao Lin watched from the side, both relieved and regretful!The good news is that his daughter-in-law learned things too fast, but the pity is that his wife learned things too fast, and he was laid off before he was addicted to being a teacher.

Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to cultivate a relationship with my daughter-in-law...

Su Yun didn't know the twists and turns in the head of the man beside her. She held the steering wheel with both hands, and focused on driving her car with her eyes fixed on the front.

Seeing her concentration, Xiao Lin also put away his small thoughts and focused 100% on her operation.

He made sure that no matter when Su Yun made any mistakes, he could stop the danger in time...

It's a pity that this time Xiao Lin was also nervous in vain, because Su Yun really drove the car safely and soundly all the way to Wutong Street, and stopped in their yard.

Xiao Lin: ...

Nothing to say!

Su Yun raised her chin proudly: "How about Mr. Xiao, are you satisfied with the students you have taught?"

That arrogant little appearance is so attractive that people can't take their eyes off.

Xiao Lin hummed dully, "The teacher is very satisfied with Su's performance, so the teacher decided to teach Su some more difficult things."

"High difficulty? How difficult is it?"

Su Yun didn't think of the twists and turns in Xiao Lin's stomach, she really simply thought that the difficult thing he said had something to do with the car.

Turns out... well... it was indeed about the car.This car is the same as the car running on the road, but another car completely controlled by Xiao Lin...

She also wanted to seize control, but it turned out that this control is really tiring, and Xiao Lin also said before that his teaching is difficult.

It is conceivable that Su Yun failed to be a good student in this aspect!

When she was in a daze, she didn't forget to tap his shoulder, and muttered to ask where did he learn this skill?
How can there be so many tricks?
Xiao Lin chuckled softly, hugged her and murmured softly, "Perhaps your man is also very talented in this respect, and you are self-taught?"

Su Yun: ...

She believed in the extraordinary talent, but as for self-taught?Do not believe!
He must have hidden a small book, she just didn't find it, and when she finds it, he will look good!

Heh heh heh heh! !

Su Yun groaned twice, but fell asleep because of the drowsiness?

Early the next morning, when she woke up, she had already forgotten the bold words she had promised to find Xiao Lin's hidden notebook before going to bed last night!
She had breakfast, kissed each of the three babies on the cheeks, and walked out the door.

There are many things to do today, she has to go directly to the factory!

As soon as I went out, I ran into Xu Wanhao. He poked his head out of the car and greeted Su Yun with a smile!
Su Yun nodded.

"Why are you here?"

"Little uncle told me to help drive a few people to the company."

Xu Wanhao drove to and from get off work every day, and most of the time he was alone, so early in the morning, Xiao Lin called and asked Xu Wanhao to bring him a few people to the factory.

Of course Xu Wanhao agreed without hesitation, and came over after having breakfast indiscriminately!
Su Yun figured out why he appeared here and nodded,
"It's a few newly recruited former comrades-in-arms of brother Lin who retired from the army."

"Did you really serve as a soldier?" Xu Wanhao also thought about serving as a soldier, but Ms. Xu Meifen was not willing to let him go, so he never did.But that didn't stop him from being envious of those who had been soldiers.

Su Yun hummed.

"Yes, let's go."

"it is good."

Fan Wei and the others set off for the factory together in Xu Wanhao's car, while Su Yun and Xiao Lin drove their own car.She just learned it last night and was eager to try it. When she got out of the city, Su Yun, who was originally sitting in the co-pilot, immediately regained her spirits.

"I want to drive."

She raised her hand, eager to try!

Xiao Lin looked at her with a smile in his eyes, "Haven't you experienced enough last night?"

Su Yun: ...

Why is it that the most common words can hear another meaning when they are spoken through Xiao Lin's mouth?Su Yun's face turned red, she stretched out her hand and pinched Xiao Lin's waist unceremoniously.

"I'm telling you the truth, what are you talking about?"

There was thin anger on the blushing cheeks, it was from embarrassment to anger.

Xiao Lin knew that he couldn't mess with his wife anymore, it really made people anxious, and it would be difficult for him to experience the pleasure of being a 'teacher' again in the future.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, my daughter-in-law? Your lord has a lot, don't you want little general knowledge?"

"Hmph, let's see how you behave."

Su Yun is very arrogant.

Xiao Lin suppressed a smile, found a spacious place to stop the car, and respectfully invited the co-pilot to the cab.

"Daughter-in-law, please drive slowly, we are not in a hurry."

"I want you to tell me."

Su Yun's face was still arrogant, but her movements were extremely cautious.For such a major event as driving, a little carelessness may lead to irreversible results.

So Su Yun is very cautious.

Fortunately, although the road to Baiwan Village is not as good as the road in the city, it is still a flat straight road without too many bends, which is very friendly to novice drivers.

Su Yun was half an hour behind Xu Wanhao and the others, and drove the car steadily to the factory.

As soon as the car stopped, Xu Wanhao, who arrived first, walked over quickly, "Auntie, so you are driving? I thought something happened to you and you were driving so slowly."

Xu Wanhao was originally a little ahead of Xiao Lin and the others. According to the normal speed, their cars should arrive at the factory one after the other.But Xu Wanhao hadn't seen Xiao Lin's car for a long time, so he was a little worried that something happened to them on the road.

Su Yun bent her lips and raised her eyebrows to look at Xu Wanhao, "How is it? I just learned it, isn't this level good?"

She is a little proud, if she had a tail, it might be up.

But she does have something to be proud of. Just learning how to drive last night and daring to go on the road today, she has already surpassed many lesbians.

Xu Wanhao is a big fan of his aunt, so of course he praised her terribly!
Su Yun covered her mouth and snickered, "No way, I was born so smart."

Xu Wanhao also agreed, and nodded, "Well, I inherited my aunt's intelligence!"

Xiao Lin on the side couldn't help the cold sweat, these two people really are, have they forgotten that they are not related by blood at all?Where did it come from?
(End of this chapter)

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