Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 541 Have an opinion, hold back

Chapter 541 Have an opinion, hold back
But the two people who have become addicted to each other obviously forgot that there is no blood relationship between them.Fortunately, Su Yun was not fascinated by Xu Wanhao's flattery, she returned to normal after a few complacency.

After waving to Xiao Lin, he turned and went to work.

Xiao Lin watched her walk to Fan Wei and the others, and then he smiled and turned back to the warehouse next door.

It is an advantage that the factories of the husband and wife are built next to each other, and the other works next door.When they go to work, they are busy with their own get off work, and they can go home together after work.

This state of life must be what many couples want.

Xiao Lin devoted herself to her day's work seriously, and Su Yun also led Fan Wei and the others towards her office.

"Comrade Fan, let's go to the office first to find out about your main tasks and salaries, and then let Ah Hao take you to the dormitory to store things. Let's rest today and go back to work tomorrow."

"Good sister-in-law, it doesn't matter, we can work right away."

"It's okay, there's no rush for a while."

Su Yun brought a few people to the office, and introduced the work content to them personally.What she is going to replace this time is the personnel department and the security department.

On the way here, she consulted with Xiao Lin, and knew that Fan Wei was the captain in the village after changing jobs. Although he didn't work for long, it also showed that Fan Wei was a person who could do clerical work.

Su Yun wanted him to go to the personnel department.

The others went to security.

Su Yun's request to them is that they don't need to help catch the thieves themselves, but ask them to use the experience they have learned in the army to help train the security guards.After all, not only does the factory here need security guards, but the commercial plaza also needs a lot of well-trained professional security personnel.

She thought that this training task could be handed over to the Zhang family brothers and the other two.

Su Yun told them about her plan, Fan Wei and the others were all taken aback, they didn't expect Su Yun to value them so much.Originally thought that they came here to help watch the gate, but Su Yun gave them another important task...

It feels good to be recognized by others, but Fan Wei and the others are also afraid that it will have a bad influence on Su Yun.

Su Yun smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I'm the boss, as long as I don't think you will bring bad influence, then it won't be. As for other people, Wu Guo thinks that you will bring bad influence, that's not important , because they are not the bosses."

She is the one who sends money to them, and they don't have to care about other people's opinions, as long as she doesn't think there is a problem with inviting them.

Although the words are a bit too direct, but the truth is the truth.

Whoever pays is the boss.

Fan Wei and the others were shocked by Su Yun's words, but after thinking about it, it seems that this is indeed the truth!
Whoever pays is the boss, and the person she pays doesn't feel that it has any influence. What does other people's opinions matter?

Fan Wei and his group, who had always been psychologically burdened, changed their minds after Su Yun said this.Next, when Su Yun led them to the factory, although many people looked at them strangely, they didn't dodge like before, wishing they could dig a hole and bury themselves in it.

Su Yun first took them to the office of the security department of the factory, and she introduced them to Chief Liu.

When Chief Liu heard that, out of the five unfamiliar faces in front of him, four came to their security department, he was a little confused.

"Boss Su...this..."

He pointed at the Zhang family brothers. Although he didn't finish his words, his eyes that had been resting on their hands had already told them clearly.

He was disgusted with the crippled hand of this family brother.

Uncomfortably flashed across the faces of Zhang Long and Zhang Hu, and they turned their heads in unison.

Su Yun had a slight smile on her face, "What's the matter, Section Chief Liu? Do you have any objections to my arrangement?"

Section Chief Liu also had a smile on his face, different from the faint smile on Su Yun's face, Section Chief Liu's smile was a little flattering, it was the standard smile of subordinates to the boss.

"It's not the meaning of Mr. Su, but the work of our security department is relatively hard, and the hands of these two comrades are not so convenient..."

Does this mean that they despise them as disabled?

Section Chief Liu was afraid that Su Yun's thinking would be wrong, so he quickly added, "Of course, I don't mean to dislike the two comrades. I'm just thinking about the safety of our factory. Working in our line of work is extremely dangerous. People with able-bodied limbs may not be competent..."

After all, I still despise others.

Su Yun didn't care either.

She nodded, "What Section Chief Liu said is that the work of the security department is very important, and indeed it should be reserved for those who can."

The smile on Chief Liu's face widened.

Before he could speak, Su Yun continued, "How about this, let's start with Section Chief Liu. You can randomly pick anyone I brought for a competition. If they beat Section Chief Liu by chance, how about letting them stay?" ?”

When Su Yun was working, she was not like the little girl in front of Xiao Lin.

Although her words were not very sharp, the majesty in them could not be ignored.

Liu Yuan, who originally thought that the boss was young and could fool around casually, was stunned.He raised his head to look at Su Yun, Su Yun still had that inadvertent smile on her face, but Section Chief Liu dared not ignore her smile.

She is the boss after all!
Section Chief Liu came back to his senses, raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and quickly nodded and bent down to answer, "President Su, what you said is that I was confused. It's my fault that I shouldn't judge people by their appearance."

Su Yun raised her eyebrows, "Chief Liu's concerns are not wrong. Those who do security must have strong qualifications. After all, the Security Section is responsible for the safety of the entire factory. Leave it to him."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and asked Zhang Long and Zhang Hu to prepare and practice with other members of the security department.

The name is to see their skills, but the actual purpose is to let Zhang Long and Zhang Hu use practical actions to shut up people like Section Chief Liu who judge people by their appearance.

Although Zhang Long and Zhang Hu's hands were injured to varying degrees, they still had blood in the army.

They understood Su Yun's intention after a little thought.

"Alright Mr. Su."

Zhang Long and Zhang Hu also changed their address, instead of being called Su Yun's sister-in-law.

Su Yun bent her lips and turned to look at Section Chief Liu.Now the problem has come to Section Chief Liu. As the one who raised the question, it depends on whether he dares to accept the challenge from Zhang Long and Zhang Hu.

In fact, he has to accept it if he accepts it, and he has to accept it if he doesn't accept it.

Because this proposal was brought up by Su Yun himself, even though Section Chief Liu is the biggest leader of the security department, he is still making a living under Su Yun's hands. He has no way to go against his boss's wishes.

"Mr. Su..."

Section Chief Liu wiped his sweat. Before he came to work in Yunji, he also worked as a security guard in a state-owned factory.But he is a person who is more theoretical than practical. If you want to talk to him about how to protect the factory, he can give many examples, but you want him to compete with others?

It's not an exaggeration, he might be finished within two moves!
 I'm late.I've been too busy recently, and the update time is relatively uncertain, but I will try my best to update three chapters every day
(End of this chapter)

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