Chapter 543 Solved it all at once
Liu Yuan's work is done.Su Yun asked Zhang Long and Zhang Hu to stay and follow Section Chief Liu, asking Section Chief Liu to introduce them to more specific tasks.

With this majestic presence, she believed that no one would dare to target them again.

Zhang Long, Zhang Hu, and the others were no longer timid.Through what happened just now, they also discovered that this place is really the same as what Su Yun said.She calls the shots.

As long as they do things according to her wishes, as for the others, it's really not that important.

And they had Su Yun's trust, and they secretly vowed in their hearts that as long as Su Yun didn't let them go, they would definitely stay here, take care of the factory for her, and ensure that they would not miss a single thread when they were on duty.

Su Yun didn't know about the changes in their mentality. She and Xu Wanhao brought Fan Wei to the personnel department.

There is no director in the HR department yet, and there are only five employees in the HR department.It can be said that the positions of the five of them are equal, and the power is also equal.

Su Yun brought Fan Wei over and told them directly that Fan Wei would be their team leader next.

The reason why Fan Wei was made the team leader first instead of going directly to the director, what Su Yun thought was to let Fan Wei exercise with them first.When he gets familiar with this set of workflow, then the director of the personnel department must be Fan Wei.

When other colleagues in the personnel department heard Su Yun's decision, they all showed doubts on their faces.When they saw Fan Wei's face clearly, they took a deep breath.

One of them said directly, "Boss Su, you asked him to be the team leader? His appearance can scare people to death, how can you still arrange him to be the team leader, Su Boss? Our personnel department has to deal with the workshop staff Department, we can't have such an ugly person."

It was a lesbian who spoke.

The look of disgust on her face was very obvious, and there was deep disgust in her eyes.

Fan Wei has seen this expression many times before, but this time he was extremely uncomfortable being said that in front of Su Yun.

The sister-in-law and the battalion commander trust him so much, but he still embarrasses the battalion commander and sister-in-law...

Fan Wei lowered his head, subconsciously trying to cover his half missing ear and the long scar from the ear to his neck.

Su Yun looked at her work card and knew that her name was Yuan Fang.Su Yun smiled, with a cold light in her eyes, "Oh, then why didn't I see that Comrade Yuan was frightened to death?"

Yuan Fang: ...

"Mr. Su..."

Two of his colleagues thought it was wrong for Yuan Fang to contradict Su Yun, so they tugged Yuan Fang's arm and pulled her back.

Yuan Fang has a very stubborn temper. She relied on being the oldest employee in the personnel department (that is, she had worked in other factories for a long time), so she yelled at Su Yun, "Boss Su, anyway, I can't talk to you." Such a person works together, if you must let him work here, then I can only change places."

The reason why Yuan Fang reacted so strongly was that apart from the fact that she really couldn't stand Fan Wei's appearance, there was another important point.

That was before Fan Wei came, although the personnel department had not appointed a boss, but because of her work experience, other employees in the personnel department defaulted to her as the head.

Even Yuan Fang thought that she would be promoted to director soon.

But who would have thought that Su Yun would suddenly bring Fan Wei here without any news, not only being an ugly monster, but also robbing her of the position she was determined to win, which definitely made Yuan Fang unbearable.

The combination of the two powers made her so angry.

And she felt that she was very important in the personnel department, and Su Yun would never give up on her easily.

But the truth, she rubbed.

Su Yun snorted.

"Are you threatening me? Comrade Yuan Fang?"

Yuan Fang raised her head, her eyes met Su Yun's.There was a half-smile in her eyes, making people feel inexplicably flustered.

She bet wrong?

"Mr. Su..."

Yuan Fang opened his mouth, wanting to defend himself.

"President Su, don't get me wrong..."

"Secretary Xu!"

Su Yun interrupted Yuan Fang, "Let the accountant calculate the salary of this Comrade Yuan Fang!" After she finished speaking, she glanced at the other employees of the personnel department, "You are also like Comrade Yuan Fang, who can't communicate with Fan Fang!" Did the team leader work together?"

"If there is, please bring it up as soon as possible, so that we can find the financial settlement salary together."

Find a financial settlement salary!
What this means, no need for Su Yun to say, everyone in the personnel department knows.

"Mr. Su..."

Seeing that Su Yun really didn't choose to keep her, Yuan Fang panicked, "President Su, don't get me wrong, I don't want to leave, I don't..."

"Isn't it?" Su Yun smiled and glanced at Yuan Fang, "Isn't there no way to work with Team Leader Fan? For the sake of Comrade Yuan Fang's safety, you should resign voluntarily."

Yuan Fang definitely doesn't want to resign voluntarily!
Su Yun's factory here pays very generous wages, if she loses this job, then she will have no job.

"Mr. Su..."

"Secretary Xu, take someone to go through the formalities!"

Su Yun doesn't want to get entangled with Yuan Fangduo anymore, her time is precious, and it's not for wrangling.

Xu Wanhao nodded, and stood sideways between Yuan Fang and Su Yun, "Comrade, let's go!"

Yuan Fang is desperate!
Looking at the back of Su Yun turning away, Yuan Fang hated Su Yun for being too vicious, but also wished to slap herself.

"Mr. Su..."

Su Yun's footsteps stopped.

Yuan Fang looked at Su Yun overjoyed, thinking that she had changed her mind and realized her importance to the company, "Mr. Su, if you really want to keep him..."

People who think they matter are starting to feel self-righteous again.

Su Yun frowned slightly, "Comrade Yuan Fang, is it your idea that Liu Meizhu enter the production workshop from the outside as a production worker?"

Yuan Fang nodded subconsciously.

Su Yun nodded, "Very good, Secretary Xu, remember to add a deduction regulation for placing people in key positions without the permission of the competent department! Comrade Yuan Fang transferred workers who did not qualify as employees of the production workshop to the Production workshop, this violates the company's regulations!"

"You see how you should be fined."

After Su Yun finished speaking, the people present were so shocked that they didn't know what to do.And Yuan Fang herself looked at Su Yun with disbelief, wondering how could there be such a ruthless person like Su Yun in the world?

She transferred Su Yun's relatives to work in the production workshop for Su Yun's good!Was it wrong for her to do so?As the boss, Su Yun doesn't want to earn a good reputation?
Yuan Fang felt that Su Yun was really unreasonable.

Fortunately, Su Yun didn't know what was going on in Yuan Fang's mind, otherwise she would definitely think that Comrade Yuan Fang must have a hole in his head!

"President Su, how can you behave like this?"

Yuan Fang shouted unconvinced!

The corner of Su Yun's lips curled up in a cold arc, "Not convinced?"

(End of this chapter)

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