Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 544 Someone Who Wants To Treat Her Appears

Chapter 544 Someone Who Wants To Treat Her Appears
That pretty face with a cold smile, lost the approachableness of the past, as if it was covered with frost!

Yuan Fang was overwhelmed by this momentum.

It was only then that she discovered that this President Su was not as weak and easy to bully as she usually showed!

"Secretary Xu!"

Su Yun was already very impatient.

Xu Wanhao agreed, and forced Yuan Fang out.

The rest of the personnel department did not dare to show their air, their heads were lowered, and no one dared to speak.

Su Yun didn't seem to notice this strange atmosphere at all, she put away the coldness on her face, and looked at the people with their heads hanging in front of her with a sweet smile on her lips.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. As long as you abide by the company's regulations and don't try to challenge my bottom line like Comrade Yuan Fang did, trying to make decisions for me, then I can guarantee that you will not be fired at will."

Of course, if someone thinks that she is young and easy to bully.Trying to be like Yuan Fang, who thinks that she is great when she has great ability, and she can't transfer to the factory after leaving the factory.Then she doesn't mind letting them feel her means.

The people below nodded in agreement one by one.

Su Yun turned around and said to Fan Wei with a smile, "Comrade Fan, you should familiarize yourself with the work first, and if you don't understand anything, you can ask Secretary Xu."

Hearing Su Yun's words, Fan Wei recovered from the shock and admiration!

"Okay, okay, don't worry, President Su, I will definitely study hard and live up to President Su's expectations!"

Su Yun nodded, "Work hard. From now on, the personnel department will rely on you and your colleagues to check the good talents for the company."


After Su Yun explained the matter, she ordered an employee to take Fan Wei, and then turned around and went back to her office.On the road, she met Yuan Fang who was thrown out by the security guards. She moved her eyelids and didn't look up.

Yuan Fang didn't notice Su Yun either.

Two security guards crossed each other with sticks and forcibly drove her out of the factory.Yuan Fang was forced to retreat, while yelling loudly, "Su Yun, you are short-sighted and don't know how to manage a company. You will regret it in the future if you drive away an experienced person like me."


Loud voices will only make Su Yun feel noisy.

"Get out."

She walked out from the shade with her arms folded, and spoke in a cold voice.


The security was ordered to speed up the action.Su Yun glanced at Yuan Fang casually, and left without looking back.

Yuan Fang is so angry!A mouthful of teeth was almost crushed!
Sure enough, this Su Yun is such a hateful and vicious person, he is right, such a person should be dealt with properly, instead of working for her stupidly.

Yuan Fang thought of the plan that person had told her before, and she couldn't help but sneer.

Su Yun, just be proud first, sooner or later you will cry one day.

Yuan Fang's gaze was vicious, Su Yun could feel Yuan Fang's deep malice even if his back was turned.She was not surprised, on the contrary, this was what she expected early on.

Who could be a good person who can put a potentially problematic Liu Meizhu into the production workshop privately?If it was said that Yuan Fang was not instigated by anyone, Su Yun would never believe it.

She had been trying to get rid of Yuan Fang before, but she couldn't find any suitable excuses.

Fan Wei's arrival today, Yuan Fang's initiative to jump out just gave her a very good excuse, now she was waiting, Yuan Fang couldn't hold back, and went to find the person behind her.

At that time, Su Yun will be able to catch another stinky mouse hidden in the depths!

Therefore, when being stared at by Yuan Fang, Su Yun didn't feel chills, and was even very happy!

Her good mood accompanied her all day.

And Yuan Fang, who was expelled, found Wan Hengwang full of anger!
Yes, the person behind the scenes that Su Yun has been looking for is Wan Hengwang.It's just that he is hiding relatively deeply at present, and Su Yun will not be able to find him for a while.

At this moment, Yuan Fang came to find Wan Hengwang, and as soon as she saw him, she showed an aggrieved expression and rushed towards him.

"Young Master Wan, you want to avenge me!"

Wan Hengwang actually hates Yuan Fang, or is there no one he likes in this world?The reason why he was kind to Yuan Fang was because she worked in Su Yun's factory.

Working in a factory, and still in a relatively good position, this is in line with Wanhengwang's requirements!
He wants to destroy Su Yun's company, and make Su Yun lose everything. It is not enough to destroy her from the outside, but he has to disintegrate her from the inside.Wan Hengwang set his mind on Yuan Fang who had met him a few times and wanted to marry into the compound.

Seeing Yuan Fang crying and running towards him at this moment, Wan Hengwang realized something was wrong.

However, he could still be patient and give Yuan Fang a chance to say a few words.

"Sister Fang, what's the matter with you? Who was bullied and wronged?"

Yuan Fang was two years old to Wan Hengwang, so calling her elder sister was not wrong.But Yuan Fang's relationship with Wan Hengwang is not the way a sister treats a younger brother. She wants to marry Wan Hengwang and marry into Wan's family.

She had inquired that Wan Hengwang's family was powerful and powerful, and had several rich uncles, so she deliberately approached Wan Hengwang.

The purpose is to be able to marry into the Wan family one day in the future.

At this moment, she was very upset when she heard Wan Hengwang calling her like that, but she still had a shy and reproachful expression on her face, "Look at you, I told you I'm the same age as you, so don't call me Sister Fang Just call me Fangfang."

Wan Hengwang: ...

He stretched out his hand and pushed Yuan Fang back, "It's not important, tell me what happened first? Did the plan fail? Su Yun discovered you?"

It was not because Wan Hengwang was smart that he could guess that Yuan Fang was discovered by Su Yun.But now it happened to be working time, if Yuan Fang went to work without abnormalities, then she shouldn't have appeared in the city.

So Wan Hengwang guessed whether the idiot Yuan Fang was discovered by that bitch Su Yun.

Yuan Fang raised her head and looked at Wan Hengwang with admiration, "Young Master Wan, you are so smart!"

"Really found out? What did she tell you?" Wan Hengwang anxiously stretched out his hands and clasped Yuan Fang's shoulders to ask, his eyes were full of horror.

Yuan Fang was taken aback by his sudden change of face.

"Young Master hurt me."

"...I'm sorry..." Wan Hengwang let go of his hand and made Yuan Fang take two steps back before he continued, "Does she know me?"

Yuan Fang shook her head.

"No, I was fired not because I leaked what Wan Shao explained, but because there was an ugly monster in our office. I couldn't bear him, so Su Yun fired me."

"What?" Wan Hengwang's voice suddenly increased. He didn't expect that the eyeliner he had carefully arranged would be pulled out for this reason.

"What is ugly? Do you think you are beautiful?"

Wan Hengwang yelled at Yuan Fang loudly.

After yelling, he realized that the other party was still worth using. He raised his hand and grabbed his hair, and said with guilt in his tone, "Sister Fang, go back and tell her, you kneel down and beg Did she let you go back to work?"

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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