Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 546 is not a glorious family

Chapter 546 is not a glorious family

"Yeah, it's also Yuan Gang's daughter. Yuan Fang, a stepdaughter, can take over the position of his ex-wife and go to work in the textile factory. As for Yuan Qingqing, the biological daughter, she can only be their wife at home and take care of their family. "

"That's right, who let the person who came in later give birth to a son for the Yuan family? It's tough!"

"What's the one who came in later? Have you ever seen a child who came in later who was a year older than the child of the original spouse? Only Zhang Caihua could do it."

"Do you think no one knows about this? Who doesn't know who Widow Zhang was before?"

The aunts didn't hesitate to speak, you said one sentence to another, the words floated to Yuan Qingqing's ears, and also to Yuan Fang's ears in the room.

Yuan Qingqing lowered her head, turned a deaf ear to the discussion next to her, and continued to cook her meal.

She has been listening to this since she was eight years old. At the beginning, she said that her mother died, and her father will soon find her a stepmother. What should she do in the future?Soon after, Yuan Gang brought back a woman and a sister who was one year older than him.

It turned out that Yuan Gang had been with that widow Zhang Caihua for a long time.Yuan Fang is their child, but no one knows it all the time.

Her mother's death gave Yuan Gang the best chance. He could bring Zhang Caihua back in a fair and honest manner. The family they were 'forced' to separate finally no longer had to be separated...

After Zhang Caihua came, she gave birth to a son for Yuan Gang in the second year.Now Yuan Gang, who had been brooding over his lack of a son, finally walked in the textile factory compound with his head upright and his waist straight.

Yuan Qingqing, the daughter who didn't like to talk in the early stage, was neither as likable as Yuan Fang, nor a boy like her brother Yuan Hua. She was in the middle, and naturally became the most unpopular existence.

She managed to graduate from junior high school. (The female director of the factory kept asking Yuan Gang to make it to junior high school.) Zhang Caihua called her home because she had too many things to do at home and she couldn't do it alone.

From then on, it became Yuan Qingqing's responsibility to take care of the family!
Yuan Qingqing is responsible for the food, sanitation, and clothes at home.Yuan Qingqing dared to do the most work and eat the least food, so the other aunts and aunts on the same floor have been criticizing Yuan Gang and his wife for going too far.

On the surface, Yuan Gang taught Zhang Caihua to treat Yuan Qingqing harshly outside, but when he got home and closed the door, Yuan Gang didn't care about anything, and let Zhang Caihua beat and scold her!
Yuan Qingqing has passed such days for many years.

In the Yuan family, anyone who is unhappy can take her out on her!Yuan Qingqing was already numb.At first, she thought that the aunts and aunts in the compound could help her, but it turned out that they had no real role except to watch the fun from the sidelines.

So for their words, Yuan Qingqing can already go in the left ear and out the right ear.

As it is now, they have said the same thing many times.If Yuan Qingqing paid attention to them, then they would work hard and keep chasing her and asking questions.

If she pretended not to hear, they would stop talking.

So Yuan Qingqing planned to deal with these aunts and aunts coldly as before.But she forgot that Yuan Fang, who was supposed to work in the company, came back, and her temper is not the kind that can listen to aunts and aunts gossip.

Therefore, Yuan Fang opened the door from the room and walked out, glaring menacingly at the women who were still chatting.

"Several aunts, you are full of food and have no place to use, so you come to chew the root of my tongue, right? If you have that leisurely heart, why don't you worry about whether your son and daughter can find a partner?"

"Don't let them find a partner, it's ridiculous that you can't even afford a bride price."

Yuan Fang's words were not friendly.

Several women were choked by her.

Yuan Fang turned her head and stared at Yuan Qingqing again, cursing, "Are you dead? You don't say anything about your mother when others say that? What's the use of raising you?"

Yuan Qingqing hung her head and said nothing.

Yuan Fang was so angry that she stepped forward and raised her hand and pushed Yuan Qingqing's head forcefully, "What a waste!"

"Hey, I said Zhang Caihua's daughter, you really inherited Widow Zhang's aggressive and unreasonable temperament? When your mother was a big girl, there were always men at the door of the house. I didn't expect you to show weakness Huh? I don’t have a date yet, so I can’t wait to laugh at others.”

"That's right, Yuan Fang, as a grown girl, you don't want to be famous anymore, do you? If you want to imitate your mother, aren't you afraid that you won't find another father in the world?"

If they want to quarrel, these women must not be afraid of Yuan Fang, a big girl who is not married!
Yuan Fang is 23 years old this year. She is such an older girl but she hasn't said anything about her marriage yet. She is the only one in the textile factory's compound.The gossiping women in the courtyard never mentioned her because Yuan Fang had a formal job.

They felt that they might find Yuan Fang in the future, so they gave her some face.

However, some time ago, Yuan Fang was said to have stopped working in the textile factory, so what are these aunts worried about?Of course, you can taunt as much as you want!

"A 23-year-old girl, she's still living at her stepfather's house before she's married, she's really thick-skinned!"

They knew that Yuan Fang was Yuan Gang's biological daughter, but they said so on purpose.

The purpose is to make Yuan Fang jump.

When Yuan Fang heard this, she really jumped up in despair.

"You fart, I'm my father's biological daughter, what's wrong with me living in my own house? Is it your turn to interfere?"

"Hehe, your biological daughter? If we remember correctly, you were already nine years old when you came to the compound, right? Luo Li just died less than half a year ago, and you can go from your father's belly to your mother's belly in half a year , regenerated to grow to nine years old?"

"I said that Yuan Gang is also stupid. He didn't take good care of his daughter, but he wanted to raise a daughter for someone else. He also gave his work and everything to other people's daughters. I don't know what he is trying to do."

These women do not match the preamble, but the purpose is only one.

That is disgusting Yuan Fang.

It is the most illogical thing for a woman to quarrel. In short, she can say whatever makes the other party feel uncomfortable. She doesn't care if you are confused or not!
Besides, they were right to sneer.Yuan Fang did come to the textile factory compound at the age of nine.If she insisted that she was Yuan Gang's biological daughter, it would be tantamount to admitting that Yuan Gang and her mother were messing around with Zhang Caihua outside while Yuan Gang and Luo Li were married.

If it gets out, the textile factory will hold Yuan Gang accountable.

Yuan Gang told Zhang Caihua Qiandinglingwan that Yuan Fang should not tell this matter.It's one thing for others to guess, but quite another to say it yourself.

Yuan Fang didn't bother to argue with these gossip women before, but now she thinks that she is going to marry into Wan's family in the future. If Wang Ling knows that she has no 'father', her impression of her will be greatly reduced!

Therefore, she decided to let everyone in the compound understand that she is the genuine daughter of Yuan Gang!

Such as fake replacement!

"Don't be bloody, don't think that I don't know that you are just jealous of our family's three iron jobs!"

 The update came late.I fell asleep while writing, I was so sleepy.When I woke up, I realized that it was already this time. I will update two chapters tonight, and I will add the remaining chapter tomorrow to catch bugs.Goodnight everybody!
(End of this chapter)

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