Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 547 It's Not Kind Of Kindness

Chapter 547 It's Not Kind Of Kindness

Because of the favoritism of Yuan Gang and Zhang Caihua, Yuan Fang had gone to high school.After finishing high school, Zhang Caihua took over the job of Luo Li's personnel office in the textile factory.

Being able to have a formal job at a young age has once become something Yuan Fang is very proud of.

This is also a very important reason why she has such a sense of superiority.

Not to be outdone, the women cooking in the corridor continued to talk back.

"Didn't you sell your job for money? Return your job? Who are you fooling?"

"That's right, I heard that her job was sold for 500 yuan! I don't know how she is so embarrassed to sell someone else's mother's job and keep the money in her own pocket."

"Why are you embarrassed? Have you forgotten how thick-skinned her mother is? What does it matter if you dare to seduce a married man to fool around with her?"

Ladies, what you said to each other made Yuan Fang very angry.

Yuan Qingqing kept her head down and said nothing, but hatred flashed in her eyes!The hand holding the pliers is tight and tight!Their family is too deceitful, she won't just let it go.

Yuan Fang didn't realize that her honest half-sister had a deep hatred for their family in her heart.At this moment, she is still struggling to break up with those women, they are jealous of her.

"So what if I sold my job? Didn't I find a new good job? If I remember correctly, your sons and daughters haven't worked yet, right? The whole family sticks to one person to suck blood, jealous of our family The good life is clear."

"A gossiping woman like you who gossips all day long, deserves such a miserable life."


The textile factory was very lively, and Yuan Fang became famous after this 'battle'.Her reputation was spread throughout the textile factory, including the relatives of all the employees in the textile factory.

When Zhang Caihua came back from get off work, she saw the women around her pointing fingers at her, so Zhang Caihua went upstairs with a pooh.At the door, she met Yuan Qingqing, a mogul who she despised, and Zhang Caihua's accumulated resentment from working outside exploded all of a sudden.

"You damn girl, you don't cook vegetables slowly, do you want to starve your old lady to death?" Zhang Caihua walked over cursingly, pulling Yuan Qingqing's ear while scolding, "You think it's wrong for my old lady to eat so much for you?" What's the use? I'm idle at home every day and don't do anything, and my mother can't eat a hot meal when she comes back from get off work. What's the use of my mother raising you?"

"Why don't you just die like your short-lived ghost girl?"


Zhang Caihua pushed Yuan Qingqing's head hard, and Yuan Qingqing, who was already thin, was pushed so that her head hit the wall on one side with a bang.

"Bitch girl, hurry up and cook, your sister won't have anything to eat when she comes back from get off work, so don't eat tonight."

Zhang Caihua still doesn't know that Yuan Fang has been fired and has been at home today.

After she finished cursing, she went into the room and saw Yuan Fang sitting at home. Zhang Caihua was taken aback for a moment, then quickly walked over and asked with great concern, "My dear daughter, why did you leave work so early today? Is it yours?" The black-hearted boss finally found out with his conscience?"

Talking to her own daughter, Zhang Caihua is a typical loving mother.

There was a deep smile on the sour face.

Yuan Fang snorted, took Zhang Caihua's arm, and told about the quarrel with those women today.

Zhang Caihua got angry when she heard it.

"Okay, those gossiping women dare to bully you while I'm not at home, don't be sad, mom will avenge you right now! If I don't scold them to death, my surname will not be Zhang!"

Zhang Caihua pulled up her sleeves, turned around and went out aggressively, put her hands on her waist and opened her mouth to curse!
Yuan Qingqing lowered her head, turned her back to Zhang Caihua, who was constantly cursing, and had a calculation in her heart!
the next morning.

As usual, Xiao Lin sent Su Yun to work in the factory.Su Yun didn't rush to drive this morning, she was menstruating, she was lazy, lacked energy, and couldn't pull up any energy.

She leaned on the co-pilot's stool, looking at the flying scenery outside the window, a thought suddenly came to her mind.

"Brother Lin, how about we build a house here in Baiwan Village?" If they have a house here, they don't have to go back to the city to rest when they are busy with work , which greatly saves time on the road.

Su Yun thinks it's good, it's a good place to live with the mountains and the sea facing it.

Of course Xiao Lin unconditionally supports Su Yun's idea.

"How does the daughter-in-law want to build it?"


Su Yun thought about it seriously for a while, then shook her head, "It's better not to build it for the time being, I want to wait for a while and then look at it."

"what happened?"

Xiao Lin glanced at Su Yun in surprise, unable to guess what she was waiting for for a while.

Su Yun, however, thought of the new village that she saw in the white mist after she died in her previous life. She wanted to wait for her company to make enough profits before transforming the entire Baiwan Village together. become a new village.

If the villagers' houses are built spacious, bright and well-organized, maybe in the future when everyone's income rises, they can also engage in rural tourism?
Su Yun thinks it's fine.

Right now Xiao Lin was asking, and she didn't hide her inner thoughts from him.Even though the horoscope has not been written yet, Xiao Lin is not an outsider, she doesn't need to have everything planned before telling him.

He is her man, a man who can say anything to him.

After hearing Su Yun's idea, Xiao Lin couldn't help but glance at her again.

"Daughter-in-law, why do you have so many wonderful ideas in your head?"

The most important thing is that these ideas sound fantastic and make people feel unstoppable enthusiasm.People in this era are simple and simple. If you can use your strength to do something for the villagers, it will be very happy for everyone.

Xiao Lin has been in the army for so many years, and he deeply understands that life is not easy now.His daughter-in-law wants to help the villagers build the village so generously, which is a great thing for the benefit of the people.

In other words, what his daughter-in-law wanted to do was always what he wanted to do.

How could Xiao Lin not be excited by this?
It's just that he is not as smart as his wife, so he didn't come up with these good ideas.

When Su Yun heard Xiao Lin's praise, she couldn't help but burst out laughing, "What is a brilliant idea? This is a perfectly normal idea."

"No, daughter-in-law, you are very powerful!"

Many of her ideas are beyond the current to say?It's a very advanced feeling.Yes, it is the feeling of being ahead!Xiao Lin still doesn't know what the thinking of future people is.But he felt that his daughter-in-law's thinking was the thinking of future people.

This reminded him involuntarily of what Su Ying said insanely two years ago.

She said that his daughter-in-law should have died a long time ago, and how could a person who should have died be able to live a good life again...

Thinking of this, Xiao Lin turned to look at Su Yun.


(End of this chapter)

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