Chapter 548
Su Yun is looking ahead at the moment.

With half of the side face exposed, the corners of the lips raised slightly in a shallow arc.The sun shone through the windshield and shone on her face.

Her skin is fair and rosy, and after the lack of heavy farm work and countless housework, her whole body is white and tender, and her cheeks are pink and rosy, like a peach blossom.

Xiao Lin lost his mind for a moment.

Sensing Xiao Lin's gaze, Su Yun tilted her head to meet his deep gaze.She couldn't help chuckling, "What's wrong, brother Lin? This is the mother who doesn't know your child? Looking at me like that doesn't seem to know your wife."

Xiao Lin came back to his senses and smiled softly.

He is really hysterical, how could he think about those things, and think that his wife is not his wife?

"No..." Before the words were finished, Xiao Lin's face suddenly changed, he stepped on the brake, and quickly turned the steering wheel to one side!

Accompanied by a screeching sound of brakes, the car that was going straight rushed out of the road and rushed to a side field before barely stopping.Seeing this, the villagers working in the nearby fields all put down their work and ran over.

Su Yun's head hit the stage in front of her, and her forehead felt like it was going to burst.Raising her head, a burst of dizziness caused her to close her eyes subconsciously.

"young married woman……"

Xiao Lin let go of the steering wheel, and immediately checked Su Yun's situation. Seeing the large swelling on her forehead, Xiao Lin saw the frightening red color, and a murderous intent appeared in her eyes.

"young married woman……"

Although he wished to tear up the person who suddenly rushed to the car, the more important thing at the moment was to see Su Yun's injury.He jumped down from the cab to the co-pilot, quickly opened the door and asked about Su Yun's situation.

"We're going to the hospital right away."

The car would not be able to drive after rushing into the field, so he could only find another way to take Su Yun to the hospital.

Su Yun rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes for a long time before the dizziness got better.Hearing Xiao Lin said that she would take her to the hospital, she hummed and held Xiao Lin's hand.

"You don't have to worry too much, I just have a headache and dizziness."

"Are there any other discomforts?"

Xiao Lin asked anxiously.


"Then I have to go to the hospital for an examination." The head bump can easily cause a concussion, Xiao Lin must take Su Yun to the hospital for a proper examination.

Su Yun didn't refuse either.

She still cherishes her own body and life very much.

Xiao Lin carried Su Yun out of the co-pilot, and the villagers who were working nearby had already come here.They saw sharply that the lesbian who suddenly rushed out of the road and blocked Xiao Lin's car was sneaking into the field and trying to run away.

With the shouts of the villagers, several young people who were close to Yuan Fang who wanted to wipe their feet with oil rushed into the field in twos and grabbed Yuan Fang and twisted him up.

Xiao Lin also carried Su Yun to the road.

"Comrade Xiao, Xiao Su, how are you doing?"

Because Xiao Lin's car had already driven into the village, the villagers working nearby were all from Baiwan Village.They were also familiar with Xiao Lin and Su Yun, and when they saw them coming up, they immediately started asking questions.

Xiao Lin nodded invisibly, "Xiaoyun bumped her head, I'll take her to the hospital right away. Please ask a fellow villager to go to the factory and help me see if Secretary Xu is here? If he comes, ask him to drive her to the hospital." Let's go to the hospital."

"Oh, okay, okay, no problem."

After the villagers agreed, they immediately arranged for the young man who ran the fastest to report to the Yunji Food Factory not far away.Xiao Lin lowered her eyes and softly coaxed Su Yun, telling her to be patient, the car will be here soon.

Su Yun hummed.

She was still a little dizzy, but after closing her eyes and resting for a while, the dizziness dissipated a lot.Hearing the concerns and inquiries from the surrounding villagers, she opened her eyes with a slight smile on her face.

"I'm fine, thank you uncles and aunts for your concern." The villagers treated her with sincerity, and she must be sincere in return.With a slight smile on his face, he answered the concerned villagers around him.

When she caught sight of Yuan Fang who was being held back by several young people, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Yuan Fang, why are you here?" Just now, Yuan Fang rushed out too fast, and Xiao Lin hurried to the side to avoid it, so that Su Yun couldn't see Yuan Fang's face clearly.

But she had seen the floral Bragi on Yuan Fang's body.

Thinking that it was this person who suddenly rushed out and stopped their car, causing her head to be bumped, Su Yun couldn't help but get angry.

"Haven't you already been fired? What are you doing here? You suddenly rushed out from the side to the front of the car, are you trying to cheat our compensation?"

No wonder Su Yun thought too much, Yuan Fang's behavior was indeed like this.

Otherwise, you said you were walking on the road in a good manner, and suddenly someone rushed out in front of your speeding car. Isn't that courting death and defrauding others?
This made Su Yun very angry.

His face darkened, and his tone was not in a good mood.

"Believe it or not, if something happens to Brother Lin and I, I will sue you for bankruptcy and you will never be able to leave the prison for the rest of your life?"

Yuan Fang was also frightened.

She doesn't know how to drive, so it's impossible for her to know the dangers of braking at close range.The reason why she rushed out was to stop the car and kneel down in front of the car in front of the villagers, begging Su Yun to let her go back to work again.

She felt that Su Yun was the boss of a company, and she could fire her in front of the comrades in the personnel department, but she would definitely not do anything to her in front of so many villagers.

After all, Su Yun still needs the image in the hearts of the villagers, doesn't she?
But what Yuan Fang didn't expect was that things didn't develop as she expected.

Xiao Lin's car didn't stop in time, instead it rushed to the side of the field.Yuan Fang, who felt that she might have caused something serious, of course did not dare to wait any longer and want to slip away.

It's just that she didn't expect that those damn mud legs would drag her back.

pissed her off.

Yuan Fang was full of resentment towards these villagers from the bottom of her heart, but she still didn't dare to show it too clearly on her face.She still hasn't forgotten the purpose of coming here early in the morning. She asked Su Yun to let her go back to work in the factory.

Only when she goes back to work in the factory can she help Awang, and then they can get married earlier.And in front of her mother-in-law Wang Ling, she was also able to straighten her back and stand upright.

Therefore, after Su Yun's words fell, Yuan Fang quickly weighed the pros and cons of the scene, struggling hard to break free and rush forward to beg Su Yun.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su, listen to me, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong. I came here to apologize to you early this morning. If you have a lot of people, please forgive me once? I promise I won't do it again. , please let me go back to work, Mr. Su."

(End of this chapter)

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