Chapter 549

Yuan Fang's face is really astonishingly thick.

Su Yun laughed angrily at her brazen words.Xiao Lin signaled the person holding Yuan Fang's arm to let go, and as soon as they let go, Yuan Fang rushed over immediately.

"Mr. Su..."


Yuan Fang's words were accompanied by a sound. The person who was rushing towards Su Yun and the others happened to be kicked in the knee by Xiao Lin, and fell to his knees on the ground with a puff.

Because it was an emergency, Yuan Fang was not prepared at all.She was kicked flying a meter or two before she knelt on the ground with her knees up.The blunt road makes people's knees hurt, and it feels like the bones inside are about to pierce the surface of the skin.


Yuan Fang let out a scream, raised her head and looked at Su Yun in disbelief.

"How can you hit someone?"

Su Yun snorted.It wasn't her who kicked someone up, but the man beside her.So what Yuan Fang said about her beating people no longer exists.

Of course a person like her doesn't know how to beat people anymore, so she just scolded and scolded people to her heart's content... No... No, she can still beat people.

Even if she couldn't kick Yuan Fang away like Xiao Lin, she could slap Yuan Fang's brain in one slap!
Thinking of this, Su Yun made Xiao Lin let go of her. She slowly walked towards Yuan Fang step by step, "Why can't I hit someone? You deliberately came in front of my car to seek death, and I can't justly resist?"

"You bragging, I didn't come in front of your car looking for death, I just wanted to make you stop, I just have something to tell you."

Yuan Fang continued to speak harshly.

Su Yun didn't bother with her anymore.No matter what Yuan Fang said, she couldn't shake her mind to expel Yuan Fang.A person like her never reflects on herself when she does something wrong, but blames others. How can such a person be fired and return to work?

tease her?

Su Yun sneered, Xu Wanhao came over in his own car not long after.He saw Xiao Lin's car in the field, and then glanced at Yuan Fang who was pushed in the middle by the crowd. Xu Wanhao quickly looked away to look for Su Yun.

"Little aunt, how are you, little uncle?"

Xu Wanhao jumped out of the car and quickly went to check on Su Yun's injury.

"How are you, aunt? Where is the injury?"

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy." Su Yun answered Xu Wanhao's concern softly.After she finished speaking, she raised her eyes and continued to look at Yuan Fang over there, and said to Xu Wanhao word by word, "I need to go to the hospital to check my injuries. Ah Hao, you take this person with you."

It must be impossible for her to let Yuan Fang go so easily.

The behavior of Yuan Fang just now forced them to turn around. If the surroundings were not rice fields but cliffs, would she and Xiao Lin survive?
Yuan Fang is an adult, and it seems that she is not too young.She deserves to pay the price for what she did.

Suddenly rushed out to stop the car, although he was not killed, but this does not mean that it is over.

"it is good."

Xu Wanhao grabbed Yuan Fang from the ground, dragged Yuan Fang up without any sympathy, and directly dragged her into the car to follow Su Yun and the others to the hospital.

There was a health center in the nearest town, but Xiao Lin was worried that the examination was not careful enough, so he drove Xu Wanhao's car to the people's hospital in the city.

After a series of examinations, the doctor concluded that Su Yun had a mild concussion!
"Is there any other discomfort besides this?" Xiao Lin couldn't help but ask the doctor a few more words even though he was holding the examination report, "Doctor, please check well, my wife is not in good health. Great. The car braked rather quickly just now, and I'm worried that she has other discomforts that she didn't show for a while."

"Doctor, please check better."

A big man like Xiao Lin, with a worried look on his face, asked the doctor to check him up again, which made people look moved and funny.

What's moving is that he really cares about his wife, but what's funny is that he's a little too exaggerated.

Su Yun was a little ashamed, reached out and pinched Xiao Lin's fingers.

But he wrapped her whole hand in a big hand.

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I'll ask the doctor slowly."

Su Yun: ...

Is she in a hurry?Obviously he was in a hurry!

The doctor held back his smile and explained in a good-tempered manner: "Comrade Xiao, we have already done a series of blood tests and film examinations. Except for a slight concussion, Comrade Su Yun is in very good health!"


Xiao Lin still couldn't believe it.

The doctor nodded with a very serious face, "Yes, Comrade Xiao Lin, I am a doctor, and any diagnosis I make is professionally based, so please trust my profession."


"Doctor who believes, we believe." Su Yun hurriedly stopped Xiao Lin who was about to continue talking, and explained to the doctor with a smile: "My husband had some impact on his spirit because of my childbirth before, and it is easy to overdo it." I ask the doctor to forgive me for being nervous."

The doctor nodded, and said solemnly, "Then why don't Comrade Xiao have an examination?"

Xiao Lin: ...

Su Yun didn't expect that her casual excuse would give the doctor the idea of ​​asking Xiao Lin to check it too.She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and turned to look at Xiao Lin beside her.

It seems that he is seeking his opinion, but he is actually holding back his laughter.

Xiao Lin's tense mood was broken by Su Yun's actions. He sighed, thanked the doctor by pulling Su Yun who had plaster on his forehead, and then left the doctor's office to go to the police station not far away.

When they arrived in the city, Xiao Lin and Xu Wanhao were divided into two groups. Xiao Lin sent Su Yun to the hospital for examination, while Xu Wanhao sent Yuan Fang to the Public Security Bureau.

When Yuan Fang heard that they were going to send her to the police station, she was scared and anxious.She was unwilling to go, but this did not change the decision of Xiao Lin and Su Yun.

Yuan Fang must pay the price this time.

The Public Security Bureau is only 200 meters away from the city hospital, and Su Yun and the others arrived here soon.

Because the doctor told Su Yun to rest as much as possible for two days, Xiao Lin wanted to send her home to deal with Yuan Fang's matter, but Su Yun was unwilling, so Xiao Lin was forced to bring Su Yun along.

He helped Su Yun walk into the Public Security Bureau, reminding Su Yun to pay attention to her feet every step she took, and asked her if she was dizzy...

Su Yun felt that if it wasn't for the fact that her forehead was swollen to prove that her head was injured, people who didn't know would definitely think that she was pregnant or had some terminal illness.

Look at how nervous her brother Lin is.

"Brother Lin, I'm fine, don't be so nervous."

Su Yun looked at the man next to her with a smile and helplessness.

He, he really made himself love and 'hate' at the same time!

"Daughter-in-law, you are hurt."

"I'm much better now." I don't know what kind of ointment was pasted on her forehead. It was cold and cold enough to soothe the pain on the forehead she hit.

Xiao Lin was still not happy.

Fortunately, they had already seen Xu Wanhao and the others, and the two of them didn't get entangled in this issue. Xiao Lin still supported Su Yun and walked towards Xu Wanhao and the others.

Yuan Fang was restrained by the police and sat on a bench on the other side, with a pair of handcuffs on her hands.The moment she saw Su Yun appear, she suddenly stood up from the stool.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su, listen to me, I really didn't mean to cause you to have a car accident, really."

 First update three chapters to go out, and then update one chapter before twelve o'clock in the evening.Then the update on the 15th will be placed during the day
(End of this chapter)

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