Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 550: I Won't Retaliate With Virtue

Chapter 550: I Won't Retaliate With Virtue

Yuan Fang has said this sentence many times.

Su Yun didn't want to hear it at all.

When she came over, Xu Wanhao immediately got up and let Su Yun sit down on the stool.

"Little uncle, how is my aunt? What did the doctor say?"

At first, Xu Wanhao found Su Yun as a "little aunt" very difficult to accept, but after getting to know him better, he was deeply impressed by Su Yun's ability.

At the same time, I am also fortunate that Ms. Xu Meifen's eyes are so bright that she was able to find such a powerful aunt for him.

"The doctor said, concussion."

After Xiao Lin finished speaking, he glanced coldly at Yuan Fang on the side, and then turned his gaze back to Gongan on the side.

"Comrade Public Security. This lesbian named Yuan Fang suddenly rushed in front of our car while we were driving. In order to avoid her, my car rushed into the field and suffered some damage. My wife was also hit. concussion."

Xiao Lin was very smart, he only mentioned the concussion, not whether it was mild or severe.

But the three words of concussion are enough for them to know the seriousness of the matter.

This matter, there is no way to get better.

After Yuan Fang told Xiao Lin about Su Yun's concussion, her face suddenly turned pale.

"President Su...President Su..."

Yuan Fang struggled to lean in, begging Su Yun to forgive her this time.But Su Yun is obviously not the kind of person who will repay evil with kindness, she is not the Holy Mother, and Su Yun has always been ruthless in dealing with people who almost brought her and her husband to death.

"Comrade Public Security, we will sue her."

Su Yun raised her hand, pointed at Yuan Fang's face and said word by word, "I want to sue her for premeditated murder."

Even if you can't charge with willful murder, you have to charge for attempted murder.

As for how the police should make a verdict, Su Yun believes that they will definitely make a fair verdict.

The policeman nodded, and asked his colleagues to go to the accident site that Xiao Lin and the others said to check the scene of the car accident to see if it was really the same as what they said.

As for Yuan Fang, she was detained at the Public Security Bureau for interrogation, and a decision was made after the colleague who went to the scene to understand the situation came back.

After the policeman finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Lin and Su Yun, and asked them if they had any other opinions on this punishment.

Su Yun and the others definitely have no objections.

"Thank you Comrade Public Security."

Su Yun thanked Comrade Public Security, and then asked Xu Wanhao to stay here so that Comrade Public Security can understand the situation.As for Su Yun, she had to go home and rest in bed because of a concussion.

The police also understood, and nodded to indicate that the husband and wife can go back first.

"If there is anything, we will contact you again."

"Well, it's the same to ask Xiao Xu. He is my nephew and my secretary. He can handle this matter for me with full authority."

Su Yun really believed in Xu Wanhao's ability. After Xu Wanhao understood her purpose, she would definitely be able to handle this matter properly!
After explaining the matter clearly, Su Yun and the others left the police station and went home.Yuan Fang panicked when she saw Su Yun leaving, and kept yelling to make Su Yun stop and listen to her explanation.

But how could Su Yun listen?

Looking back at Yuan Fang coldly, the corner of Su Yun's lips held a slight coolness, "Now I know I regret it? It's too late."

Again, we are all adults, and we must think clearly before doing anything.Once you make up your mind to do it, you have to bear the corresponding price.

She is not Yuan Fang's parents, so she has no obligation to forgive Yuan Fang.

The backs of the husband and wife disappeared from sight, Yuan Fang lost all hope and fell back on the bench.Holding his face in both hands, he murmured in despair: "What should I do? What should I do?"

She was in a panic, thinking of ways to rescue her in a mess.

It's not her fault, after all, even though she is very arrogant, she is a person who has never been in the police station.People nowadays generally have a feeling of fear towards the Public Security Bureau.

Yuan Fang is no exception.

On her side, she was racking her brains in the Public Security Bureau to think of a way to leave. Su Yun and his wife had already returned home.

The husband and wife who had just gone out came back together, and there was still a large piece of gauze on Su Yun's forehead, which frightened the old lady and other people in the family.

There were only three children who didn't understand anything, tilting their heads and looking at their mother intently, wondering why their mother's forehead was not the same as before.


Er Bao stretched out his hand towards Su Yun, babbling and wanting to be hugged by her.

Su Yun was about to reach out to hug her when Xiao Lin stopped her.

"Daughter-in-law, have you forgotten that the doctor told you to rest?"

Su Yun: ...

It's not too tiring to hold my sweetheart, little darling, is it?She raised her head and looked at Xiao Lin pitifully, with a pair of almond eyes twinkling.

"Brother Lin..."

"Don't be coquettish, this matter is not negotiable."

Xiao Lin put on a serious face and said that sugar-coated cannonballs and acting like a baby are useless.

Su Yun pouted.

The old lady Xiao, who was listening to the ear, hurriedly said: "Xiaoyun, since the doctor told you to rest, shall we rest in peace? If you really want to hug your sister, go to the bed and let Anzi carry her to you. How about a while?"

"Grandma..." Xiao Lin somewhat admired his grandma, "Xiaoyun has a concussion, so don't make noise."


The old lady Xiao was taken aback. She didn't know what a concussion was, but she felt terrible when she heard the name, "Then what should I do?" When she asked, she subconsciously lowered her voice.

It's like being a thief.

Su Yun couldn't laugh or cry.


She originally wanted to explain, but Xiao Lin didn't ask her to explain.

"Need quiet, rest in bed."

"Then what are you waiting for? Haven't you sent Xiaoyun to the room to rest? Why don't you understand the priorities of the matter at how old you are?" The old lady complained to her eldest grandson in a low voice.

Compared with Su Yun in everything, Xiao Lin's grandson must be photographed behind Su Yun.

Su Yun is used to it.

Xiao Lin has already gotten used to it.

"I'll take her up to rest."

"Hey, Xiaoyun, you can rest at ease. Grandma will go to the vegetable market to buy a chicken and come back to make soup for you." The old lady Xiao spoke in a low voice, afraid that Su Yun would not hear it, and also afraid that it would affect her. , even speaking with gestures, the corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched.

Soup again!
She really wanted to say that she would just take a break, and she really didn't need to be so cautious, and she didn't need to buy chickens to make soup with great fanfare.But it seems that no one in the family listens to her now.

All right, just do what they say.

Let her be a happy 'disabled person'!

Xiao Lin sent Su Yun back to the upstairs bedroom to rest, Mrs. Xiao asked Zhang Ma and Lin Chunhua to take the children to Song Yinyin's house next door to play, while she was going to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables by herself.

Lin Chunhua must be worried that the old lady would go alone, so she took over the grocery shopping and asked the old lady to take the children to the next door to play with Mama Zhang.

The old lady nodded.

"Okay, then you remember to buy a fatter old hen. Remember that it must be an old hen. Chickens that are too tender will not work well."

"What old hen do you want?" Mr. Chen's voice interjected from the side. He walked over from the car with his hat in his hand, and interrupted when he heard the old lady's words.

The old lady signaled Lin Chunhua to go quickly, and then lowered her voice and said to Mr. Chen: "Mother Xiaobao, I said today that there was a car accident and I was hit with a concussion..."


Chen Jinzhou, who was carrying things in the back, was surprised when he heard the news.

"Is my sister-in-law seriously injured? Where was my brother at that time?"

 Well, the promised four chapters and eight thousand words have been updated.Tomorrow's update is also during the day, and it may take a few days to update the second chapter temporarily.Then there will be another [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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