Chapter 551

Chen Jinzhou's tone was a little nervous.

The old man glanced at him.

Chen Jinzhou realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly added, "Grandma, is my brother also injured?"

The old lady didn't think much about it.They have a good relationship with the young people, so she thinks it is normal for Chen Jinzhou to care about his brother and sister-in-law.She shook her head and said, "Your brother is thick-skinned and there's nothing wrong with it, but your sister-in-law hit him and said it was a concussion."

"What is this concussion? Is it a serious illness? Just now your brother didn't tell me carefully, and I don't know what kind of illness it is." The old lady was too busy to let Su Yun go to rest just now, so she didn't have time Ask what a concussion is.

Chen Jinzhou thought for a while, and was about to explain how to explain the concussion, when Song Yinyin's voice sounded beside him.

"Concussion is a clinically common disease that causes temporary disturbance of consciousness due to trauma." Song Yinyin led Li Mingzhe, a toddler, out of their yard.

"Grandpa Chen, grandma, you don't have to worry too much. In the early stages of a mild concussion, you should stay in bed and rest to avoid fatigue. You can usually recover in one to two weeks."

Hearing what Song Yinyin said, the old lady let go of her heart hanging in her throat.She nodded and sighed: "Okay, okay, fortunately, you have a voice to explain to grandma, otherwise grandma wouldn't know what the disease is."

After the old lady finished speaking, she asked Song Yinyin what concussion patients should pay attention to in terms of food.Song Yinyin didn't hide anything, and told the old lady everything she knew.

"You can eat more protein and vitamin foods to strengthen nutrition and avoid secondary injuries. Another important point is that she must rest in peace and rest, and she can no longer worry about her factory affairs during this period of time."

Song Yinyin was actually quite critical of Su Yun, a 'workaholic'. She could live a little easier with Xiao Lin's favor, but she chose the opposite path.

How tiring is starting a business?Why doesn't she know how to rest more?
Song Yinyin said that she couldn't understand the thoughts of workaholics.

The old lady heard that she wanted to eat more and planned to go to the vegetable market to buy it.Chen Jinzhou stopped her: "Grandma, I'll just go buy it when you're at home. I'll drive there, go and come back quickly."

"How much time is it wasting your time?"

"What's the delay? He doesn't have anything to do, just let him go." Mr. Chen said, and the old lady could only agree: "Well, I'll give you the money and you wait."

"No grandma." Chen Jinzhou couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm rich, and my brother paid me my salary."

Even if no salary is paid, it is impossible to ask the old man for money.

After persuading the old lady into the house, Chen Jinzhou got in the car and went shopping.He first went to the vegetable market to buy meat, vegetables, and eggs. After thinking about it, he turned around and went to the foreign exchange store.

The best thing to supplement protein is probably the kind of milk that foreigners drink.

At present, milk is not so popular among Chinese people, but milk is sold in foreign exchange stores.Chen Jinzhou went home and took some foreign exchange certificates, and then went to the foreign exchange store, where he bought several boxes of foreign milk packed in cardboard boxes.

After buying some other things that he thought were more satisfying, he drove back to Wutong Street.

The home, which is usually full of laughter and laughter, is exceptionally quiet at this moment.Everyone in the family was there, but because Su Yun needed to rest, they all consciously lowered their voices and movements.

Not to mention the adults, even the three children are extraordinarily well-behaved, looking at the family with a pair of black grape-like eyes, wondering why he is so careful.

Xiao Lin watched Su Yun fall asleep, he went downstairs and saw Mr. Chen, went over to call grandpa, Mr. Chen nodded and told him to talk outside.

"what happened?"

What he asked was how they got into a car accident.

"It's an employee who was fired from Xiaoyun's factory..." Xiao Lin briefly explained the matter between Su Yun and Yuan Fang, and the more Mr. Chen heard it, the more he frowned.

"There are people like this in this world? How dare you stop the car after you did something wrong?" Old man Chen is very jealous.A person like Yuan Fang with a wicked mind must be expelled.

But after she was fired, she rushed to stop Xiao Lin's car...

If Xiao Lin had directly bumped into him at that time, he could also guarantee that his grandson and grandson-in-law would be fine.But they avoided it, and Su Yun was injured because of it...

"It can't be left alone."

The old man frowned and thought for a while, but still felt that this matter must be pursued to the end.

"You said she was in the Chengdong branch of the city hospital, right? I'll call your Uncle Zhao and ask him to arrange someone to check on this lesbian."

Xiao Lin's Uncle Zhao, as the old man said, had served as a soldier under him for more than ten years.Later, he changed jobs to the Public Security Bureau, and is now the director of the Chengdong Public Security Bureau.

Xiao Lin did not refuse the old man's kindness.

In terms of interpersonal relationship, he is still far behind the old man.

"Trouble Grandpa."

"What nonsense?"

The old man glanced at Xiao Lin in disapproval, turned around and walked into the room.Just about to pick up the phone, the phone rang first.The old man was not polite, and put the phone directly to his ear.

"This is the Xiao family."

"Grandpa Chen?" Xu Wanhao's hesitant voice came from the other end of the phone, and old man Chen also recognized Xu Wanhao's voice: "It's the Xu family kid? What's the matter with you calling?"

"It's like this, my aunt and the others asked me to stay in the Public Security Bureau to help deal with Yuan Fang's matter..."

Xu Wanhao introduced to the old man in detail on the other end of the phone what happened while he stayed in the Public Security Bureau waiting for the result.

"After Yuan Fang knew that she might be sentenced, she suddenly said that she wanted to contact someone to protect her. I checked the phone number, and it seems to be the number of Wanjia next door to you."

Because the call was not answered, Xu Wanhao was not sure if it was Wanjia's call.

But regardless of whether it was Wanjia's phone number or not, it was already a fact that there was another person behind Yuan Fang.Xu Wanhao felt that it was necessary to report to his aunt, and maybe he could take the opportunity to find out the person who was hiding deep behind the scenes and wanted to bring down Yunji.

Mr. Chen frowned and thought about it, can this matter have anything to do with the Wan family?Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the two grandsons walking in together from the door. He beckoned to Chen Jinzhou to come over.

"Azhou, have you met that kid from the Wan family recently? What is he up to?" Mr. Chen is a cautious person, and whenever he finds any doubts, he should check them out.

Chen Jinzhou handed the things to Lin Chunhua, who came over, and frowned slightly, thinking about it.

"Grandpa, who is calling?" Xiao Lin came over and asked, the old man gave the phone to Xiao Lin with an oh, "Xu's kid called, listen to what he said."

(End of this chapter)

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