Chapter 552 Confession
Xiao Lin answered the phone, and Xu Wanhao on the other end of the phone repeated what he had said to the old man.After Xiao Lin heard that this matter might have something to do with the Wan family, he hummed.

"I know, thanks for your hard work."

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Chen and Chen Jinzhou looked at him, hoping to see a decision on how to solve this matter on his face.

"Grandpa, didn't you say you wanted to call Uncle Zhao?" Xiao Lin reminded Mr. Chen instead.

Mr. Chen remembered it when he heard it. He really wanted to call Zhao Chen, but when he was interrupted by the Xu family boy, he almost forgot.

"Okay, I'll call him right now."

The old man pressed the phone number again, and dialed the number of Zhao Chen, the director of the Chengdong Public Security Bureau.He didn't go into too much detail, he just asked Zhao Chen to investigate Yuan Fang carefully.

Zhao Chen on the other end of the phone was looking at the case. When he heard the old leader's request, he immediately stopped what he was doing and his face became serious: "Old chief, what is this?"

"My grandson and granddaughter-in-law had a car accident today. Yuan Fang, a lesbian, should not be so bold. You should check carefully to see if there is any hidden secret in it. Don't ignore important clues."

"Yes, yes, don't worry, old chief, I'll have someone send the case over, and I'll follow up myself."

Mr. Chen is kind to Zhao Chen, and Zhao Chen has always been grateful to Mr. Chen.In recent years, no matter it is Chinese New Year or holiday, he will come to greet him in person. The relationship is like that between a teacher and a student, they are still very close.

For the old man's explanation, Zhao Chen will definitely take it to heart.

He hung up the phone here, and immediately asked the comrades at the outside window to send over the case files, and told the comrades below that he would not follow up on this matter himself, and tried his best not to let go of any doubts.

The police didn't understand how this case attracted the director's attention, but they certainly wouldn't have any opinion on the director's decision.And because of the director's participation, they had to devote 12 points of concentration to handle the case well.

In fact, this case is not complicated, but Yuan Fang suddenly rushed in front of the driving car, forcing Xiao Lin and his car to rush out of the road and into the field in order to avoid Yuan Fang.

It may or may not be possible to give Yuan Fang a heavy sentence. At most, she can only be fined to compensate for all losses, plus an apology to Su Yun and the others, and then she will be locked up for ten and a half months.

Of course, Su Yun and the others didn't want to convict Yuan Fang of death just because of this.As I said before, she respects all the punishments of the police, but she will not issue a settlement certificate.

As for Yuan Fang, she felt that it was necessary to teach her a harsh lesson.

Zhao Chen looked at the case file in his hand, his mind was spinning rapidly, not letting go of any suspicious things.

"Take the person to the inquiry room, and I will ask her personally."

"Yes, Chief."

Yuan Fang, who was originally sitting on a bench outside, was suddenly uncuffed by Comrade Public Security. She thought she could go out, and asked with joy on her face, "Can I go out? I can go out, right?" Comrade? I did not commit a crime, did I?"

After asking three questions in a row, all of them showed that she was in a hurry to leave.

Unfortunately, Comrade Public Security did not give her the answer she wanted.

"Our chief wants to see you."

After a short reply, the policeman shut his mouth tightly and said nothing.

Yuan Fang didn't know what the director wanted to see her for, so she came to the inquiry room with a very anxious mood.A small room feels oppressive.The police escorted Yuan Fang to sit opposite her, and handcuffed one of them to the lower bar of the long table in the middle.

Even Yuan Fang is a strong man, and she can't break free from the handcuffs.

Zhao Chen walked in with an enamel cup.He sat down on the empty seat opposite Yuan Fang.Zhao Chen, who is in his forties and close to his fifties, has been tempered in the army for many years and his long-term career as a police officer, which has given him a calm, calm and majestic temperament.

Wherever he sat, the whole small room was filled with invisible oppression emanating from him.

Yuan Fang trembled.

Zhao Chen saw this scene in his eyes, took a sip of water from the enamel water cup on the table, and then said slowly: "Comrade Yuan, who asked you to stop the car? As far as I know, you abused your power and violated the law. The company's relevant regulations have already been fired by Yunji, right?"

"You didn't have any complaints when you left, so what prompted you to change your mind overnight and run back to stop Comrade Su's car?"

"Now you confess honestly, and we will judge according to the circumstances. If you insist on not confessing, then after we find out the truth of the matter, the consequences may not be what you want."

Zhao Chen is indeed an experienced person, and his questioning made Yuan Fang unable to resist at all!

Yuan Fang bit her lip with a pale face, making a choice between betraying Wan Hengwang or sacrificing herself.

In the end, she chose to sacrifice herself.She felt that if this matter was pushed to Wan Hengwang, then there would be no possibility for her to marry into Wan's family...

"It's me..." Yuan Fang lowered her eyes and said word by word: "I was fired, I held a grudge, and wanted to stop President Su's car to let her give me another chance, but I didn't expect a car accident ..."

She 'frankly' admitted it.

Zhao Chen looked at Yuan Fang, saw her slightly dodging eyes, and nodded his head: "Yes, inform Comrade Yuan's family that Comrade Yuan is suspected of intentionally picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and will cooperate with the police investigation for a period of time."


After speaking, Zhao Chen left the inquiry room with his own enamel cup.He went to arrange for someone to check to see who Yuan Fang had met after he was fired from Yunji yesterday.

If Yuan Fang knew that she was charged with this crime but did not dispel the suspicion of the police, she would definitely regret it.

But it's a pity she doesn't know.

It's night time soon.

On a commercial street not far from B University, there is a very popular dance hall.

The dance hall is something that has just become popular recently. Many adult men and women like to come here to play. They wear the flared trousers and big-toed leather shoes that have been handed down from the Xiangjiang River. Oily and shiny, shaking on the dance floor, it is easy to attract the attention of people around you.

Wan Hengwang and his group of cronies are frequent visitors to this dance hall.

At this moment, just after dark, Wan Hengwang brought his new hair salon sister, followed by seven or eight gangsters with various hair dyes, to join the dance hall.


Xu Wanhao, who was sitting in a remote corner, glanced at Wan Hengwang who was ostentatiously passing by, and raised his chin slightly as a signal to Chen Jinzhou who was drinking.

The two brothers arrived when it was dark.The two gay men, both in terms of temperament and appearance, naturally attracted the attention of many lesbians as soon as they came in.

Someone wanted to boldly come forward to dance with them, but Chen Jinzhou kept a cold face and said nothing, while Xu Wanhao smiled and refused to listen to them.

Don't look at Xu Wanhao's hippie smiling face, but that indifferent aura that rejects people thousands of miles away tells everyone clearly that he is not as approachable as he looks on the surface!
Those lesbians who have hit the wall can only go back resentfully, chatting by the dance floor and waiting to see if there are any other gay men who are eye-catching.

Seeing Wan Hengwang coming in at this moment, Chen Jinzhou's eyelids twitched, but he didn't take any action.Xu Wanhao also suppressed his temper and looked at Wan Hengwang, but did not go up immediately.

 In the past few days, two chapters have been updated every day, and it will explode in a few days and more manuscripts will be saved.

(End of this chapter)

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