Chapter 553
Because the place where they sat was relatively remote, and because there were a lot of people in the ballroom, Wan Hengwang didn't find Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao either.

He took his newly-acquainted hair salon sister in his arms into the dance floor and began to dance. His group of minions danced wildly on the dance floor, booing bursts.

Chen Jinzhou had already drank the wine in his glass.

He raised his hand slowly, and threw the wine glass in his hand, and it hit Wan Hengwang's feet in the middle of the dance floor impartially.

The ceramic wine glass cracked and shattered at Wan Hengwang's feet!
This broken wine glass is like a pause button.The shaking people on the dance floor stopped their movements one after another, and Wan Hengwang's boys looked around and yelled loudly.

"Who is it? Who dares to hit our elder brother with a glass?"

"Did you think you lived too long?" Wan Hengwang himself hadn't opened his mouth yet, his horse boy was more aggressive than him, and he looked around aggressively and continued to speak loudly and viciously.

"Get out immediately and kowtow to our elder brother to apologize, otherwise we will find him immediately, and the ending will be very bloody."

Relying on their large number of people, the boys began to check outside the dance floor.

"Get out! Get out and kowtow to our elder brother to apologize, we will protect you from death!"

Someone saw the direction from which the wine glass was flying out, and these boys pushed the person in that direction away, aggressively pushing aside the crowd to find the real provocateur.

After all the crowd in front were separated, Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao met Wan Hengwang across an empty 'promenade'.

Wan Hengwang, who had no expression at first, burst out laughing when he saw Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao: "So it's the young master of the Chen family and the prince of the Xu family? Why? It's not enough to bully others elsewhere, Do you still want to come here to pick trouble? Do you know where this is, huh?"

After Wan Hengwang finished speaking, the thugs from the dance hall surrounded him and stood behind him.

That silent movement showed that they supported Wan Hengwang!

It's no wonder Wan Hengwang dared to be so arrogant. The owner of this dance hall was none other than Wan Hengwang's uncle.Those thugs are all taking money from the Wang family, so of course they are very protective of the boss, the nephew.

Are you going to say that Chen Jinzhou and the others didn't check it out before they came?That is certainly impossible.He came here to block Wan Hengwang only after he found out.

As for you saying that the opponent has a large number of people?Then he didn't take it to heart.

Chen Jinzhou stood up with a sneer, glanced at the people standing around Wan Hengwang, with a cold expression on the corner of his mouth.

"This is where you got caught."

He spoke coldly.

Wan Hengwang was startled for a moment, but then burst out laughing.As if hearing the funniest joke in the world, hahahaha couldn't stop laughing.

"Hahahahahahaha Chen Jinzhou...Chen Jinzhou, are you kidding me? 'This is where you were arrested'?" Wan Hengwang imitated Chen Jinzhou's words in a strange way, laughing exaggeratedly, "Who do you think you are? ? Public security that serves the people?"

"You move bricks at a construction site, are you worthy?"

Wan Hengwang laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

Chen Jinzhou was unmoved.He glanced at Xu Wanhao, Xu Wanhao nodded, put his thumb to his mouth and blew a loud whistle.Suddenly, there was a sound of orderly and powerful footsteps in the originally quiet surroundings.

Wan Hengwang, who was still laughing, had a dry expression on his face. He stood up suspiciously and looked in the direction of the stairs. The door of the dance hall was kicked open, and dozens of people in uniforms and guns rushed in from outside. public security.

As soon as the police came, the people in the dance hall immediately scattered like birds and beasts and rushed out to both sides.

And Wan Hengwang's boys were so loud just now, and now they are so ignorant.How is this going?How could it alarm the police?There are so many more?
These bastards are all charged with fighting, fighting, or theft.Therefore, when they saw the police, the first expression they showed was frightened.

Especially when the police surrounded them, they kept retreating.

Just now, the boys who were standing in front of Wan Hengwang, who were so affectionate and important for their elder brother, retreated behind Wan Hengwang at this moment.

Eyes are still looking for a suitable exit to escape.

This move made Wan Hengwang almost vomit blood.

However, relying on this being his uncle's territory, he forced himself to speak to Chen Jinzhou: "Chen Jinzhou, what do you mean? If you can't afford it, let your grandfather use his power for personal gain and call the police over here?"

Until now, he still doesn't know why the police appeared in his uncle's dance hall.He could only think that they were called by Chen Jinzhou to support Chen Jinzhou.

"Chen Jinzhou, why are you so disgusting? You thought it was elementary school students fighting but calling their parents?"

"Tch..." Xu Wanhao's sneer sounded, which seemed a bit abrupt in the huge ballroom. After his sneer fell, he looked at Wan Hengwang with mocking eyes: "I said toad, you are the one who can't afford it, right?" ?”

"What do you mean by that?"

"What do you think?" Xu Wanhao looked at the hair salon girl who was huddled in Wan Hengwang's arms, and said contemptuously: "You said that if you let that person named Yuan Fang know that when she worked for you, you were talking to someone else. If you come to the dance hall with a woman like me, will she betray you right away?"

"What did you say?"

Finally, when Yuan Fang was replaced, Wan Hengwang's face turned pale.Although he quickly controlled himself and returned to normal, his gaffe just now had already announced to them that he and Yuan Fang did have a relationship.

"Comrade Wan Hengwang..."

At this time, the leading captain of the public security came out, holding the arrest document signed by the director in his hand, and walked up to Wan Hengwang, "Comrade Wan Hengwang, now we suspect that you are related to a deliberate murder case, please come with us A trip to assist with the investigation."

"What? Premeditated murder?"

Wan Hengwang was taken aback by this charge, and quickly realized: "What are you talking about? What do you mean I am related to a deliberate murder? You people are full of food and have nothing to do, so you come here to find something to do." Wronged a good man?"

As he spoke, he asked the person in charge of going to the ballroom to contact his uncle.

At this time, Wan Hengwang didn't try to be brave anymore, he knew it was time to call his uncle to come forward.

"Hey, toad, are you so bold that you even question the authority of Comrade Public Security? Tsk tsk, who gave you the courage? Just your uncles?" Xu Wanhao didn't like Wan Hengwang at all.

Even though no one in his Xu family is in the political circles, this does not prevent him from despising Wan Hengwang.

Especially this time, Wan Hengwang actually used that idiot Yuan Fang to harm Yunji?Does he know how many people have put in so much effort for this company?

But because of his own selfish desires, Wan Hengwang tried to destroy their factory over and over again?How could Xu Wanhao bear this?

Rubbish like Wan Hengwang is simply everyone who gets it and punishes it!
(End of this chapter)

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