Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 555 Things are more serious than expected

Chapter 555 Things are more serious than expected

The two sat down at one side of the table, and Zhao Chen didn't mince words with Wang Dazhi. He handed over a copy of Yuan Fang's transcript in his hand to Wang Dazhi for review.

Wang Dazhi finished reading.

His face was a little ugly, he didn't expect this matter to be related to the Xiao family couple.He forced a smile on his face and said to Zhao Chen, "Director Zhao, is there anything wrong with this testimony? The suspect named Yuan Fang has already admitted that these things are all her own ideas, right?"

"Does this have any direct relationship with you arresting my nephew?"

After all, Wang Dazhi has reached the ministerial level. Although the position is not very important, he is also an official, and he is quite skillful when speaking.

Zhao Chen smiled and said: "I also think that this matter has nothing to do with Minister Wang's nephew, but according to the results of our investigation, this lesbian named Yuan Fang was originally an employee of a textile factory. I went to work in Yunji Food Factory because I was instructed by your nephew."

Although the current technology is far from being as advanced as the future generations.But some things have been done before, no matter whether the technology is developed or not, as long as you are willing to trace the source, you will be able to find it.

Comrades from the Public Security Bureau spent a day investigating Yuan Fang's interpersonal relationship, and found the leader of the textile factory to find out why she left the textile factory and went to work in the relatively remote Baiwan Village Yunjin Food Factory.

The leaders of the textile factory were not sure why Yuan Fang sold her job, but the girl who bought Yuan Fang's job said something.

"Is it her partner who asked her to sell her job? I heard from her that she has a very powerful partner. Her partner thought she had no future in this textile factory, so she asked her to sell her job."

"Yuan Fang said that she has a good relationship with her partner, that she is going to get married soon, and that she doesn't want to let her partner down..."

The girl just listened to it in a daze at the beginning, and didn't take it too seriously.

If the police hadn't specifically asked, she might have forgotten about it.

The police did not expect Yuan Fang to have another partner.They followed others to inquire everywhere, and few people knew the existence of Yuan Fang. Just after they thought they might not find anyone, a person suddenly stood up in the textile factory compound and said that they saw Yuan Fang with a young man yesterday. gay men together...

Through layer-by-layer investigation, they concluded that Yuan Fang's object was Wan Hengwang!
"What?" Wang Dazhi was taken aback: "It's impossible. My nephew wouldn't have a girlfriend and he wouldn't take it home." What's more, his sister didn't say that Wan Hengwang had a girlfriend, so this matter is absolutely false. of.

"Is there a misunderstanding in this?"

"No!" Zhao Chen smiled, took a sip of water from the enamel water cup on the table, and said word by word: "This is not a target, but a target to use! Minister Wang still can't figure this out? "

How could Wang Dazhi fail to understand this?What he couldn't figure out was that he had already told his family members not to go against Su Yun and his wife.When he said this, Wan Hengwang was also there.How could he agree on the surface, but secretly deal with their husband and wife secretly?

Still using lesbians to bring down Su Yun's factory?How can he be so big?
Can this Su Yun be messed with by ordinary people?If it is said that Su Yun is just from the village and does not know the great leader, then Wan Hengwang can bully him if he wants to, it is harmless.


Wang Dazhi felt that he might be cheated to death by Wan Hengwang.

"Director Zhao, this..."

"Minister Wang, it's useless for you to tell me. You understand the current situation better than me."

If Wan Hengwang is convicted of instigating others to sabotage his factory...

Wang Dazhi didn't dare to think about it.

"I see...Director Zhao, give me some time, I'll talk to them." He thought about it, and the only way to solve this problem is to solve it fundamentally.

And it is all about Su Yun and Xiao Lin.

In other words, if this matter is to be resolved, the only way to get forgiveness from Su Yun and Xiao Lin.Otherwise, this matter cannot be improved.

Zhao Chen is not an unreasonable person, Wang Dazhi said so, he thought about it, and told Wang Dazhi that there are still a few days left without violating the regulations.

"There are still a few days between his confession and his being taken to prison. In these few days, if you can get the forgiveness of Comrade Su and his family, there is still a chance for reconciliation."

If Su Yun and the others insist on not reconciling, then Wan Hengwang can be sentenced as he pleases, don't come to their side to take favors, it's useless.

Wang Dazhi also understood that neither he nor Zhao Chen had the right to cover up this matter.The only thing I'm praying for now is that this matter hasn't reached Leader Fang yet...

Otherwise, even if Leader Fang didn't speak up, his students wouldn't simply let Wan Hengwang go.

"Ah...what's the matter?" Wang Dazhi stood up and left with a heavy heart.

When I came outside, I saw my younger brothers and sisters waiting outside.

Wang Ling's mood had just calmed down a bit, and when she saw Wang Dazhi coming out, she immediately stood up and rushed over to hold Wang Dazhi's hand: "Brother, where is my Awang? Why didn't he come out with you? Why didn't you bring him?" come out?"

"Bring what?"

Wang Dazhi glanced at Wang Ling angrily.It's all my fault that I dote on this younger sister so much that even though she is married and becomes a mother, she still looks like a child who can't grow up.

Look at Wan Hengwang, what kind of a good person has been taught by her?

"Big brother..."

Wang Ling noticed something wrong with Wang Dazhi's attitude, she glanced at Wang Dazhi with some fear, then turned to look at Wang Dadong and Wang Daquan.

She is the youngest sister in the family, and the three elder brothers have always held her in their palms and cared for her. Even after marrying into the Wan family, this situation has not changed.

On the contrary, her three older brothers were afraid that she would be wronged in the Wan family, and they treated her better than when they were not married.

This also cultivated Wang Ling's lawless temperament, and her brothers would stand up to her when the sky fell.

Wang Dadong and Wang Daquan also felt that there was something wrong with Wang Dazhi's attitude. One of the two brothers comforted Wang Ling, while the other carefully asked Wang Dazhi if the matter this time was serious.

Wang Dazhi glanced at Wang Ling, who had an aggrieved face, and said in a serious tone: "Why not serious? Wan Hengwang, that stinky boy, I told him not to trouble the Xiao family couple. How could he?" What did they do? On the surface they promised well, but secretly they used other lesbians to bring down Yunji Food Factory.”

(End of this chapter)

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