Chapter 556
As soon as Wang Dazhi thought of this, he couldn't stop getting angry.

Does Wan Hengwang feel that he is very powerful?He doesn't listen to what adults say, thinking he can handle everything?

Now, if something goes wrong, don't you want an adult to wipe his ass?

The more Wang Dazhi thought about it, the more angry he became, and he wished he could turn around and grab Wan Hengwang and beat him up to calm down.

When Wang Dadong heard Wang Dazhi's words, he couldn't help but gasped: "Brother, what do you mean by that? Xiaowang, he secretly went to target Su Yun and the others again?"

"Isn't it? Not only did he send someone to Su Yun's factory as an internal response, but he also promised that lesbian that if he destroyed Yun Ji, he would be able to marry into Wan's family. This is a crime for attracting tourists..."

Wang Dazhi was heartbroken, how could there be such a young man who is not clear-headed?
Wang Dadong was dumbfounded. Ever since his elder brother said that the person behind Su Yun was likely to be someone their Wang family couldn't afford to date, he had already persuaded himself to take that boring loss and not compete with Su Yun and the others. The site has developed elsewhere.

But he never dreamed that his eldest nephew, Wan Hengwang, who seemed so honest that he could only hang out outside, had planned so much behind his back.

"Did he succeed?"

Wang Dadong was still a little curious.

Wang Dazhi glanced at his second younger brother with hatred: "I have successfully sent myself to prison, and I am happy to mention decades of prison life."


When Wang Ling heard it, her eyes darkened and her body fell back. She almost passed out on the spot.

The three brothers couldn't care about anything else, and hurriedly helped Wang Ling to the side of the car.


The doctor said to rest, Su Yun thought it should be to let her calm down and rest at ease.But the rest of her family obviously misunderstood what the doctor meant.

They separated the rest and became, rest, rest.

The house was kept absolutely quiet, so many people in such a big house, no one made a sound.Since she came back yesterday, during the day, night, and today during the day, the house was as quiet as if she was the only one left.

This made Su Yun, who was used to the laughter at home, very uncomfortable.

And when she was sleeping last night, the three children were carried elsewhere. There were only her and Xiao Lin on the big bed, and it was eerily quiet.

Su Yun felt that if this continued, she might be driven crazy by their caution within two weeks.

"Xiao Yun..."

There was a low voice from outside the door, the door of the room was pushed open, Song Yinyin poked her head in from the outside, seeing that Su Yun was still awake, Song Yinyin showed a smile on her face.

After walking in and closing the door carefully, she approached the bed.

Song Yinyin came to check her head injury.

The medicine prescribed in the hospital yesterday was good. After a day and a night, although Su Yun's forehead was still red and swollen, according to Song Yinyin's words, the degree of redness and swelling was ten times smaller than that of the non-prescribed medicine.

Su Yun: ...

I think Dr. Song is a bit exaggerated.If the forehead really swells ten times bigger than the current forehead without taking the medicine, wouldn't it be a big lump of pork belly on the forehead?
Thinking of that scene, Su Yun couldn't help but want to laugh.

"What's the matter, did you think of something happy? Did Brother Lin's thoughtfulness make you laugh unconsciously?" Song Yinyin smiled and sat down on the stool beside the bed, and couldn't help joking while checking Su Yun's forehead. .

Su Yun glanced at her.

"Can Dr. Song think of something serious in his head for a day?"

"Well, what did I say that is not serious?" Song Yinyin looked at Su Yun with a questioning face, her expression seemed to be Su Yun's own problem.

Su Yun: ...

Dr. Song is best at daring to act but not to act.

She didn't delve into this topic with Song Yinyin any more, and she felt that she must be the one who suffered.

Song Yinyin removed the gauze on her forehead amusedly, and glanced at Su Yun's forehead Song Yinyin nodded: "Not bad, not bad, as expected, it's your elder brother Lin, the medicine used is the best imported medicine. It can cover the food expenses of a family of four for a month."

"Eh? Is there such an expensive medicine?"

Su Yun felt that the medicine on her forehead was extremely cold after being applied, but she really didn't expect that the medicine was imported.It can also cover the living expenses of a family of four for one month.

How expensive is that?

Su Yun was surprised at the high price of the medicine, but she couldn't admit it frankly to Song Yinyin.Because as long as she admits it, Song Yinyin will definitely make fun of her.

Thinking of this, she snorted and said, "You make it sound like my elder brother is stingy with you?"

"Hey... isn't he stingy with me? He called yesterday and hung up after ten minutes, saying he was very busy!"

Song Yinyin was very angry when she thought of this. If she hadn't been a doctor herself, remembering that Su Yun had to take a good rest now, she would have complained to Su Yun about Li Wei.

"Maybe he is very busy now. I heard from brother Lin that their company's business has doubled compared to last year. The eldest brother is a manager, so he will definitely be busy."

"How busy can it be? My son has been able to walk since we separated, and he, the father, hasn't come here yet."

Although Li Wei sent her a lot of money every month, Song Yinyin was still not satisfied.She didn't want to admit that, compared to money or anything else, she wanted that bum Li Wei to accompany their mother and son.

Although Su Yun has not been separated from Xiao Lin for a few months, she is also a woman, and as a mother of several children, she can understand Song Yinyin's feelings.

"Should he be here soon?"

"It is said that I will be busy for a few days." Song Yinyin said muffledly.

Su Yun looked at her sullen face, and suddenly burst out laughing: "To be honest, you just miss my elder brother. Why can't you admit it honestly? Is it difficult to be honest?"

"Who misses him?"

Song Yinyin turned her face away, but the blush on her cheeks betrayed her thoughts.

Su Yun rarely sees Song Yinyin like this, she raised her hand to support her forehead and giggled: "Tsk tsk, it's rare to see, our Doctor Song is also shy..."

"How can I be shy? You are so annoying..."

Su Yun snorted.

If it wasn't for the laughter shaking her brain too much, she really wanted to laugh out loud.No one told Dr. Song, does her expression at the moment really resemble the 300 taels of silver here?
Did you say you didn't miss your family?That expression clearly stated that she just missed Li Wei!
But having said that, they are a legal couple, and it is understandable for the wife to miss her husband, but Dr. Song's shy expression that doesn't seem to admit it is so interesting.

The two little sisters chatted again. Although Dr. Song missed Li Wei very much, he didn't say much about it to trouble Su Yun.She carefully asked about Su Yun's situation today, whether there was any worsening of dizziness, nausea or vomiting.


Just as she finished speaking, there was a knock on the bedroom door.Su Yun and Song Yinyin looked up at the door together, and Lin Chunhua's voice sounded outside the door.

"Xiao Su, there is someone outside who wants to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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