Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 557 Dr. Song Says Zhang Is Not Kind

Chapter 557 Doctor Song Is Not Very Polite

Su Yun was a little strange.

Who will come to her at this time?And according to grandma's temperament, she shouldn't let people quarrel with her.

She glanced at Song Yinyin, Song Yinyin understood, got up, walked to the door and opened it.

"Doctor Song."

Lin Chunhua greeted Song Yinyin, who nodded, "Who wants to see Xiaoyun? Where's grandma?"

"The old lady is downstairs." Lin Chunhua explained in a low voice: "The old lady saw her too pitiful, so she made an exception and asked me to come up and ask Xiao Su if she wanted to see her."

"Too poor? Who is it?"

Song Yinyin asked suspiciously.

Lin Chunhua thought for a while and said, "She said her name is Yuan Qingqing, and she is Yuan Fang's younger sister."

Their conversation spread to the room, and Su Yun, who was leaning on the bed, frowned when she heard Lin Chunhua's voice.Yuan Fang's sister is here?What did she come to see me for?
"Yinyin, would you like to help me take a look?"

In order to prevent the other party from affecting her injury, Su Yun thought it would be better to ask Song Yinyin to take a look.

No matter what Yuan Fang's younger sister is here for, she believes that Song Yinyin can handle it well.

Song Yinyin raised her chin slightly and nodded: "Wait, I'll go and have a look!" She turned around and went downstairs very proudly, Su Yun smiled helplessly, and continued to close her eyes and rest her mind.


Yuan Qingqing stood restrained in the yard.She was emaciated and wore heavily patched clothes.That thin figure couldn't hold up the patched clothes at all.

A gust of wind blew, and the dusty and patched clothes on her body were bulged by the wind, making her even more emaciated.

Song Yinyin pushed the door open, and Yuan Qingqing turned around immediately when she heard the sound.A surprised expression appeared on his sallow and thin face.She subconsciously wanted to take two steps forward, but she realized something stopped her.

He raised his head and looked at Song Yinyin timidly.

Want to get close but dare not get close.

"Su... Comrade Su..."

Song Yinyin crossed her arms, raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Yuan Qingqing with interest: "Are you Yuan Fang's sister? What's the matter with you?" She didn't say she wasn't Su Yun, nor did she say she was.

Yuan Qingqing raised her head, glanced at Song Yinyin cautiously, the way she wanted to speak but dared not speak, made Yuan Qingqing look extremely pitiful.

Song Yinyin raised her eyebrows: "Aren't you going to say it? That's it, I don't have time to waste with you."

Doctor Song is a very quick-tempered person, and Song Yinyin's attitude towards people he doesn't know, and it's not during working hours, is quite bad.But it's not her fault, after all, Yuan Qingqing came to find someone, right?
You said you came to the door to find someone, but you put on an expression of hesitation, wanting to speak but not daring to speak, what's the matter?Isn't this a waste of people's time?

Do you still want her to ask Yuan Qingqing what happened?

Please, they are not acquaintances, what happened to Yuan Qingqing has nothing to do with her!

Why should she worry about Yuan Qingqing?
Song Yinyin's thoughts were actually normal. Just when she was impatient and about to turn around and enter the room, Yuan Qingqing, who had been hesitating all the time, suddenly knelt down on the ground with a puff.

"Comrade Su, I know this request is too much, but I still want to ask you to help me."

Song Yinyin stopped and turned to look at Yuan Qingqing who was kneeling on the ground.

"First of all, I'm not Xiaoyun. She was injured because of your sister, and now she's lying on the bed and can't get out of bed. Secondly, even Xiaoyun has no obligation to help you, so you don't have to kneel down every now and then."

"Comrade...?" Yuan Qingqing looked at Song Yinyin in disbelief, her sunken eyes filled with surprise.

Song Yinyin was a little indifferent to Yuan Qingqing like this.

She turned around and continued walking.


Yuan Qingqing suddenly stood up and rushed to Song Yinyin's side, hugging Song Yinyin's leg with both hands: "Comrade, comrade, please tell Comrade Su to help me."

Song Yinyin: ...

If Yuan Qingqing didn't bring any threats, she would have been kicked away by Song Yinyin the moment she rushed over.

"Did you make a mistake? We have nothing to do with you. On the contrary, we were hurt so badly by your sister. Why should we help you?"

Song Yinyin looked at Yuan Qingqing's face very impatiently.She opened her mouth and kept asking Xiaoyun to help her, because she wanted Xiaoyun to let Yuan Fang go?
How can it be?

Even if Xiaoyun agreed, she would not agree.

But Yuan Qingqing shook her head with tears in her eyes: "No, I don't want you to forgive Yuan Fang, I just want to ask you, don't let her go so easily."

When she said these words, resentment flashed in Yuan Qingqing's eyes, the resentment was very frightening, completely inconsistent with her emaciated and pitiful appearance.

Song Yinyin glanced at Yuan Qingqing faintly, unable to feel Yuan Qingqing's anger.

"You have a bad relationship with your sister? That's your business. Why should we harm your sister for the sake of someone who has never been related to you?"


Yuan Qingqing looked up at Song Yinyin in disbelief: "Shouldn't she be convicted?"

"Since you know that she will be convicted, why do you come to us again? Telling us not to let her go so easily, isn't it meant for revenge with personal grudges?"

Song Yinyin's sharp words were something Yuan Qingqing had never thought of.

She thought that under normal circumstances, the other party would understand and sympathize with her, an orphan girl who was tortured by her stepmother and sister.But the well-dressed lesbian in front of her obviously had a different idea from hers.

This made Yuan Qingqing not know what to do for a while.

Fortunately, Song Yinyin took a look at her, then turned around and walked to the stone bench beside her to sit down: "Tell me, your story that can impress the old lady and make her make an exception."

Doctor Song's words were quite ruthless.

Yuan Qingqing also felt insulted, but she didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

Thinking of this, Yuan Qingqing walked over and stopped in front of Song Yinyin, bit her lips, and narrated everything about the Yuan family.

Song Yinyin frowned upon hearing this.

When Yuan Qingqing finished speaking in tears, Song Yinyin really couldn't say anything to comfort her. Instead, she asked suspiciously: "Since you have lived so hard these years, why didn't you tell the Women's Federation?"

"Even if you don't go to the Women's Federation, you can still go to the police, the leaders of the community, no matter which one of them, when they hear that you are being bullied by your own father and stepmother, they will not sit idly by, right?"

Yuan Qingqing talked about how badly she had been bullied by them all these years, but Song Yinyin felt that there was something wrong with her?
Otherwise, such a great living person doesn't even know how to resist when he is bullied?

You're not a fool, is it necessary to be so stupid?

Song Yinyin's indifferent words were like pouring a bucket of cold water on Yuan Qingqing's head. It was still in the twelfth lunar month of winter, when the cold water with ice slag was poured directly on her head.

She raised her head and looked at Song Yinyin in disbelief: "Don't you think I'm pitiful?"

 Come on, update [-] words after twelve o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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