Chapter 559
"Okay, how dare you scold me, you short-lived ghost? I'm going to tear your mouth apart today." The hand that was originally pulling Yuan Qingqing's hair was changed to tearing Yuan Qingqing's mouth.

Yuan Qingqing was not to be outdone, and the two scuffled together.

They fought very fiercely, and there was so much movement, not to mention those on the same floor, even the residents on the lower floor and other floors came out with their rice bowls to watch the excitement.

Seeing that Tuyoupin of the Yuan family, who had been beaten and scolded all the time, fought so fiercely with Zhang Caihua, many people applauded.Although they didn't like Yuan Qingqing, they didn't like Zhang Caihua, a shrew even more.

People like Zhang Caihua live well, it is an insult to those who are diligent and considerate of their family.

After all, she is a poor third child who gave birth to Yuan Gang's daughter before she got married. This kind of person is the most despised.

Everyone was thinking like this, so in a huge textile factory, no one stepped forward to pull the people who were fighting together.In the end, the factory office was alarmed, and someone came to the factory office, and the two entangled people were pulled away.

They were bruised and swollen, and none of them took advantage of it.

When Zhang Caihua saw the people in the factory, she immediately howled at the top of her voice, saying how miserable she was.

"Comrade leaders, you have to make decisions for me! The neighbors and neighbors have seen how I have treated Qingqing for so many years! I finally tightened my belt to raise her, and now I am about to be able to say Kiss, she actually made such an unfilial act!"

"Leaders, if you don't make decisions for me, I can't live."

Zhang Caihua's ability to turn right and wrong into black and white is quite strong.

The leader of the factory office, who was grabbed by her, couldn't help frowning.This colorful flower pulled the man so hard that his arm hurt a little.

"Comrade Zhang Caihua, calm down first, calm down first."

"I can't calm down, can that old lady be calm after being beaten by her own daughter? I want to die already..."

"Then why don't you die?"

Yuan Qingqing, with a bruised nose and swollen face, and a few strands of hair torn off, raised her head, stared at Zhang Caihua with her swollen eyes, and said, "You killed my mother and robbed my mother of her job. I will be your cows and horses, wash and cook for you, and if you don’t like me, why don’t you go to death if you beat and scold me?”

"You bastard, what are you talking about? What do you mean I beat and scold you if I don't like you?"

With so many people around, Zhang Caihua would definitely not admit to beating and scolding Yuan Qingqing.You must know that she has always tried to create an image of a good stepmother outside.

Even at this point, she is unwilling to give up her plan to create a good image.

Yuan Qingqing sneered, and the people around also gasped.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen Zhang Caihua so shameless.

And the comrades in the factory office are suffering from throbbing headaches. The economic benefits in the factory are not good recently, and there are enough things in the factory.However, the family members of the employees in the family courtyard are still unwilling to settle down, and they want to make these messy things.

Is it because his head is not big enough?
"Where is Yuan Gang? Where is Comrade Yuan Gang? Call him back and let him handle his family affairs."

The comrades in the factory office, who were so troubled by this trivial matter, simply kicked the ball to Yuan Gang.Let him come back and deal with this matter by himself, and don't go back to work if he can't handle it well.

Those who were interested nodded in agreement, and helped run errands to find Yuan Gang.

Yuan Gang is still working in the office, and the deputy factory manager is about to retire recently, so he has a good chance to compete.So he goes to work with trepidation every day, building his image in front of the leaders and establishing an image among the employees.

When someone who lived in the same family home came to the office to call him, yelling that his little wife was fighting with his daughter, the smile on Yuan Gang's face that had been maintained all the time showed a slight crack.

He raised his head and glanced at the person at the door.

"What nonsense? My family is harmonious. Their mother and daughter are not biological mothers and daughters, but they have a better relationship than biological mothers and daughters. How could they fight?"

That's what he said, but he stood up and cleaned up the things on the table, and walked out of the office door.

The person who came to report the letter snorted: "Director Yuan, go back and have a look first. After you see clearly, you can confirm whether they are real mother and daughter." What's the point of him whitewashing Taiping like this?Who in the family courtyard doesn't know who Zhang Caihua is?That's why Yuan Gang is selective blind.

When Yuan Gang left the office, he met the employees in the factory who did not forget to smile and greet him on the way, and he was going to build a good image to the end.

Because of his slowness, it took them a while to return to the family courtyard.The comrades in the factory office who were responsible for mediating conflicts among family members saw Yuan Gang who had arrived late, and didn't want to say anything more.

But Yuan Gang came up to greet them.

Since he was a comrade who worked in the factory, the factory employee nodded slightly, and then said, "Well, Director Yuan, what's going on in your family? Your ex-wife's daughter sued your current wife for abusing her. What's going on? It's a new society now, and it's not fun to abuse the children left by the ex-wife."

"It's a political mistake, it can't be made."

The comrades in the factory office are very serious.

Yuan Gang raised his head and glanced at Zhang Caihua on one side, and immediately withdrew his gaze and said to the comrades in the factory office with a smile on his face: "Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding. Our family's Caihua lost control of her emotions for a while because she was in a bad mood. Yes. She is usually very good to Qingqing, if you don’t believe me, ask our family Qingqing.”

"Qingqing, is your mother treating you very well?"

Yuan Gang looked at Yuan Qingqing with a smile and asked.

But only Yuan Qingqing knew the threat in those eyes.

Yuan Qingqing flinched subconsciously.

The instinctive reaction of her body made her want to admit Yuan Gang's words.

'You have such a miserable life, a large part of it is the reason why you don't resist. 'The words of Su Yun and the others sounded in my mind again.The two well-dressed, carefree young lesbians both believed that what happened to her was the reason why she didn't resist.

They don't pity her, they don't sympathize with her, and they don't even want to help her...

"Qingqing?" Yuan Gang's voice sounded again, before Yuan Qingqing could answer, he smiled and continued talking to himself: "Look at this silly boy, he usually doesn't like to go out to meet people, and he has a bad temper when he stays at home all day long." It's so strange that I don't even know how to answer my father's question."

Yuan Gang smiled and continued to turn his head to Yuan Qingqing: "Qingqing, Dad is talking to you."


Yuan Qingqing raised her head suddenly, and said slowly, "Zhang Caihua is not good to me."

As soon as she said this, Yuan Gang's face seemed to be slapped on the spot, and at the same time, it was slapping and painful.


"And you." Yuan Qingqing looked at Yuan Gang with a strange chill in her eyes: "Although you are my biological father, you are not good to me. No, you are not just bad to me, you are not good to me. My mother is not good either. Not long after my mother got married, she went outside to have sex with Zhang Caihua, and before my mother gave birth to me, that woman gave birth to Yuan Fang."

(End of this chapter)

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