Chapter 560
Yuan Qingqing decided to resist!

It has to be said that what Su Yun and Song Yinyin said had a great influence on her.

They didn't help her directly, but they woke her up.

Yes, she has the right to choose how to live. Since Yuan Gang and Zhang Caihua are not going to give her a way out, then everyone will die together...

Su Yun didn't know that what she said to Song Yinyin had fundamentally changed Yuan Qingqing's mentality.She is still resting at home now, Xiao Lin who went out in the morning came back.

"You said, Wan Hengwang is the messenger behind this scene?"

Su Yun was a little puzzled, if Xiao Lin hadn't mentioned it again, she wouldn't have been able to remember who Wan Hengwang was.As for why Wan Hengwang wanted to target her and destroy her factory, Su Yun couldn't figure it out even more.

"He couldn't have been full, could he? Otherwise, his uncle Wang Dadong, who has a direct conflict of interest with us, didn't take any action against us, so why is he in a hurry?"

Is the emperor in no hurry?
Su Yun really couldn't figure it out.

She doesn't dare to rack her brains to think about it now, after all, she has a concussion, she needs to rest, and resting more can't bother her mind.

Xiao Lin was also afraid that she would be too distracted, so he gently held her hand and said softly, "If we can't figure it out, let's not think about it. In short, all the evidence is convincing. He will not escape the severe punishment of the law this time."

"Well, the Wan family and the Wang family didn't respond?"

"So what if they react?"

Xiao Lin's voice was a bit domineering, and there was no doubt in it.

"Since you have made a mistake, you should take responsibility. No matter how powerful the backstage is, it is not an excuse to act recklessly." When he just came back, he met Wang Dazhi and the others outside, and knew that they would come to apologize to Xiaoyun. Want to reconcile.

Without saying a word, Xiao Lin closed the door and drove the person away.

There is no way to settle this matter.

Anyone who dares to use someone to murder his wife, no matter who this person is, he will make him pay the price he deserves.

The Wang family who came to apologize with expensive gifts were rejected, but they could only smash their teeth and swallow their blood, not daring to do anything daring at the door of Xiao's house.

Wang Dadong was a little angry, but their Wang family had never received such treatment in the capital.Even though Xiao Lin is Chen Aiguo's grandson, he is still a junior after all, how could he be so rude?

"Brother, is this kid going too far? According to what I said, our brothers came over in person and humbly apologized, but he didn't even let us in."

"Even if it's Mr. Chen, he's not as proud as him!"

Wang Dadong felt that Xiao Lin's behavior of closing the door was really too insulting.

Wang Dazhi glanced at his second brother, and snorted coldly: "He has the capital to be rude, do you have it?"

"He is just the grandson of Mr. Chen, and he has a different surname..." What kind of capital is this?
Wang Dadong didn't understand.

Wang Dazhi snorted, it seemed that his younger brothers didn't know how scary this young couple was.He looked at Wang Dadong with a sneer, and said word by word: "He is the grandson of Mr. Chen, with a different surname. But do you know whose granddaughter his wife is?"

"Whose? Didn't you say it was a village girl from the village?"

"Ha ha……"

Wang Dazhi smiled colder: "Village girl? Her grandfather's surname is Fang."

"Whether her surname is Fang or Yuan..." Wang Dadong replied subconsciously, and then suddenly remembered what this surname represented.He turned his face and looked at Wang Dazhi in disbelief: "Brother, do you think she is the granddaughter of Mr. Fang?"

In the circle of the capital city, there is a person whose surname is Fang who can shake the boundary of the capital city three times when he stomps his feet.

Could Su Yun really be that person's granddaughter?
Wang Dadong only felt that this matter was a bit magical.

Wang Dazhi didn't speak, but his expression clearly told Wang Dadong that he guessed right.Wang Dadong's feet softened, he took half a step back, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He had plotted against Su Yun back then, although he failed, but after all, he had plotted against Su Yun...

"Big brother..."

"Don't worry, it seems that she has no intention of taking advantage of the old man's power to bully others, otherwise we wouldn't be standing here properly."

Su Yun did not rely on Mr. Fang's power to bully others, but their eldest nephew Wan Hengwang took the initiative to fight against others...

Wang Dazhi felt that this was probably fate.

Taking another look at the gate of Xiao's house, which was still tightly closed with no intention of opening it, Wang Dazhi sighed and told Wang Dadong to leave.

"Go back, there's nothing you can do about it."

Wang Dadong didn't dare to say anything more at this time.

If they still want to hang around in the capital, they will definitely be afraid of power, not to mention that Mr. Fang represents absolute power.With Wang Dadong's courage, he didn't dare to confront Mr. Fang head-on.

They all understand a truth in business, that is, some people don't seem to have much money, and they are as simple as those from the village.But the power in their hands can crush businessmen like them into ashes at any time...

Wang Dadong will not take the initiative to provoke.

After knowing the identities of others, he is not arrogant enough to think that there is nothing he can't solve because of how much money he has.If this matter is really related to that old man's car, then he is not arrogant enough to think that he has a little money, and there is nothing he can't solve.If this matter is really related to that old man, no amount of money can solve it.

"How does the little girl explain?"

Wang Dadong was still worried about Wang Ling.

Their younger sister has a very violent temper. If this matter is not handled properly, it may cause irreparable consequences.Wang Dazhi also knew, he frowned, and finally sighed: "She is already a married person, and her in-law's family is her lifelong support."

"Big brother?"

Does this mean to give up my little sister?Wang Dadong took a deep breath, but the brothers really had no other choice at the moment.

"Then big brother..."

"Let the third child go and tell her."

"it is good."


Wang Ling, who didn't get much sleep last night, got up early in the morning and sat at home waiting for news.She didn't think about tea or food, and had already looked outside several times in the morning.

If the elder brother hadn't said that it was not suitable for her to find someone, she would definitely have gone with the elder brother and the second brother, and she would have to ask that person face to face how much money she would be able to let her precious son go.

She deliberately understood that the car accident they talked about was nothing more than a car crashing into a field, and it wasn't a serious problem, and the people in the car were slightly injured except for Su Yun, who was sitting in the co-pilot Besides, nothing happened.

There was neither a broken arm nor a broken foot, nor was there a dead person.

With such a small injury, he was taken to the Public Security Bureau with great fanfare, which is really a big deal.Wang Ling firmly believed that the other party must be trying to extort money.

Want money, her Wang family and Wan family have plenty of money...

"Mother Xiaowang..."

Mrs. Wan walked in from the outside. She didn't know that Wan Hengwang had been arrested.

"Is Xiao Wang coming back for dinner today?"

Tonight is Mr. Wan's birthday. Although the old lady usually has nothing to say to Wang Ling, her daughter-in-law, on a special day like today, she still hopes that her grandson will come back and have a reunion with the whole family. .

(End of this chapter)

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