Chapter 561
This was her wish, and it was also the wish of the old man.

After all, they are all old, and they don't know how long they can sit.Especially the old man, who suffered a lot of injuries when he was young and has never fully healed. Seeing that his health is getting worse every year.

She saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart, but she didn't have anyone to talk to.

Wang Ling kept looking out, and from the corner of her eye she saw Mrs. Wan coming in. She had no intention of talking to Mrs. Wan.But when Mrs. Wan asked her when Wan Hengwang would come back, she stepped on Wang Ling's sore foot.

"Why? Didn't you always dislike him? Now it's as you wished. He was arrested and will never come back."

"What? What did you say?"

Madam Wan's complexion changed suddenly, and she looked up at Wang Ling in disbelief.Can't believe what she just said is true.The old man's wrinkled face was full of deep worry.

"What do you mean never coming back again? What did he do? Why can't he come back again?"

Wang Ling's worries about the old man disappeared completely, she sneered twice, and mocked in a strange way: "What are you asking? Do you want to step on it again?"

"Mother Xiaowang..."

Old Madam Wan was so angry that she could hardly speak.She thinks that Wang Ling has been married to Wan's family for so many years, neither she nor the old man nor Guowei (Wan Hengwang's father) has done anything wrong to Wang Ling.

She knew that because Wan Guowei was stationed in other places, Wang Ling had always had opinions on them.But they also said that there are conditions for Wang Ling to go to join the army.

It's just that Wang Ling didn't want to go there. Can you blame them?

When she stayed in the capital, Mrs. Wan and Mr. Wan also treated her as a guest, and never spoke loudly to her.But look, what have they got in exchange for all these years of hard work?
Nothing in exchange... No, in exchange, in exchange for ten years of Wang Ling's indifference to them, and now she is even more hostile towards the old couple...

Is this what they paid for?

Old Madam Wan's face was full of sadness. She was already a little uncomfortable, but at this moment she was so uncomfortable that she couldn't breathe smoothly.She stood there clutching her chest, her lips were rapidly losing color.

Wang Ling looked at Mrs. Wan, gave a cold snort, turned and went upstairs.


With a sound, Mrs. Wan, who was standing, suddenly fell to the ground.The loud noise caught the attention of Mr. Wan who had just returned from shopping for vegetables and walked into the yard.

He stopped talking to Chen Jinzhou, raised his head and glanced into the room.

He couldn't see anything through the door, but his heart was beating abnormally.

"What's that noise?"

The old man's hands trembled a little, and his voice trembled a little.He looked at Chen Jinzhou, his gray eyes were full of expectation.That was hoping that Chen Jinzhou would reassure him and tell him that he was fine.

"I gonna go see."

Chen Jinzhou was holding the vegetables bought by Mr. Wan, and the two big bags of vegetables couldn't stop him. He hurried forward for a while to the door, and pushed the door open.

What came into view was the unconscious old lady Wan lying on the ground.

"Grandma Wan, Grandma Wan..."

Chen Jinzhou dropped the food in his hand, walked over quickly and knelt down beside the old lady Wan. He first checked the old lady's breathing, which was weaker than normal and it was not good.

Check old lady Wan's injuries again. Fortunately, she has no external injuries.

Chen Jinzhou kept calling the name of the old lady in Mrs. Wan's ear. Mr. Wan, who came in from a distance from Chen Jinzhou in the evening, saw his wife lying unconscious on the ground. His eyes darkened and his feet softened, and he almost fell. fell to the ground.

If he hadn't supported the wall on one side in time, he would definitely have fallen to the ground.

Mr. Wan slowed down for a while before recovering from the dizziness and shock.He walked forward slowly, not daring to ask Chen Jinzhou what was wrong with his wife.

Under Chen Jinzhou's constant calling and emergency rescue, Mrs. Wan finally opened her eyes slowly.

What came into view was Chen Jinzhou's worried face and the old man's familiar face that he had seen all his life.She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

A tear flowed from the already gray eyes.

"Old lady, don't scare me."

Master Wan's voice was trembling.

Chen Jinzhou stretched out his hand and hugged Mrs. Wan: "Grandpa Wan, let's send Grandma Wan to the hospital first."

After speaking, he lowered his eyes and said to Mrs. Wan: "Grandma Wan, hold on, I'll take you to the hospital right away."

"Good... good, good..."

Mr. Wan even said a few good words.

He went out with Chen Jinzhou, Chen Jinzhou yelled at their house next to him, and Fang Huiwen came out.She was startled when she saw her son holding the aunt next door in his arms.

"What's the matter, auntie? What happened to Azhou?"

Since Guan Qiuju died and Chen Yuru also lived outside, Fang Huiwen's character has gradually become braver, her mentality has changed, and her temperament has naturally changed.

I used to look at people who were timid and would always be bullied in whatever they did, but now they have confidence in their brows and eyes.

The most direct impact of Fang Huiwen's change is that her mother-child relationship with Chen Jinzhou has improved.Now Chen Jinzhou is willing to ask her to come out to help when something happens, that is the best proof.

In the past, even if Chen Jinzhou was exhausted, he would not have called Fang Huiwen.

"Grandma Wan fainted, I'm going to take her to the hospital now, mom, sit in the back and support Grandma Wan with Grandpa Wan."

"Hey, good good."

Fang Huiwen hurriedly opened the car door and asked Chen Jinzhou to put the old lady on it, then she immediately sat in and supported the old lady Wan with her body.

Chen Jinzhou helped Mr. Wan get into the car from the other side, and after making sure they were seated properly, he returned to the cab and started his car to go to the hospital quickly.

Fortunately, the hospital here is nearby, and the hospital dedicated to the military region is only 5 minutes away from the family hospital.Chen Jinzhou asked Fang Huiwen to support Mr. Dianwan, while he ran to the emergency department with the old lady in his arms.

Seeing this, the nurses and doctors in the emergency department immediately pushed over to the operating bed for Chen Jinzhou to put him down, and then quickly pushed him into the emergency room.

The door of the rescue room was closed in front of Chen Jinzhou.

He wiped the sweat from his brow, turned around to meet Mr. Wan and his mother.

"Don't worry, Uncle Wan. Auntie is such a nice person, she will be a lucky person." Fang Huiwen did not forget to comfort the old man while helping the old man to walk forward.

The old man nodded with a sad expression.

"Thank you, thank you, I know, I know..."

The old lady is not in good health recently. Although she doesn't say anything, he often sees her getting up to take medicine in the middle of the night...

"Mom, Grandpa Wan, this way."

Chen Jinzhou came over and held Mr. Wan's other arm: "Grandma Wan has already entered the emergency room, we are waiting outside. Grandpa Wan, you don't have to worry too much. Now that the medical science is advanced, I will definitely check and treat Mrs. Wan. of."

(End of this chapter)

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