Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 562 The situation is not very optimistic

Chapter 562 The situation is not very optimistic
These words are just to comfort people.

Mr. Wan knew it in his heart, and so did Chen Jinzhou.He carried Grandma Wan all the way just now, and he could clearly feel that Grandma Wan's breathing became heavier and heavier.

Several times her breath suddenly stopped...

Chen Jinzhou lowered his eyes, he couldn't say too much comforting words, he could only hope that the old lady is really auspicious and has her own appearance.

It's just that many things are backfired.

The old lady did not wake up immediately as they thought.

She fell into a coma, and the doctor said it would depend on the situation when she woke up.

Mr. Wan, who celebrated his 73rd birthday today, failed to cook a table of meals for the family to eat as planned.The old man did not let Chen Jinzhou tell the neighbors that the old lady was hospitalized. In the hospital ward, the old man was the only one guarding the old lady's bed.

Chen Jinzhou felt a little uncomfortable looking at the back of Mr. Wan, but there was no other way to do it.

In the afternoon, he passed by Xiao's house to pick up Mr. Chen home. Mrs. Xiao saw that Chen Jinzhou had left him for dinner before leaving.

"Your grandfather said he wanted to eat noodles. Aunt Lin and I rolled out a lot of noodles just now. Put the noodles in the pot and serve them with the bean paste that your sister-in-law made before. It tastes very delicious."

Mrs. Xiao said from the side that Mr. Chen, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't help drooling.

"Why did you tell him? Where can he eat as a young man? I have more noodles and I have to eat a few more bowls."

Mr. Chen put on a posture of protecting food, which made the old lady a little funny.

"How old are you? You still grab a bite from your child."

"It's been a long time since I said you rolled the noodles for me. What's the matter if I take an extra bite?" Mr. Chen really looks like a child.

Old Mrs. Xiao shook her head and smiled, leaving Mr. Chen alone.

"Is Ah Zhou staying to eat noodles?"

Chen Jinzhou nodded: "Grandma, are there any Fuqiang fans at home?"

"What's the matter? Are you afraid that grandma's cooking is not enough to eat? Don't believe your grandpa." The old lady Xiao smiled and said, "I have made a lot, and it is guaranteed to be enough for each of our family to eat two big bowls."

Knowing that the old lady misunderstood, Chen Jinzhou quickly explained: "It's not for me to eat, but if I want to have Fuqiang noodles, I want to make a bowl of noodles myself and send them to them."

"To whom?"

Now it's not just Mrs. Xiao, but even Mr. Chen showed a look of doubt: "You kid can't afford to eat by yourself and still miss others? Could it be for your father?"

"My father has my mother cook for him, why should I send it to him?" Chen Jinzhou explained to the person he was going to deliver noodles with some hilarity: "It's Grandpa Wan from the Wan family, and today is his birthday."

"Well, they don't have any delicious food at home? Do you want to send me noodles?" Mr. Chen didn't know about Mrs. Wan's hospitalization yet. After all, he was at work during the day and came here after get off work, and he hasn't returned to the compound yet.

So it's normal not to know.

"Grandma Wan is in the hospital." Chen Jinzhou's tone sank, and he lost his former ease: "Grandma Wan fainted in the living room at home this morning, and I helped her to the hospital..."

"Your grandma Wan is hospitalized? Did the doctor say why?"

Mr. Chen's expression also became serious.

After all, they are neighbors who have been with them for decades. After knowing that they are hospitalized, they must not be able to smile anymore.The old lady Xiao didn't speak, but there was some worry in her eyes.

Chen Jinzhou sighed softly: "The situation is not very good. The doctor said when to wake up depends entirely on the will of the old lady."

"Does that mean she's in a coma now?"


Chen Jinzhou affirmed Mr. Chen's guess.

The people in the living room didn't speak for a while.

Once this person gets old, no matter in terms of physical fitness or will, he is far worse than young people.Take the old lady from Wanjia as an example, it is not easy to wake up by herself.

Mr. Chen sighed heavily.

"I didn't expect Lao Wan to suffer such hardships in Wannian, alas..." He raised his head and asked Chen Jinzhou to go to the kitchen to prepare dinner for Mr. Wan: "Prepare some easy-to-digest food and send it to him while it's hot. It is impossible for his daughter-in-law to bring him food..."

Thinking of this, Mr. Chen sighed again.

That stinky boy Wan Guowei didn't listen to persuasion at the beginning, and brought back an ancestor like Wang Ling.These years he was stationed outside, he was clean and free, and he never thought about how sad it would be for his parents to be with Wang Ling...


After much deliberation, it is better to be my own grandson and daughter-in-law.

Mr. Chen's guess is right, it is true that no one sent Mr. Wan food.The four members of the Wan family locked up Wan Hengwang at the Public Security Bureau, knocked out an old lady Wan, and Mr. Wan was also guarding at every step in front of the hospital bed. The only one left in the family, Wang Ling, was a person who could move freely. .

In terms of emotion and reason, it should be Wang Ling who brought the meals to Mr. Wan. After all, this is her father-in-law, and it is very appropriate for her, the daughter-in-law, to send the meals there.

But it's a pity not. After Wang Ling heard her third brother say that Wan Hengwang's matter could not be resolved, she went crazy.

Originally, I wanted to ask the old man and the old woman to let them show up, but I couldn't find anyone after searching around.She couldn't control her anger, and smashed all the movable things in the house to pieces.

Yes, even though Wang Ling was at home when Mrs. Wan fell to the ground, she didn't even think about the possibility of them going to the hospital.In her heart, she felt that the old man and the old woman must have gone to other places to speak ill of her.

These two are immortal.

Their own grandson was murdered and put in jail, not only did they not do anything to help, forget it.It's too much to even have the mood to go to other places to play and talk small things about her.

No, there is another one that is more excessive, and that is Su Yun and the others.That bitch is alive and well now, but she left her son tormented in the cold detention room...

"Su Yun..."

Wang Ling clenched her fist and left the messy home without saying a word.When she went out, she slammed the door and didn't lock it before leaving.

There was too much commotion here, and Fang Huiwen, who was cooking dinner next door, also heard the commotion.She came out of the kitchen with some doubts, and just in time to see the back of Wang Ling who left angrily in the yard.

"Where is this person going? To deliver food to Uncle Wan?"

Fang Huiwen's heart is still very kind, she doesn't want to think of Wang Ling as that kind of extremely vicious resentful woman.

Chen Shennan, who was reading the newspaper, glanced at his too naive daughter-in-law, shook his head, turned the page of the newspaper and continued to read the contents of the newspaper.As for Wang Ling, he knew with his toes that she would not deliver food to Uncle Wan.

Then what is she going out to do?
(End of this chapter)

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