Chapter 563
It had been dark for quite a while at night, and Su Yun, who had been lying down all day, was not so sleepy for the time being. She couldn't read a book even if she wanted to, and wanted to play with the child. The child had already been taken to her room by Zhang Mama to take care of it.

In order to make her feel at ease, Mama Zhang and Aunt Lin took care of the three children together.

They really want to interpret the word 'resting' thoroughly!

Su Yun couldn't laugh or cry at this!

Su Yun, who was bored and felt that she was not that serious, could only 'torture' Xiao Lin.

"You don't let me do anything, then you read to me and let me listen to it." Throwing a book in Xiao Lin's arms, Su Yun ordered him unceremoniously.

The corner of Xiao Lin's lips raised a slight arc, he took the book and said yes, and glanced at the cover of the book, it was a professional book about management.

"Daughter-in-law, does this book sound more thought-provoking?"

"No, it's not very difficult, it's much simpler than the textbooks in our professional courses." Su Yun said modestly, Xiao Lin was amused by her action tone, and habitually raised her hand to touch her head, But remember she is still hurt now.

He could only withdraw his hand bluntly, and agreed with an incomparable pampering.

"My daughter-in-law is amazing, and I am proud of my daughter-in-law!"

"That's natural."

Fortunately, there is no tail behind Su Yun, if there is a tail, it will definitely fly into the sky.

The husband and wife were chatting in the room, when suddenly a shrill female voice came from the street below: "Su Yun, come out for me, Su Yun, I need to find you."

This voice is very strange, Su Yun can guarantee that it is definitely not someone she knows.

She looked up at Xiao Rin, Xiao Rin could understand what she meant without her saying it.

"I gonna go see."

"Well, tell her to quarrel somewhere else, so as not to disturb the children's sleep." Not only the three children of their family are nearby, but also Xiao Zheming from Song Yinyin's family and Gu Lei from Zhao Meiyu's family !
No matter who this strange woman is, she shouldn't be yelling outside at this time.

Xiao Lin nodded.

"I'll come back as soon as I go, daughter-in-law, don't get out of bed, and don't worry about hurting your head."

Concussion is very taboo to be injured twice, it's no wonder that Xiao Lin wants to protect Su Yun like a fragile doll.

Su Yun hummed, Xiao Lin opened the door and went downstairs without further delay.Zhang Ma, who also lives on the second floor, heard the voice, opened the door in doubt and came out to take a look. When she saw Xiao Lin, she asked curiously: "Who is outside Xiao Xiao?"

"I'll go and see, are the children asleep?" Xiao Lin was still worried that the children would be woken up.

"Asleep, you go and tell that person outside not to make noise on the road. Come outside in the middle of the night and call Xiao Su's name loudly, is there something wrong with your brain?" Because Mrs. Fang personally appointed Zhang Ma, she In this family, I am much more courageous.

Unlike Lin Chunhua, who is more cautious in everything, for fear of being fired if she doesn't do well, she doesn't know where to look for if she loses this well-paid job.

Xiao Lin nodded: "I know Mama Zhang, you should go to bed first."

"it is good."

Xiao Lin went down to the first floor, and the old lady Xiao was also woken up by the noise from outside.She walked out of the room with a dress on her shoulders, saw Xiao Lin coming down, and asked the same question.

"Who is that loud yelling person outside? Anzi, don't make any mistakes outside and let people come to your door, right? I've made it clear to you. If someone comes to our door, you are the one who wants to leave our house!"

"Xiaoyun and I will raise our three children."

Mrs. Xiao's imagination is a little richer.

No, it should be rich too much.

Xiao Lin couldn't laugh or cry when she finished her words.

"Grandma, what are you talking about? How could I do such a bad thing to Xiaoyun? Is your grandson like that?" They want to drive him out and live by themselves?
Why does grandma have such a rich imagination?
The old lady Xiao still wanted to say something, Xiao Lin walked over and pushed her into the room.

"Okay, don't worry about it, old man. I guess that person is probably Wan Hengwang's mother or something. He feels that Wan Hengwang has been wronged, and he came to make trouble with us!"

It has to be said that Xiao Lin's guess is quite accurate.

No, the person standing outside on the street, isn't that Wan Hengwang's biological mother, Wang Ling?
With her hands on her hips, she stood aggressively behind the carved iron gate outside the yard, staring at the small courtyard of the bungalow in front of her. If the anger in her eyes could be turned into substance, it would definitely fill Su This small courtyard of the Yun family.

Mrs. Xiao heard that it might be Wan Hengwang's mother who came to find fault, so she planned to go out and argue with someone.

But how could Xiao Lin let an old lady in her 70s go out to argue with people in the middle of the night?
"Okay, put your heart in your stomach. I'll just go out and chase her away. It's a lot of hard work in the middle of the night. It seems that she has a lot of face."

"Then can you do it alone? It sounds like someone who is not easy to mess with."

The old lady Xiao still questioned her grandson's ability to treat shrews.

"Don't worry, I'll just drive her away."

Xiao Lin didn't intend to say anything more to Wang Ling, he just wanted to drive people away.

The old lady Xiao nodded, and believed her grandson's words for the time being.At worst, she went back to the room and didn't sleep. When she heard the movement outside and needed her to go out, she rushed out immediately.

The old lady felt that her decision was very wise.

Xiao Lin didn't know that his grandma was so 'wise', he sent the old man back to the bedroom, and then went out.

Just as Wang Ling was about to open her mouth to call Su Yun's name again, Xiao Lin opened the door from the house and walked out with big strides.

"To shut up!"

The moment Wang Ling opened her mouth, a deep and majestic male voice sounded.This voice is mixed with majesty and anger, as well as the coldness that rejects people thousands of miles away.

Even Wang Ling was taken aback.

Thinking of the purpose of her coming, she quickly came to her senses, looked at Xiao Lin with undiminished anger, and tried her best to overwhelm this frightening man in terms of momentum.

"You are the husband of that woman Su Yun, right? Call Su Yun out and I have something to tell her."

"Heh..." A sneer escaped from the corners of Xiao Lin's pursed lips. He looked at the arrogant Wang Ling outside through the railing, and the smile on his lips was covered with a layer of coldness, like frost.

I saw his lips parted slightly, and said word by word: "Who are you? You can call my wife's name? And let her come out. Do you have something to say to her? Are you worthy?"

Wang Ling didn't expect that the young man in front of her would dare to be so rude, and she immediately shouted after being beaten back: "Do you know who I am? Do you dare to be so rude to me? Believe it or not, you will let your family grow up tomorrow!" Get out of the capital?"

"Oh, just you?"

Xiao Lin raised his eyebrows and stared at Wang Ling coldly: "Why don't you ask your relying Wang family and your brothers to see if you are qualified to say such a thing?"

 The promised [-] words have finally been updated. Happy reading everyone, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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