Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 565 I am not young, my heart is still a child

Chapter 565 I am not young, my heart is still a child
When Su Yun said to report to the police, she was really reporting to the police.

She had nothing to say to Wang Ling, and she told her what she wanted to say, but the other party obviously couldn't listen.And I am not Wang Ling's parents, so there is no need to persuade her again and again.

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost, Wang Ling insists on going on the stupid road and never looking back, so let her go.

When Xiao Lin entered the house, he called the police, and soon two police officers came and took Wang Ling away.

Wang Ling, who was taken away, was very dissatisfied. She kept struggling and shouted: "You dare to arrest me? Do you know who I am? I am from the Wang family. If you dare to arrest me, my brother knows that they will never let me go." Yours, absolutely not."

Her voice faded away.

Su Yun, who heard the voice upstairs, sighed, put down the book in her hand, and sighed with Xiao Lin who had just entered the room: "From now on, we must take good care of our children, and we must not let them learn to bully others."

Especially in this capital city full of officials, it's not easy to bully others.Because you can't tell whether the person you offend unintentionally will have much more power than you.

Xiao Lin smiled, walked to her side and hugged her gently.

"No, they have the teachings of their daughter-in-law, and they will definitely become very good people."

Su Yun burst out laughing.

"You'll put a high hat on me."

"Well, is it tall? Let me see!"

Xiao Lin pretended that she really wanted to study whether there was a high hat on her head, but Su Yun gouged out his eyes and cursed in distaste, and the husband and wife turned off the lights and went to sleep.

They should have a good rest and work together for a better life tomorrow.

As for what happened outside, it was just a small episode in life, and they didn't care about it.It is true to concentrate on living your own life well.

Wang Ling was taken to the Public Security Bureau, and her attitude was still very stiff.

"Call your bureau chief, I want to see your bureau chief." She said loudly, not trying to save face for them at all.

It happened that Zhao Chen was on night shift, and when he heard that someone wanted to see him, he came out to have a look.Knowing that it was Wang Dazhi's younger sister, Zhao Chen sneered and asked someone to call Wang Dazhi.

Whoever's disobedient sister will teach it by herself, and it's not a joke to ask them to be taught by the police to be a human being.

Wang Dazhi was actually very annoying these two days, because of Wan Hengwang's matter, he was in a state of desperation.It was late at night and I finally fell asleep. I was about to fall asleep and the phone rang. The family said that Wang Ling was arrested by the police again...

Wang Dazhi wanted to scold his mother very much.

What is this all about?
"Let the third child pass."

He no longer wanted to care about Wang Ling.

His wife frowned slightly and said, "Uncle third, is it okay to go there? I heard that my sister-in-law said that I want you to go there, saying that they are bullying her, and let you make decisions for her."

"Bully her? Who dares to bully her?" Wang Dazhi turned over and sat up, with anger still on his face: "Who is she, Wang Ling? People who go east from novels and others dare not go west, just People like her don't bully others, how dare others bully her?"


"Okay, I'm so annoyed that everyone can't worry, I really owe them." Wang Dazhi got out of bed, put on his clothes and hurried to the police station.

He came to the Public Security Bureau in a hurry, sitting in the corner, Wang Ling, whose eyes were swollen from crying like walnuts, stood up, and ran over to complain to Wang Dazhi about how wronged she was...

Wang Dazhi sighed heavily: "Xiaoling..."

Wang Ling paused: "Brother?"

"Xiao Ling, you are 40 years old, not four years old, not ten years old, but 40 years old." A 40-year-old person is the age that can be a grandma or a grandmother in others.But what about his sister?She is still like a child, she is not required to be sensible, but at least she should understand the basic principles, right?

But obviously, these things don't exist in Wang Ling.

Wang Ling heard Wang Dazhi say that she was forty, and she looked at Wang Dazhi suspiciously: "What's wrong with forty? Am I not my elder brother's sister at forty? Before my parents died, they told you to take good care of me." , Are you unwilling to take care of me?"

Wang Dazhi: ...

The police officers who heard Wang Ling's words: ...

Now they don't know that there is a word called giant baby in later generations. If they knew, they would definitely use it on Wang Ling.Because using the word "giant baby" to describe Wang Ling couldn't be more appropriate.

Wang Dazhi was forced to sit aside, listening to Wang Ling talking about how Su Yun, Xiao Lin and the others bullied people, and the daughter of the Song family, Song Yinyin, was also not a good person, and he also sneered at her for a while.

"When I was arguing with that mud-legged Xiao Lin, before his wife Su Yun came out to help, that Song Yinyin came out to help. I think the relationship between the two of them must be unusual."

Wang Ling showed an expression that she had seen through the truth of everything.

Wang Dazhi's head hurts intermittently.

"Xiao Ling..."

"What's wrong, brother?"

"You can contact Guowei, you can go to his side! He is working hard at the border alone."

"I don't go to places with remote conditions. You want me to go unless I die."

Wang Dazhi: ...

For the first time, I felt that the brothers had really spoiled Wang Ling.

After tossing around in the police station for a long time before leaving the police station, he thanked them with kind words to the police, but Wang Ling was more like a leader than Wang Dazhi, walking in front with her toes high and her nose fixed.

Wang Dazhi didn't get along with Wang Ling for too long before, she said she was wronged, and she sent someone to help solve it.Now that he gets along with him personally, he realizes that his sister is so stupid and so unreasonable.

"Minister Wang..."

Zhao Chen came out to see Wang Dazhi off. He reached out and patted Wang Dazhi's shoulder, and said earnestly: "This job is important, and so is family."

How could Wang Dazhi not know?

But what can be done now?
The two brothers and sisters left from the Public Security Bureau. Wang Dazhi proposed to send Wang Ling back to Wanjia in the compound: "I remember that tomorrow seems to be your father-in-law's birthday? You go home and prepare a table of meals for the old man's birthday at home..."

"What are you celebrating? You're not a young man with old bones. Why do you want to celebrate your birthday in style?"

Wang Ling spoke indifferently.

"Wang Ling!"

Wang Dazhi's tone became severe, and he looked at the indifferent Wang Ling with great disapproval: "The older you are, the more you live, and that's your husband's father, your son's grandfather, did you say that?"

Although Wang Dazhi has some flaws in his work or in his own life.But he still pays more attention to traditional filial piety.

Wang Ling curled her lips in disapproval, obviously not paying attention.

"I'll take you back right away."

"I'm not going to their house, I'm going to our own house." Wang Ling didn't want to go back to Wan's house. When she went back and saw the old man and old woman, she thought of her incompetent man...

This time Wang Dazhi could not help Wang Ling come, but resolutely sent him to Wanjia in the compound.

After putting the person down, Wang Dazhi didn't go in either.He repeatedly told Wang Ling not to be too self-willed, and then left.

Wang Ling snorted and opened the door to go in. She didn't care if the house was too deserted, so she went upstairs and went back to her room.

(End of this chapter)

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